What My Dick Does

What My Dick Does


Ellen ScottSaturday 10 Oct 2015 5:54 pm
*This post obviously contains nudity (all of which are penises). If you have clicked on a post about penises without being comfortable with nudity, please tap the back button now*
When the classic dick pic becomes an art form.
Things My Dick Does is a magical place on the internet where one man shares the adventures of his penis, affectionately named Little Dude (or LD for short).
It’s really that simple. As the name would suggest, it’s all the things one San Francisco based man’s penis does in a day.
Or, as he puts it: ‘I’ve always wondered what my dick does in the times he is up before I am.
He must get so bored waiting for me to wake up. Happens EVERY day. Poor little guy :’
The Tumblr started as many great things do: sexting.
The man behind the blog (who’d rather stay anonymous, as you’d expect), told metro.co.uk: ‘As I was taking some (tasteful) sexting shots I noticed my dick had actually been resting on a pillow the whole time.
‘And so I put a sheet over him because it looked like he was sleeping. I sent that pic. She laughed.
‘And then I drew a face on it. She laughed some more. And then the arms. Then the accessories. And so, The Little Dude was created.’
Little Dude’s owner/photographer works as a product photographer and illustrator full-time, and has been sharing shots of his peen for the last few months.
He explained to us that while at first the photos were just quick snaps, the project now requires some serious time investment.
‘As I started to have more of a vision of the direction I was taking it things started to take longer. The latest one, the cake one, made me feel like I was on a real production shoot.
‘Took about an hour in all. Maybe one and a half with clean up. I kept imagining my flatmates waking in while I was in the middle of it.’
Oh, and if all these penis-y adventures have made you interested in its owner (because who ISN’T massively turned on by seeing a date’s cock in a cake?), we’re sorry, but he does have a girlfriend.
She doesn’t know about all the things his dick does, although he does agree that he’ll ‘have to tell her soon’. You know, before she recognises the Little Dude.
‘There are a very very small amount of people that know about this,’ he told us. ‘So ya. Keep it down will ya?’
To follow more penis-y adventures, head on over to the Things My Dick Does Tumblr.
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