🈯️ What REFUND is this?

🈯️ What REFUND is this?

@bwrfeed, Blackwater™ International, Buy n Large™ Group

What is REFUND? Literally from English, the term "Refund" is translated as "reimbursement". This process occurs when you buy and receive various items, such as a phone, laptop, or clothing, and the company from which you purchased the item voluntarily refunds you the full purchase price. We do this for a certain percentage of the cost of your order, so for you the cost of the goods is 5-7 times cheaper than the original price.

It can be fairly assumed that Refund is illegal, but here it is worth clarifying a few points that will give an understanding that it is absolutely safe.

1️⃣ First, it is not profitable for corporations to hire a team of lawyers who are not cheap, just for the sake of a couple of hundred dollars reimbursed.

2️⃣ Secondly, there are many real cases of problems with delivery, when instead of the ordered goods, customers receive some "air".

3️⃣ Thirdly, and most importantly, the loyalty of the buyer is important for stores, so they will do everything to ensure that the buyer is satisfied and returns again.

How do we work?

First of all, a successful refund lies in the joint work of the client with the service provider. Therefore, to begin with, you need to read the articles in the main section in order to understand what needs to be done for a competent order and a successful refund.

After getting acquainted with the necessary information, you need to write to the admin or support so that we explain all the incomprehensible points.

After the order arrives to your address, mail forwarder, or in your country (if the store supports direct shipping), we will immediately begin our work.

To work, we need information, namely:

- mail (this should not be personal mail, register dummies specifically for refound, yahoo.com, aol.com, etc. will do. Orders via mail with two-factor authentication are not accepted for work;

- an account from the store; Account after the successful completion of the order is taken away!

- if a dedic (dedicated server) or proxy was used, they must also be provided.

Important! The terms of work depend on the specific store and case, so the work can take either 30 minutes or 30 days.

After we complete our work, you will receive a message in the mail that the money will be returned. This, in fact, will mean the end of the work, then the matter is small, only to pay for the service received. Letter example:

Other examples of work in this telegram channel

⚠️ Prepare the necessary amount to pay for our services in advance.

If we understand that they wanted to deceive us, then we will make every effort to cancel the refund, in addition, sanctions will be applied in the form of blacklisting stores, and all data will be leaked to the public in the Consumables section (even if the order is made on unreal name, it will not be difficult to find a real customer).

‼️ Important ‼️
A. Payment of the percentage for the order occurs within 24 hours after confirmation of the return from the store to your e-mail or store account. In the event of a delay in payment, the refund will be canceled immediately.
B. After we start work, we take your account in the store. After completion of work, the account is not returned!

💲 Payment for service is accepted through:

  • USDT, BTC, LTC etc
By ordering our service, you agree that you have read this material in its entirety and understand what Refund is that.

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Created by BLACKWATER™ International [BWR Network]
Subsidiary of the Buy n Large™ Group © 2017-2022

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