What Is Shemale Porn

What Is Shemale Porn


What Is Shemale Porn
Transgender porn quickly growing in popularity
Published Thu, Aug 27 2015 12:57 PM EDT Updated Thu, Aug 27 2015 1:41 PM EDT
Transgender porn has been steadily climbing in popularity for years. (Stock photo).
While many Americans might say Caitlyn Jenner's much-watched interview with Diane Sawyer was their introduction to the transgender community, the adult entertainment industry says transgender porn has been a big seller for years—and it's getting bigger.
Transgender porn has been steadily climbing in popularity for years and, with Jenner's emergence and the favorable publicity surrounding her decision, it has grown into a full-fledged phenomenon.
"Porn is part and parcel of society, and our culture is getting more aware and understanding," says Chauntelle Tibbals, an independent sociologist (and former visiting scholar at the University of Southern California) who studies the adult entertainment industry. "Even though transsexual porn has existed forever, as the world and our culture is becoming more accepting, it looks at and interacts with this content in a way that is more savvy and forthcoming. In that way, the content has to step up its game."
If nothing else, transgender porn is becoming a hot seller. GameLink, an online porn provider, says its sales of transgender porn have increased 14 percent in the past year, and now make up 10 percent of its overall revenue.
Perhaps even more surprising than the numbers is who's watching it. California and New York were the top two states—accounting for 17.6 and 7.3 percent of transgender porn sales on GameLink last year. Not a big surprise, given the generally liberal leanings of both states. And Illinois' entry at No. 3—with 5.6 percent—may not surprise some people.
But the fourth-biggest consumer of transgender porn is Texas, making up 5 percent of the GameLink market. And Arizona is fifth at 4.9 percent.
While the inclusion of two conservative bedrock states might seem curious, Tibbals says it's actually quite logical.
"It doesn't strike me as surprising in the slightest," she says. "If you look at consumption of any adult content, you get the coastal states and hubs, but when [states] become more oppressive [and] try to limit people's sexual expression or what they desire is considered shameful ... you're going to see people going online to get access to what they need or want."
The GameLink data is intriguing, but by no means scientific. To date, no other online porn company has revealed statistical data about the transgender viewing habits of its customers. Only Evil Angel has addressed the subject, telling the International Business Times that the category has been its most popular in terms of revenue per scene for decades—since the company can command a premium of more than 20 percent for the content.
While transgender porn's popularity might be growing, that's not a sure sign that the mainstream world is prepared to become more accepting of transgendered people on the whole. In fact, it's entirely possible that this is just the latest phase of interest for the porn audience, much like films with plus-size actresses were recently.
While those plus-size porn films continue to be made, they've lost some of the traction they gained in recent years, something at least one actress in the category predicted would happen.
"I hate to say it, because I don't want to be a wet blanket, but I think we've peaked or we're going to peak in the next 12 months," actress Kelly Shibari told CNBC in January .
(Even bondage films and products have seen a bit of a slowdown since the release of the "Fifty Shades of Grey" film, though those may see a resurgence with the upcoming sequel.)
Tibbals, though, says she thinks the upsurge in transgender porn might be the exception.
"I think we, as a culture, are making great strides forward as far as our understanding of TS individuals and experiences," she says. "Unfortunately, we're not making those strides in terms of size acceptance. As a consequence of that, I'm hoping we won't see this flash in the pan, pay attention to it for a year, then forget about it mindset."
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Communities > Sexual Health > My boyfriend likes shemales does that make him gay?

Hi, I recently learned that my boyfriend is into shemale porn and it freaks me out! He keeps denying that hes into that stuff, but i've seen that **** on his phone on several occasions. It makes me wonder if he's gay or bisexual and it also makes me wonder if he imagines me with a penis while were having sex. And i know that sounds funny, but it's really really bothering me. I also had the thought that he might leave me for a tranny someday. LOL. Please can anyone tell me if this makes him gay or bi? Are the any "straight" men out there who are also into that so you can explain this to me? Please i want to understand..I love him very much and this ***** :(

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Am straight, married for almost 30 years. At first it was a fantasy. I see it as role reversal. As a guy its a lot of pressure to perform and being able to enjoy yourself gives you the free reign of either being dominant or submissive. He may want to dress up as you be touched like you but if he is  turned off by your breasts or clitoris that is a good sign he's either bi or gay.
Dress up in his clothes and be gentle with him..best wishes.

gotta say this topic sure get people wild up. If u ask for my personally opinion and experience, i am straight, i started getting into shemale porn though, but i can only watch shemale on female. Personally i was scared that there a chance im turning out gay, both female and trans excite me. I have told no one about this of course and i keep it all to myself. i hang out around my male friends a lot lately i a came to a conclusion i was in no way attracted to guys i wasn't gay, Nor would i ever s**** or f**** a trans. I guess i only liked watching it.

Story of my current life. I've seen it in his phone now twice but he denies he's gay, because I've asked him. I don't know what to do. Im just as frustrated as you sound. And what makes this even sadder some times he doesn't try to have sex with me because he's already jerked off. I call him out on this with, "oh I know why you don't want to have sex, you already took care of it". I'm afraid to marry him now because I am worried I am going to end up with a future Bruce Jenner.

Indeed they can, and the men who receive anal sex in this way, as you say, are not 'gay'. But that is only because of the extremely narrow definition of 'gay' used in the USA, where it was coined; so they do have a right to define it. It is 'attraction to the same gender'. Thus it derives all meaning from 'attraction' and none from sexual practice.

But 'gay' and 'homosexual' are not synonymous (although this is the sleight of hand that is being attempted here.) 'Gay' has existed for all of maybe 50 years whereas homosexuality has been recorded for 6500 years. And homosexuality does indeed take into account sexual practice.

So you are right; men who are 'pegged' by women are indeed, not 'gay'. But they are homosexual, or at least homocurious. (There's no such thing as 'bi-curious' and a moment's reflection should make it obvious why.) And if they want it a second time, then they are no longer curious: they're homosexual.

By induction, then, men who are 'topped' by TS women may not, in the strictest, US American sense, be gay, but they certainly are homosexual.

Most of your other comments seem to rely on similar, somewhat slippery, semantic manipulation. When you're not just using ad hominem and calling people 'idiots' that is.

Jun 01, 2016

I wouldn't worry a lot of dudes have an inner gay side to them that rarely comes out it's only natural.. Doesn't make him gay... The only thing that matters is that he stayed with you...

As a shemale (Mistress) myself, I think it depends on a shemale if she will pursue and encourage the guy to have sex with him. Yes, most straight men are curious how it feels like having sex with a shemale. Shemales/Male knows how to do oral compare to a woman. I have dated straight men (curious) and mostly I was their first. I remember when I was in University and bunch of Foreign student Doctors who asking me out...of course i am choosy and afraid of getting diseases... Sometimes some men (homophobic) can easily fall to someone like us in a good approach and how you make him crave for something different in sex.
If your bf really love you, he would tell u everything but of course secret is always a secret. Everyone have a darkest secret...So as a woman, you should know how to know and find it yourself what is it, but you must take and accept consequences.
Your bf wont take serious with the shemale, unless if your bf find something and reason why he will leave you for her (shemale). But if you are loyal and good for him, then there is nothing to worry about, dont be curious. Know his fetish.

Danv86, I to later in life saw a shemale on Maury that I thought had to be a girl. My gf at the time went on A shemale website and I was so turned on by only the beautiful ones. We both had fun with this together. I also shared this with later gfs and it excited them both. One thing though, I had a young guy in his 20s hit on me and he looked cute to me. If he was to put makeup on and dress like a girl he would pass. This happened 10 years after I started looking at  shemale porn. I never did anything with him, but since him, I have seen 4 other younger guys that I really liked over the past few years.....So maybe this is just an extension of my liking of shemales or I am turning from bicurious to bisexual...... See if he likes looking at twinks and that will give you an answer.

Good luck

I am a Natural occurring Shemale. I feel inside I am a woman when a man engages me. In His mind too at that moment I think he considers me a female. So in My humble opinion and own experience,  it is the Feminine pleasing the Masculine and that is just  pretty much a normal event.

He may have bi tendencies or just curious. If he is sleeping with you he Obviously wants You his Girl and do not forget that as his Presence with you should be enough as he has voted with his feet and his penis. Do not be afraid as most people really are Bi-sexual its just not all have the courage to admit that due to our
Puritan and Racist Society when it comes to anything a bit different. Hell even science was bad in the middle ages and they would burn you for reading the bible by yourself. So we have come a long way but we still have much of the witch hunters and priests dissing a lot of portions of segments in society.

I as born  Man , When I was 16 looked 22 and full beard etc. I had great sex life mrried twice 2 families. Afyer age 35 My T levels kept dropping but I did not really check and took suppliments but became very sick 5 yrs ago and tested at 170 for T and that is half of what is Low at 300. I take shots now but continue to feminize even more and breasts keep swelling out  44C bra size without  doing anything to cause this.
Now mentally I see my Body as female and care for it as that. Now I crave the attention and adoring of Men the Most but still Love Women also.

A Natural Occurring Shemale

I love watching shemale anime.I want to hook up with a shemale that I can milk like a cow and make love to any time I want.How do I get that lucky in Orlando?

that was brilliant, and hugely apropos.. kudos for being spot-on, my friend..

(me: just found pics on BF of 5 years' phone.. 80% standard vag-porn.. 20%.. at first glance looked to be standard vag-porn, but then the shoulder span, and thigh-gap .. I dared not open the photos.. my heart was about to stop! I was just browsing thumbnails.. my chest felt like a balloon about to pop, and my eyes welled-up with tears.. how can I ever be this for him? and I enjoy anal penetration, frequently, with him.. so, am I.. is he.. uhm, you know, thinking about.. me.. with.. .. its not a horrible thing.. but it is not me.. I like to be the one being taken, I like strong men.. I am soft, and yielding.. completely.. but very shy and I can't even talk during sex.. I am loud, but not vocal.. I wish I could be.. ..I digress..)

I am still torn up inside.. more so than just the vagina-pics (he always tells me how much he loves mine and how delicious I am and how he needs to lick me.. and I am shy, so.. its hard for me to relax and let him..) so now, after seeing the pics, I was so forlorn for our sex life..

I think the best thing is to take a look inside ourselves, those in this situation, and evaluate the relationship (and sex) outside of this shemale porn issue.. contrast the two; put them side-by-side, mentally, and see which stands out.. is he hiding in the shed three times a week watching shemale porn while we are hungering for him, desperately, inside? or is the issue several pics that look like 100% females, until we fine tune the image?

in light of that video, that lecture on the differences between male and female arousal (etc), and the info from everyone here, I am willing to believe that he doesn't fully understand the urge, is shamed by the threat (imagined) poses to his masculinity, and therefore does not vocalize these ideas to me.. given the loathsome cistern that is internet porn, and the immediate availability of absolutely ANYTHING you want to see, anytime, anywhere.. I am really confident my man just likes to see sexy, long-haired, height-weight proportionate, x-rated visual stimulus like 90% of other men out there who don't know why they like feet or heels or thigh-highs or gangbangs..

and I will add, quickly, that I am all for individuality and freedom, sexually.. I had a good friend who was trans.. it just is not what does it for me.. I was not prepared to see dicks on those chicks whose pics he had DL'd on his phone.. blew my mind..  

Id like to back upnthe comment before me in that men who are attravted to transgender women are still attracted to women, not specifically their genitalia, its either justbdoesnt matter to them or the idea of a beautiful woman who can penetrate you withoutntoys is a turn on, or simply likenpenises but arent attracted to men (all three apply to me, i honestly think eduarda rodrigues is the most attractive woman in the world, beautiful face feminine body, exactly what i want in a woman, her penis just so happens to be cute too, my gf has no problems with this, trust me theres nothing wrong with it :) hope this helps

To those saying sex with a shemale makes someone bi or gay:

What is it then when a man has sex with a transgendered man who still has a vagina such as Buck Angel? If you define orientation by genitalia and the type of sex one has in this instance then all those men who had sex with Buck Angel in his GAY PORN MOVIES aren't actually gay but straight because they were having sexual intercourse with a vagina.

Of course this is nonsense. Those attracted to Buck are attracted to him because he looks like a man, acts like a man and is a man regardless of him still having a vagina. These men can be gay or bisexual.

Likewise the men attracted to shemales are attracted to them because they look like women, act like women and are women regardless of them having penises. These men can be straight or bisexual.

Put simply. If a man likes genetic women and transgendered women but NOT men then he is straight. If he likes men too then he is bisexual. Gay is only liking men. Many shemale lovers do not like men so they aren't bisexual or gay but straight.

Guys please do your research on sexual orientation because the responses here are ignorant especially from these alleged "gay supporters" who have proven that they don't understand sexual orientation at all.

Either deal with these facts or accept that you're transphobic and don't understand gender identity or transsexualism.

To those saying sex with a shemale makes someone bi or gay:

What is it then when a man has sex with a transgendered man who still has a vagina such as Buck Angel? If you define orientation by genitalia and the type of sex one has in this instance then all those men who had sex with Buck Angel in his GAY PORN MOVIES aren't actually gay but straight because they were having sexual intercourse with a vagina
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