What Your Alcoholic Drink of Choice Says About Your Personality

What Your Alcoholic Drink of Choice Says About Your Personality

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Gin and tonic drinkers are sophisticated(утонченные)

“Gin and tonic drinkers love the exotic, tropical Indian roots of this drink (though it was really invented in London),”. They are the ‘cool’ one in their friend group, and have had an interesting, enviable(завидная) career.

Craft beer drinkers pay attention to the little details

“People used to drink beer to fit in(вписываться) and they still do. However, there’s now a subclass: craft beer drinkers—the new wine snobs,”.

Wine drinkers are super social

“Wine drinkers are most likely to spill(проболтать) a few secrets—their own or others,”.

Classic gin martini drinkers are mysterious

“Classic gin martini drinkers are born traditionalists. They don’t really like it when people order dirty martinis, except that the people who do are usually lots of fun at parties,”. Gin martini drinkers know how to hold their liquor, and approach drinking as refined aficionados(поклонники изысканного). Classic gin martini drinkers are also quite mysterious, intellectual, and have a way of capturing your attention.

Champagne lovers have excellent taste

Your life is, in a word: ravishing(восхитительна). For most, champagne is a celebratory drink. For you, it doesn’t require an occasion because life is grand(великолепна) and everyday should be treated as such. You give very definitive answers, but express your opinions eloquently(красноречиво).

Margarita drinkers aren’t afraid to be themselves

There are two sects of margarita drinkers: those who like them frozen, and those who like them on the rocks with lime. If you typically go for a frozen margarita, you love to dance and you’re not ashamed about the fact that you love tacky party decorations. If you like your margarita on the rocks, you can hang with the best of them. You’ll strike up(начинать) a conversation with anyone, and love leaving your group to meet new friends.

Single malt(односолодовый) drinkers are mature(зрелый) and well-informed

“Single malt drinkers know exactly how their whiskey should be served,” . They have a very advanced understanding of alcohol, but never feel the need to brag about it (unlike certain wine collectors). Single malt drinkers are mature, in that they prefer sipping(потягивать) and savoring their drinks.

Rum and cola drinkers are young at heart

“Rum and cola drinkers struggle to choose between a Hawaiian or bowling shirt for a night out,”. But who cares? Being young at heart is what makes them so fun to have around.

Mojito drinkers are worldly

Mojito drinkers dont’t mind annoying their bartenders, who hate how difficult these drinks are to prepare. Nevertheless, mojitos are the official ‘I’m well-traveled’ drink. These people have had countless adventurous experiences they’ll tell you all about. They typically have small but profound tattoos, most likely written in a foreign language.

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