What are the other digital currency like Bitcoin?

What are the other digital currency like Bitcoin?


Bitcoin is not the only cryptocurrency. Stellar,, Ethereum,, Lightcoin are available in many cryptocurrency markets. Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency. And ethereum is the second most popular cryptocurrency. You can withdraw your earned ether through ethereum to paypal

The bit coin rate was $0.06 in July 2010

June 2011 $22

June 2012 $6.56

$107.78 in June 2013

$605 in June 2014

$230 in June 2015

$665 in June 2016

$2591 in June 2017

$14891 in December 2017

If you had bought at least 10 bit coins in 2012 for $65, it would have been worth $1,48,000.

Crypto-The effort stake in currency has been going on for a long time. Researchers have learned that a currency that) can (be discovered from cryptography was found in the 80s., But they failed to solve some problems. In2008, an unknown researchersimply sent a research paper to the Internet forum smugly solving the problems. Surprisingly, his solution is useful. His solution is called "Block-Chain" The first'Crypto-Currency'was inventedbased on the block- the chain, called Bitcoin., Becauseof its high, prices, and the growth of the snout,, it is considered as a wealth by most people not a currency.

Then there are many othercrypto-currencies,, such as, Ripple,, Light Coin, etc. But Bitcoinis the first crypto, and many researchers, are ahead of others in being able to attract investors' attention. But anothercrypto-currencythat could suddenly moveforward and bankrupt Bitcoin, a major risk to investment. No one can say which one will go ahead.

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