What Not To Say To Someone With Ptsd

What Not To Say To Someone With Ptsd





The condition occurs after a person experiences a traumatic event like sexual assault and violence

Truth: PTSD is commonly overlooked and often goes undetected Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Explains what post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is, including possible causes and how you can access treatment and support . It’s not unusual for a man or woman to enter the service as one person and emerge as someone markedly different Perhaps the easiest way is to simply be a good listener .

In people not living with PTSD, REM sleep is kind of like therapy; it’s an adrenaline-free environment where the brain can process its memories while stripping away the emotional edges

A new study has measured the impact of working during the pandemic on NHS workers’ mental health Schanzer says that those suffering from PTSD should seek prolonged exposure or cognitive processing therapy, as both . Therefore more or less exposure to trauma does not necessarily make the C-PTSD any more or less severe RELATED: What It's Like to Be Married to Someone with PTSD At the time, I was married, and my relationship suffered .

The topic under discussion is PTSD, not clinical depression (btw - it's not called clinical depression any more - it's now known as major depressive disorder, to better distinguish it from run-of-the-mill depression that everyone gets once in a while and that's completely normal)

Complex trauma, while not officially listed in the DSM-5, is still widely recognized by clinicians and survivors alike as a form of PTSD that occurs due to prolonged exposure to trauma – particularly interpersonal trauma, in which there was abuse and/or neglect that led to a significant imbalance of power After more than 20 years as a reporter for WGN-Channel 9, Marcella Raymond says she’s suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder because of her job . Sometimes you just need to Breathe and when that becomes hard you push thru and take your time out and hand over heart and you feel it and you make it slow down Doctors say ketamine can sometimes help patients with hard-to-treat depression or PTSD go from ‘acutely suicidal to cured .

And we know your texts, calls and melatonin care packages are full of good intentions, but if it’s not your reality, insomnia can be difficult to fully understand, so please, we beg of you, stay away from these ten things people tend to say—and use our three favorite phrases of encouragement instead

Talking to someone who will help you understand your past is important And I don’t want to be lumped into a category — PTSD is so broad and hurting people has never been an issue . When someone who has posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) tells you about the illness, she also entrusts you with an important piece of her life Starting with an open mind and a patient heart is a great first step, but don't stop there .

I felt so fearful of them – his behavior really pushed me over the edge

Despite all that, PTSD is still taboo, something a lot of people try not to acknowledge or don't want to talk Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a pathological anxiety disorder resulting after exposure to a traumatic event . The driving force of Jun’s pain in PTSD is her not being able to reconcile her past self as a soldier with her current situation as a homeless veteran While it’s good to be a companion to someone who struggles with PTSD, make sure you’re not trying to “ fix ” them .

When someone close to you has a mental illness, it's hard to know what to say - and no matter how good your intentions, some suggestions or If you need to talk to someone about mental illness or a crisis in your life, please consider calling Lifeline on 13 11 14, beyondblue on 1300 22 4636, or the

Loss of effective communication damages chances for a person with PTSD to be able to conduct a successful interview or pass classes Prevention of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Parents cannot prevent all tragedy, but may work to prevent some types of traumatic events by: Teaching children that it is OK to say NO to someone who tries to touch their body or approach them in any way that makes them feel uncomfortable . Courtney Vucekovich, a Dallas-based app founder, told DailyMail 24/7 free, confidential phone line that connects individuals in crisis with trained counselors across the United States .

You have it easier I said this a month or so ago whilst I was going through a rough time (when am I not these days?), at the time, my judgement was clouded by what was going on at the time

Screening for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Advertisement If you suspect that you might suffer from PTSD, answer the questions below, print out the results and share them with your health care professional And here's how to say it: Oh-one-seven-one, triple two, double three, double four . For example, while someone with PTSD may feel depressed following a natural disaster, someone with C-PTSD may feel helpless, shameful, or completely different from other people following years of neglect or abuse After years of suffering from PTSD-induced nightmares, Patrick has found relief thanks to his son .

The inner critic is not capable of foreseeing that it’s not the child’s shortcomings that caused their parents’ rejections, it’s the parents’ shortcomings

Could Ecstasy Help People With Anxiety, PTSD? Small study sheds light on how the club drug affects the brain FRIDAY, Jan Instead of living in our protective mechanisms, we start to notice them . When people we care about are experiencing anxiety, we often want to offer support, but sometimes what we say may have unintended consequences People with complex PTSD often find it difficult to trust other people .

To speak with someone who is trained to help with these situations, call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800

Not remembering a traumatic event or avoiding the memory is a classic symptom of PTSD, along with recurrent nightmares, flashbacks, irritability and feeling distant from other people But, if you're like most people, you probably mean well but don't realize that Drug addiction is a complex condition, and when someone develops an addiction, it's typically the result of multiple factors including physical . What constitutes a traumatic event is somewhat subjective—it’s all about how a person experiences the event Additionally, when they are out in public, they try to avoid large crowds .

Living with a person who is dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can be a real challenge

One of the determining factors seems to be the feeling of extreme helplessness at the time the trauma occurred: people who don’t feel helpless are able to process the experience in their usual way Crosby has been applying for benefits with the VA for his post-traumatic stress disorder since 2015 and has been denied twice — not because the VA does not think he has PTSD, but because the . Hoffman is right to say that ‘trauma therapy’ can never be a exact science Healing from C-PTSD involves recognizing that there is another way to live .

Givers need to set limits because takers rarely do

Yet we don't obsess with why and how someone got any serious disease like a heart condition, cancer, dementia, Parkinson's Something is traumatic when it is very frightening, overwhelming and causes a lot of distress . Let’s not forget, though, that experience can also negatively change someone’s neuro-profile PTSD is complicated by the fact that people with PTSD often may develop additional disorders such as depression, substance abuse, problems of memory and cognition, and other problems of physical and mental health .

Then, he filed it away on his computer, not intending to ever see it again

These studies have begun to give us an understanding that there is something really different about the stress system in PTSD, or in specific subtypes of people with PTSD,, but it is not going to If someone living with PTSD feels re-traumatized in the healing process, then he/she needs to evaluate (probably with with insight of trusted friends or loved ones) whether or not what they are feeling is a valid part of the healing process or not . PTSD and Suffering – David Seligman, guest blog writer for Centerstone Military Services, shares his experience having PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and how he has come to the conclusion that he doesn’t like to say he is suffering Another way to locate a therapist is to make some phone calls .

If the person is calling from an unknown location and sicusses suicide, find out where they are

What is PTSD? Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a diagnosed condition that can develop after a person is exposed to a traumatic event Dont give up on your loved one because they may not make sense to you . When she is not able to save the people she tried to protect the most, it crushes her Therefore, what one person may be able to shake off, another person may not .

PTSD is an injury that can happen to the strongest of the strong

It not only affects relationships with your family, friends and others, it can trigger serious emotional problems and even cause health problems over time And some mortuaries are so full, they refuse to take on more bodies . The PTSD Course helps reduce symptoms of PTSD, anxiety and depression Your buddy MAY be in my situation - I am rated 70% for PTSD and Major Depressive Disorder and the interaction of the two has made me unemployable for a LONG time .

This person was very manipulative and damaged by his childhood

Yes, I have PTSD, no I manage it pretty well casually, thanks Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder affects individuals who have witnessed or been a victim of a terrifying, traumatic incident . If you have a loved one in your life with post-traumatic stress disorder, here is a list of things not to say to them, as well as an alternative to use instead: What not to say: “It wasn’t even life-threatening Combat PTSD physically and psychologically changes a veteran's brain .

” That feels to me like a way to do a “wrap up” on something that is fragile, personal, and unknown

Though, I am familiar with the clinical definition in The next thing I remember, the cops were coming through the door with a dog . Survivors with PTSD may avoid any intimate connection, often resulting in feelings of detachment or estrangement from others 1 You hear someone talking about women's football .

Insisting that someone with PTSD immediately start counseling before they're prepared to take that step is an example of pushing too hard

For Yehuda, who did pioneering work on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in the 1990s, this comes with a sense of déjà vu What does the Bible say about recovering from PTSD? PTSD, or Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, is a mental illness that can develop following a traumatic event . If it's in the middle of the night, wake up the neighbor and make that call And while they say it is an honor to see a nation loudly and proudly celebrate freedom, a little courtesy can go a long way .

You can use the polyvagal theory to help you heal from C-PTSD using the following important steps: Self-Compassion: Develop self-compassion for your symptoms

In this series premiere, actress Gabrielle Union shares how being raped at gunpoint sparked her condition and why 2020 has been so triggering PTSD in the Slaughterhouse James McWilliams Feb 7, 2012, 5:24 pm CST Slaughterhouse workers face physical dangers and psychological problems based on their work, according to studies . A person with PTSD lives with a persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma or numbing of general responsiveness Someone with PTSD may have a hard time being intimate with their partner .

The singer, 24, says she was conflicted about speaking openly about her PTSD when so many of the people there — 22 total — lost their lives

The great thing about caring actions is that you feel like you have helped to carry some of the weight of your loved one's burden That’s not to say that a 70% rating isn’t tough for a Veteran . What do you do to help your friends? It's essential we keep an eye on our family and friends because it can be easy not to notice when someone has a Learn what to say to someone with cancer, and how to help a cancer patient .

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric disorder that can occur in people who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event such as a natural disaster, a serious accident, a terrorist attack, war, rape or other violent personal assault

One moment the silence is deafening, and the next moment the countryside erupts in percussive explosions with the endless spray of bullets flying everywhere The culture doesn't create an environment where one can say they're not okay or they're having challenges . This is called dissociative disorder and is often a component of PTSD Shaili Jain: — is prone to errors and I would say with PTSD it’s really important you get it right because these patients have got really, really complicated histories that seep into everything .

Some people may be able to relate to these symptoms, and may suggest it’s 'not that bad'

Since I am writing this in one of the worst episodes of it, trust me when I say some things PTSD after a traumatic experience is not “dysfunctional emotional processing” . What? - sometimes this can seem aggressive, be careful! Eh? - a sound usually used to communicate that it is difficult to hear/decipher someone While these will not resolve post-traumatic stress disorder, they may help you to manage stress and the symptoms surrounding it .

So when proven treatments fail, doctors often try a variety of drugs not proven to help the condition

Some helpful resources include: The National Center for PTSD at https://www Hedid not to tell me that he received a message from her . Why would we purposely relive it by telling you? “You look like someone killed your dog/best friend/etc The bill, SB 561, will provide that PTSD incurred by first responders is covered by the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Act if a mental health professional diagnoses an… .

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And there is a problem where some people (professionals or not) just expect PTSD to last forever 2 As with this veteran, many with PTSD get stuck continually protecting themselves against threats that are no longer imminent . and when we're faced with someone who is struggling, we About: Life quotes , Love quotes , Courage quotes , Risk quotes , Reciprocity quotes , Loss quotes .

Come again? Say what? - this is particularly American

PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder is a serious mental-health concern A suffering person, I have found, sometimes really wants to be left alone but doesn't want to be alone . Health-care and front-line workers have been struggling to keep back the tide of COVID-19 for almost a year, but as they face the second wave, many are still carrying the mental scars of the first Every six minutes someone dies from the virus, officials say .

PTSD affects a wide range of people, from new mothers to our country's service men and women

The T2 Mood Tracker is an app that makes it easy for people with PTSD or other similar conditions to record their emotions at various times in a day He would pretty much quit his job whenever I got deployed and live off my means . to say something gloomily; particularly good; particularly difficult; to wait anxiously for someone; to look for something anxiously; to work tremendously hard Bill said smth gloomily, but I could not hear him There surely is not enough scientific evidence to say marijuana helps PTSD, said Marcel Bonn-Miller, a University of Pennsylvania professor who is leading the Colorado-backed studies .

What Do You Say To A Sick Family Member? There is nothing more important than your family

She met Hammer in June 2020 and broke up that October If you left someone out of your plans or didn't return their calls or messages, they might be hurt by your behavior . Be available and empathetic, but don’t try to give any advice Often, by taking action to have more contact with those persons, and working at improving those relationships, they can re-connect to others and get more good things happening in their .

In hindsight, I had a lot of PTSD symptoms even before I knew what had happened to me

But for people with IBD, these symptoms are more than the odd stomach bug Summary: PTSD in DSM-5 Perhaps PTSD should be reconceptualized as a spectrum disorder in which several distinct pathological posttraumatic phenotypes are distinguished symptomatically & psychobiologically . These 12 thoughtful ideas for what to say to someone with cancer will help you support your loved one the best you can Holistic treatments can help Yoga, meditation and massage can help anyone reduce stress and anxiety and improve mental and physical wellbeing, so it's no surprise research has shown the positive impact of those practices on patients suffering from PTSD .

If two things are exactly the same one is identical ___ the other

I constantly have flashbacks and cry and get depressed A new diagnosis, Complex PTSD, has been proposed to more accurately describe the severe psychological harm that can occur after exposure to chronic, prolonged, repeated trauma . “The symptoms of PTSD are quite normal to have right after experiencing a traumatic event ,” explains Janine Domingues, PhD, a child psychologist who specializes in trauma at the Child Mind Institute And if you do decide to reach out to someone as long as you are trying to be supportive there isn’t really a right or a wrong thing to say and it’s very unlikely that anything you say would make someone feel worse .

Recent estimates suggest that 1 in 8 women will experience trauma in their lives, along with 1 in 20 men

If you want to support someone with PTSD ask them what their triggers are – or whether there’s anything that they need you to do differently, or not do at all – so that they can continue to feel safe around you Because you lose people if you get close to them . Many people are unaware that untreated post-traumatic stress disorder can have a devastating effect for both those who have the condition and their loved ones One of the reasons this happens is because a person might not experience the PTSD symptoms straight away; in fact, sometimes it isn’t until years later that an individual starts to experience symptoms related to a traumatic event .

The truth so often comes to light, and when people find out you lied, they stop trusting you

31% of people surveyed said they or someone they know have symptoms of PTSD WRIGHT: I’m sitting here watching a press conference from the White House about . To manage PTSD, it's important to recognize triggers It is not uncommon for people with C-PTSD to develop anxiety and depression, or struggle with substance abuse and depersonalization, feeling disconnected from themselves .

Walker’s theory suggests that in people with PTSD, REM sleep is broken

Avoidance and self-protection: Years after being out the service, a Vietnam War veteran sat with his back to the wall at restaurants, fearing that someone was after him EMS personnel face a lot of hurdles when recovering from traumatic experiences . A person with PTSD may have incredible difficulty reaching out to you, or even taking you up on your offers The urgency behind passing the bill is the link between PTSD and suicides, Rep .

They often have to work harder to maintain relationships

This started because you were saying not to tell people about your trauma PTSD can effect anyone and is not a sign of weakness, experts say . I have had to be an optimistic person in my household, not letting negative energy knock us down After being accepted as a participant and receiving the treatment, I am proud to say that I am no longer on medications, I am able to more fully live my life, and my relationship with PTSD has changed completely .

Therapy is hard work– there is no easy way to do it– and you will need to devote all your personal resources to the task

PTSD affects someone immediately after a traumatic ordeal Be tolerant if the person repeats his or her stories and experiences and avoid interrupting . Saying things like Everyone would be better off without me or I want out In France, people respond to sneezing by saying often à tes souhaits to people they use tu with and à vos souhaits to people they use vous with .

During our lives we can all have an experience that is overwhelming, frightening, and beyond our control; a car crash, be the victim of an assault or see an accident

Our brains make us relive it through nightmares, flashbacks, unwanted memories and so on That being said, it’s possible for someone involved in a tragic situation not to develop PTSD . However, the words you use may not convey the message you want to send—especially if you don't understand the nature of depression and mental illness Loud noises, crowds, flashing lights–any of these everyday occurrences can trigger debilitating .

” Click here to read about how other psychedelics could be used to treat PTSD

Here's how to know what to say and what not to say “People with PTSD experience terror that can be debilitating . What actually happened to Isaac Kappy? Although Kappy does not explain exactly what he did (because that would put people in harm's way), he is convinced that there is no coming back from his decision and that his life was essentially over There are four major symptoms associated with PTSD .

This is an amazing book in so many ways, not least of all because it takes you right into the heart and mind of someone with PTSD, a set of symptoms both behavioural and psychological, very complex, and very confusing not only to those who suffer them, but also to those who walk alongside those who experience them

Tyler’s invention is set to help more people like his father cope with their own PTSD “Although traditional thinking has been to associate ketamine administration with increased incidence of PTSD, these results question that relationship,” the Army researchers said . I also felt a bit proud of myself because someone (my cousin) thought that it was actually worth asking a I advised him to continue his study no matter what But church crises involve real people who are usually still in the church .

“What scares me, too, is people relying on the polls,” Navarro said, jumping back in

Quotes tagged as combat-ptsd Showing 1-17 of 17 If so, optimal treatment for one phenotype might not necessarily be the best treatment for another . have words with someone - argue with someone about something Over the years, Luft and others have observed that the asthma, say, of a first responder with PTSD tends to be worse than that of someone with no mental health diagnosis .

” Then the cards began to come filled with familiar clichés: the worst was “there is a reason for everything

Lepusinensis via Getty Images It’s not something that I just want to say that I suffer from ptsd and it is the most difficult thing I have faced in my 20 years of life . What Not To Say To Someone With Ptsd   List of many different Ways to Say NO in English with ESL pictures A PTSD Dog Can Be Trained to Do All Sorts of Things! Dogs trained to help people with PTSD symptoms can be taught to help with a remarkable range of tasks .

Knowing how to respond to what's up all depends on the situation or setting

Sometimes it is hard to tell, under the constant shelling and lifeless bodies strewn … Some ambulances circle for hours until a bed is free at hospitals . How to Help Someone With Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Be aware of things that can make a person with PTSD feel unsafe, such as new places, crowds, confusion, or being physically constrained or ordered around .

Begin with a brief summary of your life before you entered the military

While I wish no one would ever have to endure the effects of PTSD, for those of us who have struggled with it, one of the most difficult things can be this: people can have a tendency to downplay or deny that we even have PTSD If you buy something online that is not exactly what you wanted, do you always send it back? As my mother said, you should lend as much money as you are ready to lose and never get them back . Readers told us what they think society should do for people with PTSD There was a time when people thought post-traumatic stress disorder was a life sentence .

But if the reactions don’t go away over time or they disrupt your life, you may have posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Or, perhaps you've heard nothing after what felt like a successful date A big reason that most people with PTSD do not talk about their trauma is the desire not to relive what happened . And they typically experience a range of difficult emotions as well as mental and physical effects This explains why people with PTSD, cannot cope with the same amount of (brain) stress, as people without PTSD .

What Not to Say to Someone with PTSD This article highlights topics or phrases to avoid when speaking with someone who has PTSD

So…what should you say to someone with PTSD? I don't know what you're going through but I'm here if you want to talk Medication – many people manage PTSD successfully using medication . So even if you look like adherence to dietary advice or advice about exercise we know people with PTSD are not good at being adherent Still, this does not mean they as a person are weak; it means they have been weakened by previous injuries .

These additional problems, most commonly depression , anxiety and alcohol or drug use, are more likely to occur if PTSD has persisted for a long time

In our work, On Grief and Grieving, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and I share that the While some of these things to say have been helpful to some people, the way in which they are often said has the exact opposite effect than what You need to use a past form when there is a difference between what was said and what is really true . PTSD is, in a crucial sense, a theory of memory: It posits that for certain people the memory of a trauma always exists, lying just below the surface of consciousness, ready to be triggered It can turn a calm, easygoing person into a powder keg .

Emotional PTSD — we'll find out more about this affliction, right after these responses to 'When men cry'

Unfortunately most of the Google “C-PTSD causes” links only say such things as abuse, neglect, abandonment, or war as being causes Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s story about a Marine veteran with post-traumatic stress disorder was “abhorrent,” retired Marine Johnny 'Joey' Jones told “Fox & Friends” on . Roughly half of the soldiers who return from war with post-traumatic stress disorder don’t seek treatment, and many more drop out of therapy early, according to military research presented at Post-traumatic stress disorder is an anxiety disorder caused by a traumatic, stressful or distressing event .

I’m not sure my experience is representative, but as I say, mine have been split largely between male combat veterans and female rape survivors

DS: “A person with PTSD looks a lot like someone with anxiety and depression, but there are key differences What would you do if someone spread lies about you? What do we mean when we say a person is honest? How can you be honest and not hurt someone? . But, I cannot tell you in all truthfulness that I experienced anything traumatic during my combat experience But for individuals with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), explosions and noisy displays can raise anxiety levels and bring back traumatic memories of gunfire, bomb detonations and terrifying conditions .

Veterans who need support can find resources here

Do not interfere with actions the person has chosen to take unless they are endangering themselves or others We are always too eager to help or rescue other people from pain and might be attracted to partners that take more than they give . When it comes to working through PTSD, leave no stone unturned “PTSD is very difficult to treat with traditional therapy and medications .

Do your best to minimize high pressure situations

That becomes a very real world for people suffering from Complex PTSD Eligible tax-deductible donations have Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status with the Australian Tax Office . What does he say about preparing for the role? A He had to learn a new skill This includes the length of time the trauma lasted, the number of other traumatic experiences in a person s life, their reaction to the event, and the kind of support they received after the event .

6) Suppose you saw someone stealing your neighbour's car, what would you do? - Допустим, ты увидел, как кто-то уводит машину твоего соседа

I am ashamed of the way I reacted or acted, but it can't be Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental disorder that can develop after a person is exposed to a traumatic event, such as sexual assault, warfare, traffic collisions, child abuse . People who go through long-term trauma often report additional symptoms beyond those in PTSD Originally a treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) .

Here are the best approaches to treating PTSD, experts and survivors say someone to be diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD – although there’s now a movement to change the

4 For example, one person may be involved in a severe collision and not emerge from it with lasting trauma, while another person may develop PTSD PTSD does not only apply to soldiers, anyone who has been through a traumatic event can potentially have PTSD . Pass along these resources to help your vet get the support and treatment they need From my research it appears that more combat veterans possess the Complex version than those with other forms of traumas .

He has since remarried and is working as a mechanic again

With PTSD (and other mental issues) people focus on the past In reality, the mental health condition can stem from any distressing event, including natural disasters, serious road accidents, terrorist attacks, sexual assault . Why? Because the veteran “failed to corroborate that the veteran was actually present or witnessed the non-combat PTSD event PTSD is a set of reactions, including intrusive recollections such as flashbacks, that can develop in people exposed to an event that threatened their life or safety (e .

We are intelligent enough to know that how the person feels now and the treatment they receive are the issues

Many survivors of narcissistic abuse suffer from some degree of C-PTSD In fact, Fast, author of several bestselling books on bipolar disorder, including Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder, believes that we have to be taught what to say . If you are a combat Veteran struggling with PTSD, please reach out by There's a mental health component arising, and doctors say it may affect someone for months to years after they recover from the virus .

It shatters your most basic assumptions about yourself and your world — “Life is good,” “I’m safe,” “People are kind,” “I can trust others,” “The future is likely to be good” — and replaces them with feelings like “The world is dangerous,” “I can’t win,” “I can’t

Be aware, though, that someone else's therapist might not have skills in treating trauma survivors of PTSD is not only terrifying for you, but it can also be scary for people around you, such as friends and family . The person has been exposed to a traumatic event in which they were threatened with death or serious physical injury, and the person’s response involved And I’d say, “Look, these are characters in a novel, and this is exactly how they felt .

You would also not want to say to someone, you are in the stages of grief

And the significant risk of drug dependency made it unworkable as a long-term strategy for me Communication in a PTSD marriage, if not properly tended, can have the exact same problem . The most recent studies with brain scans indicate that in PTSD sufferers, the fear network is not working properly What is the proper response when someone tells you, for example, that their mother has died? Relatedly, what should you do to express your sympathy? Other users have already provided good answers, but here is mine anyway .

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