What “SITO Travel” offers

What “SITO Travel” offers

Combining our extensive knowledge of the area with our experience in management in the Incoming sector allows us to provide the best solution for the mythical "JOURNEY TO IRAN". Nowadays the market offer is so varied that it can leave you undecided and perplexed, but don't worry! We have learned to listen, and we can help you achieve your goals.

SITO Travel in addition to the basic services (air ticket, visa assistance, hotel booking, standard tour) offers personalized itineraries for every type of traveler: cultural, historical-archaeological, photographic, sports or adventurous.

We can also suggest routes that are suitable for your needs: Iran tour by camper, desert tour, professional photographer tour, motorbike or bicycle tour, tour for the blind, in collaboration with the "Compagnia del Relax" agency, accessible to various skilled people and any other special trips you may request.

This is the only method to fully immerse yourself in the history, nature, ancient culture and religion of ancient Persia.

We have the experience and talent to make your dream a reality.


Sito Travel's philosophy is Customer Orientation. Our mission is to ensure that you are completely satisfied with your Sito Travel experience. For this to happen, it is important for us to establish a relationship with you, making you feel part of our family, so that you can feel our closeness from the moment of the first contact until the end of the trip.

Nothing makes us happier than knowing that you have experienced the culture and hospitality of Iranians that you greeted them with a renewed desire to return.

SITO Travel is characterized by the speed of responses, the high quality of services and the optimal management of the local offer.

Two times the Ministry of Industry's prestigious sector recognition "Customer satisfaction" has been given to us for our customer satisfaction.

P.C 1599815413. No. 12, Bimeh Alley, Villa St., Karim Khan St., Tehran / Iran



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