What are Full Mouth Dental Implants and Their Advantages?

What are Full Mouth Dental Implants and Their Advantages?


Dental implants are considered a blessed treatment for those people who are suffering from multiple oral issues. It includes:

  • Missing Teeth. 
  • Crack Teeth.
  • Chipped Teeth.
  • And the gap between the teeth.

Implant dentistry in Chandler is a medical proven dental treatment that can replace your natural teeth & tooth roots also restore your oral functionalities and smile. Dental implants help maintain and strengthen bone structure, provide the ability to chew healthy food. Moreover, they also protect existing teeth by helping to preserve bone structure.

Most of you might be thinking, “what if you have multiple missing teeth or missing all most of your teeth”? 

No worries; Full mouth dental implant is an ideal option. It acts as a replacement tooth root to which a complete bridge is attached. For reducing the risk of bone loss, there are four to six teeth implants in each jaw to which one entire dental bridge is attached to replace all your natural teeth.

Let’s Know the Advantages of Full Mouth Implant:

1. Improves Comfort and Safety  

One of the best advantages of full mouth dental implants is that it increases comfort and stability. In this implant, the teeth are attached directly to the jawbone. This procedure is called osseointegration. Moreover, it will provide you with more comfortable eating and chewing hard to hard things like your natural teeth. 

2. Highly Durable

If you maintain proper oral hygiene, then there is no durable dental procedure like a dental implant. It can last longer for a lifetime or at least 40 to 50 years as compared to other teeth replacement methods. 

3. Require little Maintenance

Another advantage of a full mouth implant is that it can be maintained like natural teeth. Like other procedure dentures or crowns, you don’t need to remove it every day for cleaning. Besides, no maintenance or repair is required, as it often happens with other denture options. 

You can brush them with your regular brush or toothpaste twice a day. Also, there is no requirement of glue and creams to soak them overnight. However, you don’t need to do anything extra or more specific to the implants. 

4. Prevents Bone Loss

Dental sealants in Mesa or implants help to prevents bone loss. It is because these implants are surgically placed in your jawbone. It means they maintain your jaw healthy or intact and keep them away from resorbing.  

5. Restore your confidence and smile

Dental implants restore your confidence when you smile. These implants are the closest to natural teeth as it looks and function like the same. People who feel ashamed due to chipped and crack teeth, with full mouth dental implants they feel confident, more socially active, and happier overall.

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