What Is Meant By ‘Bean To Cup’ Coffee?

What Is Meant By ‘Bean To Cup’ Coffee?

This phrase is sure to be one that is well known for coffee lovers and fanatics. But if you haven’t come across it, then simply put, it refers to coffee that has been made via the process of freshly grinding coffee beans and immediately after making a cup of coffee. Other coffee production methods such as instant and filter methods use coffee beans which have been ground long before. Whilst this provides convenience, it doesn’t provide optimum flavour.

The freshness provided by this process of grinding coffee beans there and then provides the best possible flavour. By preventing the process of oxygenation, freshly grinding the beans prevents the resulting flavour from being bitter and having a burnt flavour. Instead what you get is a smoky and aromatic cup of coffee.

If having a well-rounded cup of coffee is important to you, or maybe if you just want to move away from the mediocrity of instant coffee, then you will want to start looking for ways to enjoy a proper cup of this drink. There are several options out there for you to choose from if this is what you want. But some have certain advantages and disadvantages over others. What option you end up choosing will often depend upon your day to day life.

Below, we go over some of these options and discuss what benefits and drawbacks they each have. It is hoped that by the end of this, you will have a better understanding of each method and from this understanding, be able to make a choice that is best suited for you.

High-street coffee shops

Visiting coffee shops that you can pop into when you’re walking to work, or doing your shopping, is a great convenience. With commercial shops especially, you know what you are getting, how much you will be spending and you can even collect points via their smartphone apps. The popularity of these stores has boomed over the years - particularly so as they have started offering food on the go as well.

But in these same years, some of these shops including Costa and Starbucks have started to gain a bad reputation for themselves due to the introduction of commercial coffee machines. Whilst these automated machines still operate upon the principle of making fresh coffee, the lack of true barista input is believed to have compromised an authentic bean to cup coffee machine experience that requires an expert touch.

A reason why these brands have looked towards commercial machines to take over the barista job of its employees is due to two things. One, there is a lack of hospitality staff at the moment. Training someone to make a true barista-style coffee can take months. These companies rarely have staff that stay around for that long. Additionally, many of their customers want a coffee there and then. This means that some of their customers don’t actually want to wait around as long for a fresh coffee.

To achieve a balance between convenience and good tasting coffee, these brands have had to compromise with commercial machines. Whilst coffee connoisseurs believe that these machines don’t produce as good quality coffee, many of its customers are still happy with the results. So who knows, their coffee may be just as good for you too.

Artisanal coffee shops

Carrying on from the point above, the baristas in artisan coffee shops do continue to make coffee with freshly ground beans by hand. For those who are really into their coffee, they are likely to taste a difference between the coffee made here and the coffee made at high street shops. Additionally, knowing that your drink has been handmade and handcrafted from scratch is sure to add an extra layer of enjoyment and luxury to your experience.

Coffee machines

If you are conscious about how much money you would be spending at these locations, then a coffee machine may be a good investment. Be aware that different machines operate in different ways and if you want freshly ground coffee then you will need a machine that does just that, as opposed to filter or pod machines. Saying this, whilst it is a great luxury to be able to have freshly ground coffee at home, this luxury does come with a high price tag.


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