What are NFT tokens for and where are they used?

What are NFT tokens for and where are they used?


NFT tokens solve the problem of assigning ownership of virtual objects. Where can this be relevant? For example, in video games. In projects of varying degrees of popularity and scale, every now and then there are scandals because of various bugs, hacks and controversial decisions of developers who use the "rights of God". In dubious projects, with the easy hand of the administrator any game can be confiscated from the player. However objects tokenized with NFT (like https://nftotters.com) are guaranteed to stay with the user in its original form, because the ownership of the object is confirmed.

 Information about the item's parameters and its owner is written to the blockchain. After that, it is impossible to correct the data (or delete the item). Due to the reliability of this method of storing information, NFT technology has found application in other spheres besides gaming. Today these tokens are used in art, real estate industry, collecting.

This year NFT tokens are distributed by industries as follows:

 NFT tokens.

41% - gaming industry;

29% - collectibles;

13% - real estate industry;

7% - collectible card games;

6% - domain names;

4% - art.

As these statistics suggest, NFT tokens can be used equally effectively to preserve the rights to unique domain names and to capture copyrights in art. In addition, collecting items through NFT is also gaining momentum.


NFT niche has experienced an unprecedented rise in trading volume in 2020, largely due to the attention of famous people and large companies, armed with this technology to "pump up" their projects. Some NFT-projects have been alive and well for several years, and some are just gaining popularity by introducing support for NFT-tokens.

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