What are CryptoKitties?

What are CryptoKitties?



The virtual cat made using ethereum blockchain. Ethereum is the most renowned cryptocurrency and the main advantage is you will cash your earnings through ethereum to paypal

 .Every animal in this game is unique,, one is not matched with the other. Each crypto-kitty has 256 bits of genome code.

Like the common animal, crypto-kitty also has two different-sex cats capable of generating virtual reproduction. The digital DNA of cats can provide up to 400 million different characteristics.

Some cryptocurrencies may seem like a picture of a cat alive.

How much cryptocurrency costs?

There are different price kitty. Kitty worth less than a dollar, as much as a kitty worth more than a hundred thousand dollars. Kitty is the most expensive selling kitty ever. The first kit sold for 246.9 Ether (about $17,000) was originally from the original generation (Generation Zero).

Ether can only be used to buy cryptocurrency. This is why you have to install a wallet called Metamask in the browser. Cryptokitz will then be recharged from an exchange and played.

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