What am i doing to fight COVID19? Here are some tips

What am i doing to fight COVID19? Here are some tips


A lot of people might feel anxious for staying at home in order to fight this virus.

So what am i doing to fight it? What i will be writing are just some tips for you.

Spending Time:

  • Doing some recipes found online like bread, pizza and many others found on youtube
  • For my kids, i play and teach them new games with papers or other types of games playable inside my house. Also i instruct them how to play online games found at app store with a tablet or websites friv or nickjr depending on their age. I also teach them to draw colorful things. Kids sometimes might want to move more so in order to improvise i setup a music and dance with them. Also i found on youtube and practices some "kids workout" videos. If you do not have internet ask your neighbor for their WiFi pass only for a few months even with a small payment as a good gesture.
  • Talk with your relatives via video calls to pass more time and ask them how they are doing and feeling and also be positive and give them tips like i am giving.
  • Watch movies or play games if you can. Don't over do it.
  • Do not watch news that are a little depressing for you to hear. Fear can cause anxiety so protect your self.

2. Food and resources:

  • Find online delivery if are available on your zone for groceries food delivery
  • Buy only for a week worth of food, DO NOT panic buy because you leave others without any resources and no one wants that. Ask locals to do this in order to be a stronger community that can hold together from any panic actions from fear.
  • Plan ahead of time if you are doing groceries outside and protect yourself from touching any unnecessary surface or products.
  • Improve health and immune system:
  • Pick a diet online and keep eating healthy foods that include vitamins, carbs and proteins. Do keep a balance by not overdoing it. You can find a list of vitamins that are naturally inside specific foods here https://imgur.com/v2O4Ol3
  • Exercise at home. The most simple way is using a broomstick and holding with your hands, trying to set 20 repeats for different moves and rotations. Try to do a run without moving in speed but moving your legs and hands. Also do push-ups and belly workout found on Youtube.
  • Try breathing exercises to improve your immune system with methods like the breathing technique instructed by "Wim Hof" found on Youtube.
  • Listen to long music for healing meditation and relax. There is plenty videos on YT. Those kind of music can chill your fears and anxiety.

By doing those tips anyone can surpass fears. We do not need to fear, we just need to be careful and caring.

Keep doing the instruction provided by WHO to fight the virus by being clean and not touching eyes, nose and mouth with your hands. The number of infected is just a statistical number to show how careless people where. You be today careful today and tomorrow the number will be lower.

Live your life HEALTHY, FEARLESS, HYGIENIC, CAREFUL and with PATIENCE we all will WIN.

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