What The Fuck To Eat

What The Fuck To Eat


What The Fuck To Eat

the fuck it diet®

(eating should be easy)

-- How Dieting Affects Our Bodies
What is a good relationship with food?!
Leaving Fundamentalism and Finding Trauma Healing
Diet & Purity Culture in the Church
When Anti-Diet Culture Becomes Culty Too
Anxiety and The F*ck It Diet
I’ve Been on The F*ck It Diet for 10 Years
Africa Brooke: Why Cancel Culture is Collective Sabotage
F*ck It Skincare with Jessica DeFino
PCOS and The F*ck It Diet
Cultish with Amanda Montell
A Chat with The Thick Nutritionist
Why I’m going on a podcast hiatus (I’ll be back!!!)
We Need Inclusive Fitness!
When in Doubt: Eat a Snack & Take a Nap
All of the mistakes I made with Intuitive Eating
Chat with My High School Best Friend: Healing Our Disordered Eating & Diet Culture During Pregnancy
The Problem With (Most) New Year’s Resolutions
What to Say to a Doctor
Laziness Does Not Exist
You Can Trust Your Cravings (Listener Stories + Q&A)
Veganism During Recovery & Overeater’s Anonymous
How Much Food is Too Much Food?
Back when I was a raw vegan…
Pandemic Boundaries with Edie Stark
Who Are You Calling Fat?!?!
Let’s Talk About Bingeing
I’m too overheated to make a good podcast episode
Chrissy King on Shrinking vs. Strength
Diet Culture Demonizes Cultural Foods
What About Alcohol?
ANOTHER Bonus Q&A Episode
Identity & Body Autonomy with Sonalee Rashatwar (AKA The Fat Sex Therapist)
Bonus! Quarantine Q&A
Let’s Talk About Weight Loss Surgery
Bonus Minisode: Let Yourself off the Hook
Let’s Talk About Diabetes
Summer Innanen (+ Bonus! My Sister’s Secrets…)
Scarcity Mentality & Empty Grocery Shelves
Let’s Talk About Weight Set Point
Disordered Eating in Nutrition School with Maddie Deakin
Dietitian Anna on Refeeding Symptoms & Chasing Miracle Cures
Christy Harrison & her book Anti-Diet
My Chat with Your Fat Friend
When You Worry You’re Being Irresponsible
What About Vegetarianism?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Can I Stop Dieting Even If I Have Diabetes or PCOS???
Answering Questions on Intermittent Fasting and More!
My Book is Out! (+ Q&As)
Is This the Same as Intuitive Eating?
I am Not an Authority on Body Image
Isn’t This Irresponsible?
The Truth About Weight Stigma
Why Do People Swear By Keto?
But Aren’t There Foods That Are Objectively… Shitty?
Weight Control as a “Core Value”
How do I grocery shop now that nothing is off limits?
Lowering the Stakes
How To Eat Like a Normal Person
What’s Going to Happen With My Weight?
The Way Diets Work
Honoring the Jankiness From Whence I Came
I shouldn’t be this hungry…
Chronic Yo-Yo Dieting IS Disordered
Calories In vs Calories Out is BS
What to Expect
The Most Important Thing You Can Do.
Portion Control is a Diet
Cheese is a Health Food
6 Years Ago I Said “Fuck This Shit”
You Can’t Keep Politics Out Of It
Emotional Eating n’ Stuff
Health, Health, What About My Health
Good Teacher vs. Cult Leader
Emotional Eating
Sugar Addiction?
The Worst Thing About Being on a Diet
Do I Have to be Spiritual?
How to Start
Are you still waiting to NOT be hungry?
Why Won’t I Go to School for Nutrition?
Isabel Foxen Duke – Stop Fighting Food
The Fear of Being Ugly
Am I Anti-Intuitive Eating?
The Fear of Being Ugly
Fat Shaming is Trauma
The Reasons You’re So Tired
This is not a Cure-All
4 Symbolic Things You Should Do For Yourself
The Fuck It Diet Themes
Intuitive Eating Mistakes
Being Unwilling to Gain Weight
TFID and Chronic Illnesses
Minnesota Starvation Experiment
We Just Wanted to be Responsible
Reading My Newer Posts
The Ones Who Have Influenced Me
Melissa Fabello & Skin Hunger
“You Can’t Be Intuitive When…
What I Have Learned (over 5 years)
Metabolism Logic
Has My Metabolism Healed Yet?!
It’s Going to Be Hard
In Defense of All The Scary Foods
This Has Always Been Magical to Me
You’re Not In Your Body
Fuck Flattering
I reject your rules.
What’s the Cause?
The Fuck It Diet is Temporary
3 Easy Ways to Access Intuition
Why I’m Going on Two Years of Rest.
The Fuck It Diet and Alcohol
The Fuck It Diet Guarantee
Confidence in Eating (lots of food)
Reading My Old Blog Posts
Let’s Talk Privilege
Lindo Bacon, author of Body Respect and HAES
I Know Why You’re Bingeing
I Un-Quit Sugar
The Reason your Intuitive Eating Won’t Work
On Binge Eating Disorder
My Food Journey
The reason you’re so hungry
On Balance
I used to think sugar was the cause of ALL MY ISSUES
How I Eat Now
You can’t train your body to want less food
Health and Food
How Do I Know What To Eat?
Do NOT Try To Eat Mindfully
Christy Harrison, anti-diet dietitian
The reason your eating is WHACK
Food Shoulds
Why Intuitive Eating Isn’t Working
Mental Restriction
Why Focusing on Weight is Disastrous
You’ve never been obese so you wouldn’t understand
The Stages of my Own Fuck It Diet
The F*ck It Diet Basics
Limiting Beliefs, and why you need to know about them
Secrets From the Eating Lab
Is The Fuck It Diet just GIVING UP on My Health?
What Are You REALLY Looking For?
Your Brain on Restriction
Starvation Response
How to Think About Nutrition
Are You In Your Body?
It DOES Matter How You Eat
What We Know About Weight is Wrong!
Why I Gained Weight
Why is The Fuck It Diet Different?
Success Story: Embrace This Process
Organic Food and The Fuck It Diet
Success Story: It Gets Better
Are You Still Fighting Food?
I Just Won’t Eat Too Much
Other People Can Be Fat, Just Not Me
PCOS and The Fuck It Diet
Still Feel Like Letting Go is Unhealthy?
How Do You Use Makeup?
What’s it Like to Be Normal Around Food?
What do you REALLY want?
Let Your Diet Choose YOU
New Year’s Resolutions Are Stupid
What Are You Avoiding?
Are You Giving Away Your Power?!
What are your BELIEFS about eating?
There IS a way to stop fighting food
Do You Talk About Your Food Obsession?
Why I Don’t Teach Intuitive Eating
Perfect Health Doesn’t Exist
Q & A: Is Food Addiction Real?
Don’t Do Portion Control
Will I Ever Stop Constantly Thinking About Food?
Be the Change (and also F*** IT)
You Are Not On This Earth to be SMALL
You Can Get A Lot Done When You’re Not Obsessing Over Food
In Defense of Beer, Wine, and Liquor
I Shouldn’t Finish This Meal
Stop Exercising
Don’t Shrink Yourself Away
I Can’t Believe I Was So Afraid of Sugar
In Defense of Mindless Eating
Who Would You Be
Q & A: How do you eat whatever you want, while dealing with hormone imbalances and insulin resistance?
Q&A: How Can I Accept My Body If I Know I Am More Attractive When I’m Thinner?
What is Disordered Eating
How to Start Loving Your Body NOW
The “Healthy Version” of Intuitive Eating
In Defense of Emotional Eating
As if Being Fat is the Worst Thing
The Perfect Diet
When Does the Body-Image-Thing Get Better?
Food is Not Your Weakness
The Nourishing Mentality Success
In Defense of Calories Part II: Calories Aren’t Bad For You
In Defense of Calories
What Paleo Taught Me
Eating the Smallest Amount Possible
In Defense of Caffeine and Coffee
Body Acceptance in Intuitive Eating
Intuitive Eating Myth: Perfect Stopping Point
So What About Emotional Eating?
In Defense of Dairy
Cravings Don’t Need To Be Fought {Sugar Part 2}
In Defense of Midnight Snacks
Let’s Talk Body Image
The Key to Stopping When You’re Full
Margaret Cho and The “Fuck It” Diet
In Defense of Fat
In Defense of Sugar {Part 1}
Body Freedom: Don’t Wait For Thin to Feel Good
Intuitive Eating: How Do I Know What My Body Wants To Eat?
Letting Go of Health Perfectionism
Why I Don’t Do Cardio Anymore
When Does Real Food Become a Problem?
Everything Is Good For You: Starting to Bust Food Phobias
Show Me The Science

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This blog title is actually a common search term people use who end up finding my site.
We are so afraid of our cravings. We seem to think that if we just eliminated cravings, we would be so healthy and happy and be-a-u-tiful!
But here is a little secret: if you didn’t have cravings, you might actually die. Because you wouldn’t care to eat. And you wouldn’t eat what your body needed. You’d keep eating salads when your body really needed carbs. You’d keep eating fish when your body really needed fruit. You’d keep eating polenta when your body really needed some fat.
Cravings are not the villains we think they are.
This applies to you both if you are in the midst of what feels like Binge Eating Disorder, or if you are now completely normal with food.
If you currently feel out of control with food, you probably think that cravings are your enemy. You’re probably in the camp of “if only I didn’t have cravings…”
But the more you resist those cravings, the stronger they will be. Most people crave carbs because they actually need them. If you’re restricting, the body wants to re-feed. It needs surplus. It needs calories. And if you’re craving dense foods, there is a reason for that. It’s the easiest way to fix your body from it’s low metabolic state. The body wants to know that there is enough. Feeding it carbs will take it out of that low metabolic, starvation, is there a famine state.
The sooner you allow cravings, the sooner you will give the body what it needs, and allow your mind to lessen the power of those foods too.
If you are someone who is normal with food, that means you’re already giving into your cravings, and you know that following what you desire is the best way to feel fed, satiated, and truly be able to hear what you truly need, ongoing.
If you deny what you’re body is craving, there is a backup. The body believes that it can’t get what it needs and so it just tries to speak up louder. This is the cause of lots of bingeing.
Just listen to your cravings. It’s the closest thing to loud intuition you’ll ever experience.

This is a place where you can ask for advice on many subjects. Everybody has issues that they run into, and everyone needs advice every now and again. This is Reddit's very own solution-hub.
I heard most if not all meats were carcinogenic. I feel like i have some cognitive dissonance because I workout almost daily, and meat is the one thing I use to gain a caloric surplus and gain muscle, while on the other hand I feel like I should be concerned about this cancer risk. There is also the fact that my main source of food is based around my college meal plan which consists of meat wraps, burgers, chinese food, italian food, and pizza. There doesnt seem to be a way out where I can have my cake and eat it too, because when I think it over, and weigh my options, I always come to the same conclusion. ill run you through my thought process. Ok, so meats are bad. lets say I cut meats out all together. then id have to only eat salads, because thats the only other thing my campus sells on my meal plan besides all that other crap. I cant go to target and get ingredients because like i just said, im on a strict meal plan. For me it just feels like a matter of either gaining muscle and cancer, or staying the same and no cancer. The answer seems obvious right? go vegan and lower your cancer risk. but should I just stop exercising too? if im eating that low a calorie count then i feel like the exercise would start becoming a detriment to me rather than a benefit. So the only option for no cancer i can see is either become a vegan and stop working out, or stay a meat eater and keep working out. I feel like I have to choose with no compromises, when I know that shouldnt be the case. any advice?
why not watch "for the health of it' and "fork over knives" on netfixl...after you watch those then you wont need to panic
You’re not going to get out of life alive anyways. Chill out about it and enjoy good meals.
Pretty much everything we do can cause cancer. Obviously you shouldn’t do something high risk that causes it almost always like smoking or like huffing asbestos particles or something, but honestly you could be the healthiest eater on earth and still have your cells fuck up when replicating. But, if you’re really really worried about it, there are some good plant-based protein powders, and high-protein drinks like Silk’s 10g protein/serving almond/cashew milk, if that’s sold near you. There are also vegan protein bars that are pretty tasty (I have to use these because of my allergy to dairy).

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