What Will The Doctor Visit Of The Future Look Like?

What Will The Doctor Visit Of The Future Look Like?

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Our world is constantly evolving, and the medical field is no exception. The doctor visit of the future may look a lot different from the doctor visit of today. Below are some of the things that you could possibly expect from the doctor visit of the future:

Virtual Doctor Visits

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You may be able to see your doctor without even setting foot in the office in the near future. Brian from a provider credentialing company says that virtual doctor visits may seem a little far-fetched, but they are already being used in many places.

Juanita Wood is one of the many people who is taking advantage of virtual doctor visits. She has a device that transmits her health information to her doctor. The device takes her blood pressure, blood sugar and weight based on the information she enters.

This device makes things easier for both doctors and patients. Doctors are able to diagnose problems without having the patient come in the office. This helps save the patient’s time and money. Virtual doctor visits can also help prevent common health conditions from occurring.

Furthermore, virtual doctor’s visits make things easier for the patient. Most people do not feel like getting off of the couch when they are sick. Juanita Wood has had a history of fainting incidents. She is hoping that these virtual doctor’s visits will help prevent health problems from occurring in the future.

Becky Wai is the Spokesperson for Vsee, which is an online video service. She stated that there were 909 million doctor visits last year. She also stated that half of these doctor’s visits could have been done remotely.

Dr. Ray Dorsey is the director of neurology telemedicine at John Hopkins Medicine. He believes that virtual doctor’s visits are better because many patients feel like their doctor listens to them more during a virtual doctor visit.

Shared Medical Visits

Shared medical visits are beginning to grow in popularity. Six percent of medical practices used shared doctor visits in 2005. In 2010, that number jumped to 13 percent.

When people hear about shared medical visits, they think that there will be strangers in the room while they are being examined. However, it does not exactly work that way.

Each patient will get his or her own physical examination. After that, everyone will sign a privacy form. The patients and the doctor will meet to discuss wellness ideas.

Experts are hoping that shared medical visits will help improve patient care. The typical medical examination lasts anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes whereas a shared medical visit can last up to two hours. People will pay the same price for a shared medical visit that they would for a regular office visit.

The demand for doctors is growing in the United States. In fact, it is estimated that the United States doctor shortage will increase to 92,000 by the year 2020. Shared doctor visits will allow people to see more patients in one day.

One doctor who uses shared medical visits said that she was able to see twice as many patients as she normally did.

Supero Healthcare Solutions is a leading provider credentialing company serving doctors across the United States.

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