What Was Rosa Parks Courageous

What Was Rosa Parks Courageous

What Was Rosa Parks Courageous๐Ÿ˜

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Socialization is how an individual participates in society. All sociologists believe that this statement is true but they have different views on how societies are structured. The consensus theory is the approach adopted by Functionalists. Functionalists view education as a positive aspect. They believe that education is very beneficial and important for the affiliation of society. The heritage assessment methodology is very important in some significant ways. To begin with, the patients draw satisfaction from the positive results of the heritage assessment. Its use also results to patients being effectively cared for. When the care provider have the background knowledge of the culture of the patients, the patients is likely to receive respectful and quality care from the care provider. This is because the care provider will be aware of the specific values and preferences of the patient. Reflecting on this clinical practice has been unquestionably beneficial to me. It is helped me ascertain further information about dignity and the importance of it. It has also allowed me to evaluate the care I give and develop personally and professionally. Using the Gibbs reflective framework has enabled me to look at all aspects of the clinical practice and gain essential information relating the maintenance of dignity. I have found this assignment of reflecting extremely interesting and have enjoyed learning new things about myself and the care I give in clinical practice. This quote proves how appreciating instead of us complaining can give a lot. Including good vibrations. The image that is created of a person in society is based on the actions and the way a person talks along with their attitude. This proves how thankfulness will just help the image of yours to be even greater in society. Reflection is a meaningful part of spiritual growth because it forces us to look at what we believe, why we believe what we do, and what we do with the new information we learn Haack, As we look at what we believe, it forces us to take inventory of our beliefs and values. Reflection into what I believed provided me with a list of beliefs and values, and I was able to confirm if my values lined up with my beliefs. When my values and beliefs did not line up I had to reconcile these, which lead to more spiritual growth. The goal of positive psychology is to assist individuals in creating meaningful lives through the promotion of positive emotions, individual character strengths, as well as, happiness, as key components to optimal mental health. So happiness to Seligman is an important component and essential but it is not the ultimate end as Aristotle views. Despite some qualms I have with the way I was raised, it did instill a sound appreciation for how important it is to have an understanding and positive interpersonal relationships. My parents, and other significant others in my life such as my husband and close friends, all played important parts in the development of my self-concept and perception. They helped me to have a realistic perception of myself with realistic expectations, and to find the drive to change a distorted and obsolete. Working to Become A Diverse Group Counselor A personal goal of mine, as a future counselor, is to become a diverse group leader. I desire to lead groups with cultural sensitivity and not limit members because of ethnicity, gender, religion, class, etc. My goal is to pursue a considerable amount of information on culture and the issues surrounding it, while conducting a therapeutic group. I desire to use culture as an advantage in my. It is engaging completely, paying attention to change of thoughts, emotions, and body language. Then I learned the importance as a counselor to mirror back the same tone and body language because it can greatly impact the counseling relationship. I should also restate what I heard to let the client know I was listening and understand. I learned that these things help show empathy to the. I realized that I should try to live the the simple, joyful life my grandpa had lived. Also, I realized that I should start living in the moment, and try to be kinder to others. I believe the rite of passage I experienced was very important because it led me to try to live my life as a better person. Rites of passages are extremely important in developing someone into a better person because they gain much knowledge from their experience. Rites of passage is also important because it is crucial to our development as human beings. The key competency that I have is my ability to care because I genuinely care about how a person feels and who they are as an individual. Not only being a recreational therapy major have I grown as an individual in this characteristic but, also working in residence life as a community assistant here at Slippery Rock have grew as a person. I have to build this relationship so that they feel comfortable in their living environment. Also the number of residents I have will be around what I would have if not more than I will in the professional setting since I have fifty residents. Theoretical approaches are an understandably integral part of the therapeutic process. As an upcoming vocational rehabilitation counselor I found myself pondering with so many different methods out there, how do you know which counseling approach works best for each client. Actually I found myself using a holistic approach various elements of different theories. In becoming a vocational rehabilitation counselor, I would like to be skilled in using the techniques and psychotherapy tools best suited for each particular client. Lastly, I am most like Ralph because I like to be in charge. I like to be in charge, not only because people will listen to me but because I can make the rules. Ralph is in charge in the book because he is the leader of the biguns and littluns. Ralph also likes being in charge because he doesn 't want their chance of survival to decrease and he only wants them to have a good outcome. I like being in charge because I am also someone who likes for other people to have good outcome and I want to help ensure that they are going to have a good outcome in the end Hudson 3 after all. I plan on accomplishing this by focusing not on differences but instead on similarities. When we focus on differences we are placing divisions amongst ourselves. Personally, I wish to grow as a person by becoming more empathetic and caring towards people and their needs. To further develop my effective listening skills so that I really and truly hear my clients so they feel validated as individuals and are motivated to change. Professionally, it is my intent to develop lasting relationships that will provide the support needed to be successful in this field. My mission as a social researcher has been enhanced by this course. No longer do I see the purpose of my research to only be to provide ways to enhance learning outcomes. I feel that my personal purpose now includes a mission that is to preserve and document the stories and experiences of our era. This excites me as my field has become much more useful to a wider audience, as even out of date research becomes valuable as it is preserved to give insight into the historical. What defines me as who I am as a person today are relatively my attitude, my personal values and beliefs to life that developed throughout my life. Generally, my family members, friends and the experiences I had contribute to my sense of who I am and how I view the world. I certainly have an affinity for humanistic approach because it emphasized that every person has their own unique way to perceive and make sense of world. The reason I chose this theory because I feel it holds true to my personality development compared and I like his concept and emphasis on the importance of the self-actualizing tendency in shaping human personalities. This is mainly because I feel I am more responsible for. Show More. Read More. Heritage Assessment Words 4 Pages The heritage assessment methodology is very important in some significant ways. The Four Sights In Siddhartha's Life Words 5 Pages Reflection is a meaningful part of spiritual growth because it forces us to look at what we believe, why we believe what we do, and what we do with the new information we learn Haack, Similarities Between Aristotle And Martin Seligman Words 4 Pages The goal of positive psychology is to assist individuals in creating meaningful lives through the promotion of positive emotions, individual character strengths, as well as, happiness, as key components to optimal mental health. Essay On Overprotective Parenting Words 4 Pages Despite some qualms I have with the way I was raised, it did instill a sound appreciation for how important it is to have an understanding and positive interpersonal relationships. My Counseling Residency Words 5 Pages It is engaging completely, paying attention to change of thoughts, emotions, and body language. Summary Of The Therapeutic Relationship Words 5 Pages The key competency that I have is my ability to care because I genuinely care about how a person feels and who they are as an individual. Protective Services Case Study Words 2 Pages I plan on accomplishing this by focusing not on differences but instead on similarities. Ct Week 1 Reflection Words 2 Pages My mission as a social researcher has been enhanced by this course. Related Topics. Open Document.

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