What are the Future Ready competency

What are the Future Ready competency


It’s that time of year again when people start looking forward to trends and forecasts for the year ahead of them.

For those of us who work in the field of talent development, one of the most exciting developments we are seeing the emergence of a new set of competencies that are crucial for Workplace success which are called the Future ready competency.

These competencies enable individuals to thrive in the digital age and enhance their future readiness.

Following are the five competencies that we have identified to be critical:

1. Integrative Thinking – In the book titled “The Opposable Mind,” Consultant Roger Martin introduces the notion of Integrative Thinking for the first time. Rather than selecting between two competing concepts, he described Integrative Thinking as “the capacity to confront constructively the tension of opposing ideas and develop a creative solution to the tension in the shape of a new thought that comprises parts of both opposing ideas but is superior to both.”

Integrative Thinking enables willingness to learn from other people’s views, even if they differ from our own. This mentality will enable solving complex problems by evaluating the merits of competing models from several angles.

2. Learning Agility – As the workplace has been upended, business models have changed, and technology and sectors have shifted, the desire and capacity to continue learning throughout career is more crucial than ever. Employees today must be learning agile in order to adapt to new company strategies, collaborate across cultures, manage virtual teams, and take on new responsibilities.

Knowing how to learn – knowing what to do when you don’t know what to do — is the essence of learning agility. It’s about taking what you’ve learned and applying it in new ways, as well as adjusting to new situations and possibilities. Remember, It’s never too early (or too late) to improve your ability to learn.

3. Adaptive Mindset – In today’s world of technological upheaval, the ability to embrace change to improve and innovate is crucial. When faced with adversity, an adaptable attitude performs well. It sees challenging situations as chances to innovate and develop, rather than as obstacles to overcome. A growing body of evidence indicates that employees who model adaptable mindsets help to create cultures that react favorably to change, seizing the possibilities it provides while also seeking out others.

4. Empathic Communication – The manner in which we interact with people has an impact on the overall quality of everyone’s lives—as well as our ability to achieve outcomes. Empathic communication is all about paying close attention to another person’s emotions and views while listening with your heart that is free from judgment. The formation of an emotional connection occurs when you make someone feel seen, listened to, and valued. And once that link has been established, communication will have a considerably greater effect.

5. Storytelling – The practice of blending truth and fiction to explain something to your audience is known as storytelling. Some tales are true, while others are inflated or made up to better express the central point. We all relate to Stories, they help to clarify complicated ideas and make complex messages more understandable. Stories inspire, persuade and drive people by tapping into their emotions and revealing both the good and the terrible and, ultimately, motivate action, especially when people across the globe are overwhelmed with data.

The top rising talents listed in the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs study states that professionals turn to strengthen their competencies that highlight the human factor in order to face the challenges of the new world

Thus, It is important for employees to Rediscover, Reassess & Re-quip themselves with the essential competencies to face the challenges of the 21st-century world that is globally active, digitally transforming, collaboratively moving forward, and creatively progressing.

The Changes is an Organization Development consulting firm that aims to build culture & competencies that are vital for success in today’s VUCA World.

Future Ready competency

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