What Is Social Media? - The One Thing To Remember

What Is Social Media? - The One Thing To Remember

Social media, online marketing, SEO, content, directory listings, article marketing, Twitter, Facebook - they're all ingredients for a great tasting social media pie. Pies taste best when all of the ingredients are perfectly matched. I bet you have days when you feel like your social media marketing pie ingredients are off and your pie tastes terrible.

No one gets on Facebook or Twitter to shop. People are on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks to socialize with friends, play games, and have fun. If you want your business to succeed in social media you need to find a way to make it fun or people will ignore you. Social media is for being social; it is not an ad in the classifieds.

Most of the professional branding agencies can be found through the internet. Instead of searching for "Branding Agency" search for a detailed term like "Branding Agency Dhaka" or "Branding Service for Lawyers" etc. Go through each of these company websites and write them down in your note pad. Give them a star rating according to the first impression you got by viewing their website. The website will tell everything about that social media agency.

On the social sites, in some areas of it, there are many looking for answers to their problems. People are looking for solutions and one of the places they are looking is in social media where they might be following one of their teachers such as a blogger or mentor.

Social consumers are different from traditional consumers in that they no longer take purchase decisions by simply watching a TV commercial or outdoor hoarding or newspaper ad. They want more from a brand. It is no longer enough to tell, "We made this cream, if you apply it, you would become fair." The social now wants to know - How and why I would become fair? Who else have become fair? What were their experiences during the process?

social media is about micro-topical conversations, so consider how you can introduce internal offers or pages of your website into these conversations.

If you think that these approaches would also be valuable in face-to-face networking (at association meetings, chamber mixers, networking groups, client-recognition events), you would be right. You just need to be extra careful, because you often don't have the personal connection, interaction, and chemistry online that you have in person. Of course, personal introductions and referrals will have a tremendous effect all around.

Once your expanding tribe thinks you're important enough, so will Google. Meanwhile your content must social media marketing address whatever problems your Facebook Friends Twitter Followers and all those folks you're LinkedIn with are having. They don't have plenty of MLM leads? Show them how to raise their MLM lead generation with good tools and education. They don't know how to tweet their links? Figure it out for yourself and then share it with them. Once people know and trust you, they will begin to pass your info on to their warm list. At that point, they will gladly hit the like button.

digitalprovider.net Bring your personal life into the mix. This is something I discovered online back in 1998 when our kitchenware business grew rapidly. People want to connect with real people. Don't position yourself as someone who has ALL the answers and lives a PERFECT life and has everything color coordinated and organized and perfectly clean in your closets but be someone people can relate to. Share your life, share how you live and inspire others. I learn just as much from those who have a relationship with me through Social Media as they do from me. It's a beautifully beneficial relationship. Ironically it's one of my biggest USP's that can't be copied but it can be caught. Be yourself, be real and you'll have clients who make your life such a joy!

Oh yes, the secret. At first there were keywords, then there were back-links. Now its your internet reputation, and the care and feeding of it, that is the most important element in a successful internet marketing campaign.

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