What are the websites you have used and found legit to convert Bitcoin to Paypal?

What are the websites you have used and found legit to convert Bitcoin to Paypal?


visit for exchange -bitcoin to PayPal

None. I lost a great deal of money being scammed because I was lured into selling bitcoin at a higher price via PayPal and I waited until I received the PayPal money and sent the bitcoins and actually did two transactions because I was being cautious and low and behold PayPal contacts me and says people are reporting their account was hacked. They said they sent me PayPal without knowing and so Paypal took back the money and of course I protested and they investigated and said so sorry but we stand by our decision to not pay you for a fraud transaction.

Plus they did not want to see my proof I sent bitcoin. So the point is PayPal is REVERSIBLE and therefore away too dangerous to accept PayPal for your bitcoin unless it is a close friend

bitcoin to PayPal

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