What Is the Difference Between a Plain Bearing and a Roller Bearing?

What Is the Difference Between a Plain Bearing and a Roller Bearing?


Have you ever think about the difference between a plain bearing and a roller bearing? You may not see the differences in the first look; however, it seemingly similar style bearings that have other uses. Bearings and bushes suppliers are generally manufacturing is to minimize the friction in different cases of the load. Here we discuss that how bearings work and what the differences are between them.

Types of bearings

Plain bearings

These bearings' names are quite questionable, but these are smooth, concrete surfaces that move across each other. 

Ball bearings

Small spherical bearing bushing has a bit of contact between surfaces, resulting in low friction. However, all can be deformed under heavy load or resulting in the jamming of the block.

Roller bearings

It is like small tubes and arranged around the center of the bearing. It comprises between the plain and balls. These rollers wear faster than ball bearings, carry a heavy load, and have a higher contact area.

How bearings work

A Bearing manufacturing company, generally made as to the same basic mechanics, set the ball within an internal or external ring. This setup for the force to be placed on the ball is referred to as the loading. There are two different types of loading like thrust and radial. If your bearing is working with a radial load, it will rotate or roll when put under the tension.

The thrust load will be force depending on the angle. Bearings have been around many of the years. And it has many differences like aiding in rolling, pulling, and applications in hard drives, stake boards, and more.

Difference between a plain and roller bearings

Plain bearings

The earliest block used plain bearings, but they have slowly given way to higher-performing bearings. Plain bearings have the minimum number of moving parts. A long lifespan and maintenance with heavy load applications are also the main benefits of the plain bearings.

Metal or plastic mechanism rolls are directly on metal pins or bushings. But the plain bearings are often compromised with a plastic surface and a metal shell. Another common type of plain bearing will use a soft bronze sleeve bushing to the polished steel shaft. 

This high load capacity makes plain bearings suitable for backstay, runner, and vangs turning blocks. Finally, having contact between two surfaces altogether. The results in more friction to reducing their potential running speed.

Roller bearings

Roller bearings compromised between plain and ball bearings. Roller facilitates low friction at high working loads. Heavily loaded run faster, smoother, and more adjustable compare to the plain bearing. It can be smaller or lighter, but the working load is the same due to increased contact between the rollers and hub.

Found in the sailing boat, these blocks are optimal for the main sheet, the guy leads, backstays, and tack lines. For large blocks, use a blend of the ball and roller bearings. Roller bearings take the mainline loads, leaving the ball bearings mounted around the edge to run smoothly. Even with the off-axis loads. You can be seen in the 2-stage bearing system of the constant core blocks.

Bearings are made from

Plain and roller bearings are made from Delrin, Torlon, and Ceramic.

Delrin: Found from deck blocks and known as acetal. This design for high compression, low tension for low loads.

Torlon: Give high-performance, and offer to upgrade the performance o Delrin balls.

Ceramic: It is incredibly strong and can be polished to incredibly smooth surfaces. It can handle an extraordinarily heavy load with low friction.

These blocks are lighter and smaller than those used a decade ago and making them perfect for the thinner high-tech lines. For this modern evolution of the plain bearing, the block has sparked.


To getting more ideas, contact Hi-bond Bearings Pvt. Ltd. Our primary focus is on sailing the system and improve more knowledge and accessibility. The latest development is a lightweight that promotes lighter, faster, and safer sailing for all shapes and sizes.

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