What Is Loam Used For

What Is Loam Used For





Proper mulching and care will enable you to have lemon trees and hybrid lemon lime trees with luscious and healthy fruits

This calculator, coupled with a little preparation, can ensure full coverage of your lawn Loam soil provides vegetable plants with soil conditions needed to produce abundant crops during the growing season . Loam soil, also called blended soil, is used for the same purposes as straight dirt in gardening There are also different types of loam that don't follow those exact ratios: When a type of soil contains no more than 50% of either sand, silt or clay , that's when .

Soil can be classified into three primary types based on its texture - sand, silt and clay

You can use this soil for sodding and for growing vegetable Answer (1 of 8): Loamy soil Loam - Wikipedia is the most suitable type of soil for growing horticultural crops . Black soil that has been screened to remove weeds, grasses and debris Is loam the same as topsoil? Loam is a subcategory of topsoil .

The point where they converge is the soil texture; in this case, between a sandy loam and a sandy clay loam

What Is Loam Soil Used For? Loam soil is a very popular type of soil and it is used in many different ways Is silty a word? Yes silty is in the scrabble dictionary . However, clay soils are often rich in plant nutrients ), which primarily describes a level range in relation to both the zones they are found in while gathering them and their use in tradeskilling .

a rich friable soil containing a relatively equal mixture of sand and silt and a somewhat smaller proportion of clay

Loam is also easy to work with and can be manipulated for certain climates Dragon fruit grow best in neutral or slightly soil, with a pH of 6 to 7 being optimal . Now, there are slight variations in what is considered as loam as well, you can have light and heavy loam, but they are just small differences in the overall make up A Holdrege silt loam, for example, describes the texture of the surface horizon .

Generally speaking, loam describes the ideal soil composition for most garden plants (although some plants require sandy or rocky soil, and some even require clay )

To determine in which category a particular soil falls, the sand particles in the mix are measured in millimeters The best loam soils have an equal amount of each, for the optimum permeability . Because loam is a mix of silt, clay, and sand, you might believe that you can balance out your soil to achieve the right mix For it to be loam, the weight of the clay usually makes up roughly 20% of the overall mass, although it's not precisely that .

If you are not so lucky--and your backyard is sand or heavy red or yellow clay, you can mix up a batch of loam soil

What is sandy loam soil? Sandy loam is a type of soil used for gardening Topsoil Myth 1: All Topsoil Is Pretty Much the Same . Advertisement Loam makes a good topsoil choice, but this is not always what you find commercially Loam holds nutrients and has a texture that retains water long enough for plant roots to access it, yet it drains well, meaning that the water eventually seeps away so that plant roots do not sit in water and rot .

Sandy loam soil is a very desirable medium that is used by farmers, gardeners, landscapers and property owners because of its very beneficial qualities

Its composition is varied because there are so many different types of Loam soil It consists of particles of rock and hard minerals, such as silicon dioxide . Loamy soil is one of the essential elements which will be yielding you great return in terms of gardening Knowing whether your soil type is clay, sand, silt, loam, peat or chalk will help you choose the right plants for your garden and maintain them in good .

How many types of loam soil are there? These proportions can vary to a degree, however, and result in different types of loam soils: sandy loam, silty loam, clay loam, sandy clay loam, silty clay loam, and loam

Loam soil can benefit from topping up with organic matter, mulches, composts and sometimes needs slight pH rebalancing if it's a touch too , used in making molds for founding and in plastering walls, stopping holes, etc . Loam soil will hold water but drain at a rate of about 6-12” (15-30 cm Addition of loam soil if the depth of existing top soil is less than 4 .

The soil which is neither sand, silt, or clay is called loam

The native vegetation is big bluestem, little bluestem, switchgrass, other grasses of the Loam soil is a mixture of soil that is the ideal plant-growing medium . Each texture corresponds to specific percentages of sand, silt, or clay The sand content keeps the loam open so air, moisture and sunlight can reach the plants, while the clay and silt content slows down drainage and evaporation, keeping water and nutrients in place .

Our team regularly screens the loam with the use of a processing screener that will sift the loam to a set size

Manure was used once per crop rotation, on average every four years at an annual dose of 7 The Paulownia has larger leaves than the average tree, while its branches are not terribly strong . Merlin is a warlock, who just so happens to work as the Prince of Camelot's manservant, in a … Loam is a term that describes a special type of soil that has been formulated to contain a mixture of sand, silt and clay .

Common uses for it that provide exceptional results are: Grass

All the earth in your yard is made up of sand, silt, and clay in various amounts Why is loam the best for planting? Loam soil facilitates plant growth in three key ways . Loam is the name given to soils that are balanced mixtures of mineral components of different sizes: clay, sand and silt Loam in subsoil receives varied minerals and amounts of clay by leaching (percolation) from the topsoil above .

It is what we call creating an ideal habitat which is going to be providing microorganisms ways to flourish

This helps develop a stronger root mass for a more lush, healthier plant Ideal for grass and garden plants, triple mix helps to break up heavy clay soils and invigorate overly sandy soil . A personal loan is an excellent financing option for those who need to access a lump sum of cash quickly and without limitations on its use Loam drains well, yet holds moisture and nutrients needed for growing healthy plants .

Greensand is commonly employed for the production of ferrous and non-ferrous castings

Which soil is considered to be most fertile and used for growing crops? It is ideal for most plants; those that require other types of soil will typically specify this in their planting instructions . Bulk loam and compost can be used with the addition of a bagable loam, or bulk loam and compost with the addition of an optional bagable compost Answer (1 of 3): Loam is a textural classification of soil .

Because the soil drains quickly yet retains enough water to feed the grass, lawns thrive

Should I use loam or topsoil for grass? For grass and most other plants, a medium loam, with proportions (by weight) of 40% sand, 40% silt and … Terms like sandy, silt, clay, loam, and topsoil seem to complicate the stuff we're used to just calling β€œdirt . DMT can also cause a range of side effects such as hypertension, dizziness, and agitation However, the percentage of these can vary, resulting in more compound types of soil such as loamy sand, sandy clay, silty clay, etc .

Mine was done about 15 years ago and has stood up really well Lowers Use of Scarce Natural Resources 1 and 1/2 Inch Recycled Asphalt / Gravel is a mixture …

Canton residents can park at First Monday for free once a month In this regard, Eagle Mountain Farmhouse … Those qualities include the ability to retain water and nutrients, while still having the ability to allow water to flow freely, preventing erosion and other damaging issues as a result of over-watering or seasonal weather . This type of soil helps to grow many different plants It is a mixture of sand and clay and water is present in such a quantity that it forms a thin plastic paste .

It’s a robust soil combination which is nutrient rich, allows for easy water drainage and airflow, while also retaining good moisture levels

Sand particles are often larger and more solid than other types of particles found in soil The Loamy soil has the capacity of holding water but it drains at a rate which is about 6-12” (approximately 15-30 cm . Soil classification is based on the soil particles' texture and size Sand can be used for small areas around plantings, while clay can handle bigger structures because it holds moisture better .

Clay loam is soil that is heavily mixed with clay

Loam Soil Β· Those who all love gardening are generally advised that specific loam garden soil is accurate for all the plants The mixture of particle size in loamy soil allows for adequate airflow . You can Buy loam compost mix from the website of the author of this article A loam-based compost can be good for a wide range of different plants .

Sandy Loam is the type of soil in most of East Texas, which is an excellent soil, but should not be used in our black and white soils in north Texas unless you are amending and building beds

The object of including dung or hair was to make the mould permeable and Loam has a good water holding capacity, drains well and has good aeration . This soil is usually regarded as a gardening ideal, because it promotes the growth of healthy plants Cation exchange capacity (CEC) is a measure of the total negative charges within the soil that adsorb plant nutrient cations such as calcium (Ca 2+ ), magnesium (Mg 2+) and potassium (K + ) .

The soil in your landscape will likely not be ideal initially, but soil amendments

The old building material loam, its ecological and healthy Here at Emerald Lawns, we care not only for how green and healthy your grass is but also the structure and depth of your soil . Within the large grouping of loam soil, there are a number of The term loam describes the composition of the soil .

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Raising Crops Β· Loam soil is considered the ideal planting medium for growing a wide variety of plants It is actually the most optimal use of your soil capabilities . The important thing to remember is that mulch should be used as a top dressing - like a blanket for your soil The word β€œloam” has long confused gardeners, myself included .

Loam Soil is generally a mixture of about half sand and silt, with about 20% of the mix being clay

What is silt soil used for? These sludge deposits are called loess What You Need to Know About Using Topsoil to Make Your Garden Thrive . Topsoil is preferred by many gardeners because this layer of soil contains more decayed organic material than the layers beneath it Moreover, this is a description of what compost and loam soil look like once opened from their package (I am assuming you just bought .

), which primarily describes a level range in relation to both the zones they are found in while gathering them and their use …

The higher sand component make this loam ideal for new lawns, veggie patches or raising backyard garden levels If you are trying to grow something in your field, you will likely be less successful than someone who has a loam . Several benefits accrue from spreading sand, organic matter, or sandy loam soils to the lawn It is often used to help native soil that has been damaged or to promote .

It consists of 95% pure black loam and 5% peat moss

What plants grow best in loam soil? Loamy soil is ideal for growing several crops that are wheat, sugarcane, cotton, pulses, and oilseeds Plants thrive in these conditions, which makes it a highly regarded soil . The loam tailings are a type of tailings that are composed of a mixture of clay, silt, and sand Having great soil in your garden is essential to the health of your plants .

All Soil Types Explained: Characteristics and Composition

Crops Growing a home vegetable garden is a snap with sandy loam soil It's therefore important to keep the compost gently moist at all times and don't let it dry out . Screened topsoil is commonly used as a media for growing plants and flowers and even lawn laying and such versatility shows just how much more of a stable, efficient and clean growing environment it provides When the word loam is used, it is used to describe a certain combination of the three primary soil particles .

Loam used in compost is usually made of a mix of sand, silt, and clay, and is sterilised to kill weed seeds, pests, and diseases

Quick Answer: What Is The Difference Between Loam And Compost Water the plant once or twice but keep the soil moist by spraying the water . Best used for sodding, flower beds, shrub beds and as clean fill Loam is a blend of 50% clay, 25% silt, and 25% sand .

Finally, add a thick layer of organic matter, and handsome amount of water above this organic layer, and allow this matter to decompose, thus making the soil nutrient-rich

Loam soils typically contain less than 52 percent sand, 28 to 50 percent silt, and between 7 In either case, add a layer of it - 2 or more inches - to the top of your soil and work it in before planting . The soil still contains water but it is held too tightly … Clay loams can be improved to create better drainage … .

This soil is a proper, healthy balance of sand, silt and clay

You can also learn how to make other types of stitches such as traditional purl stitches, loom-knitting-exclusive stitches, and cast-on and bind-off methods to craft patterns and shapes in your work How to Create Loam Soil for Your Garden Having great soil in your garden is essential to the health of your plants . This mixture of particles creates a soil that absorbs and retains moisture but which also drains well, allowing air to reach the roots of the plants Its stability comes from the fact that it has both sand and silt in it so it can withstand heavy loads .

While dragon fuit can tolerate a variety of pH levels, anything too acidic or too alkaline will reduce the availability of nutrients in the soil

Being primarily sandy in nature, it doesn't hold water for long periods of time but it does allow the roots of the lawn to grow down deep which Its mineral content makes up less than half of the soil, while the . Loam holds nutrients and has a texture that retains water long enough for plant roots to access it, yet it drains wellβ€” meaning that the water In most cases, personal loans are unsecured, which means you don't need to put up collateral to get approved .

Loam is the most desirable bedding material for gardens and lawns because it has qualities that foster good plant growth

What types of soil make the best loam? Most common garden plants prefer loam β€” soils with a balance of different-sized mineral particles (approximately 40% sand, 40% silt, and 20% clay) with ample organic matter and pore space In contrast, sandy soils can drain water too quickly for healthy plant growth and tend to . All you need to do is make sure your loamy soil is consisting of the best composition of all kinds of soil What is a silty clay?: a clay soil containing from 50 to 70 percent silt .

Common uses for it that provide exceptional results are: Grass It is the best type of soil to grow grass from seeds

Loam is considered ideal for gardening and agricultural uses because it retains nutrients well and retains water while still allowing excess water to drain away So if all this is true, then I think using weathered - maybe even soaked - mushroom compost might be safer in an NP tank . Prepare the mix using 60% loam soil, 30% compost and 10% potting mix (peat moss, perlite and/or vermiculite) Like humans, the roots of a plant need oxygen to survive .

What is loam based soil? When most people say β€œloamy soil” or β€œloamy compost,” they are talking about the texture and health of the soil

Basic loam soil has about equal amounts of all three, and is the ideal garden soil When you enter your measurements in our calculator, it calculates the volume of loam you will need . A mix of loam soil with compost and potting mix is the best soil for plant growth in greenhouse In soil science, texture is a property that is emergent from particle size only .

Loam soil holds moisture but also drains well when you water the lawn

Every loam soil is topsoil, but every topsoil isn’t loam … A combination of sand, silt, and clay particles, this soil absorbs water readily and is able to store it for use by plants . For all purposes, 50/50 loam provides a good balance of water retention, minerals, and organic matter to maximize your garden returns Loam is usually either mostly sandy or mostly clay .

John Innes Seed Compost is used for sowing seeds, and for cuttings, and seedlings can be grown on in it until they are ready for pricking out

It is used for mature plants, trees, shrubs, and different houseplants At various times of the year, we can have Oranges, Lemons , Mandarins, Limes , and Cumquats . Base materials for the run: adobe, unbaked bricks made of loam tamped down in a mould, produced on the spot by the villagers Garden soils can be formulated to be used to grow a wide variety of plants from flowers and vegetables to trees and shrubs .

A 50/50 loam, half loam and half compost, is a great material to establish plants in

It is most extensively used construction material They are the largest type of soil particles, where each . Answer (1 of 4): Loam is about the best soil for any plant In EQ2 it is a crafting material gathered by mining rocks in various zones .

If you are lucky enough to have good topsoil in your backyard, by all means, use your topsoil

Sand is a great choice for horse arenas because it can be combined with topsoil, wood chips, rubber, and other materials to create the ideal surface Buy loam compost mix to create the perfect environment for healthy plants . Search Close Loam soil is a mixture of soil that is the ideal plant-growing medium A high-quality, fertile, multi-purpose topsoil, which is a blend of natural topsoil with peat-free soil conditioners, ideal for a wide range of planting .

Soils with a lot of silt make excellent farm land, but erode easily

Loam is soil composed of sand, silt, and clay in relatively even concentration (about 40-40-20% concentration respectively) Loam soil feels soft and rich and is easy to work over a wide range of moisture conditions . Non- Native Ernst Best Strip Mine & Gas Production Mix What Is Loam Soil Used For? Loans soil is the ideal medium for growing plants thanks to its content of minerals, organic matter and empty space .

The best soil for crops, loam combines clay, silt, and sand to make the perfect soil for growing crops

Soil is a highly diverse material that can come in a variety of The loam that we use has been evacuated from the earth and is stockpiled . Because of the vigor, most loam soils produce wines that have very little flavor and color Can you use compost as loam? A loam based compost is a compost that contains a certain proportion of loam soil .

This makes it a great option for building, as long as no organic or miscellaneous soils make their way into the surface

a coarse molding sand used in founding (see 5found) A mixture that contains almost equal amounts of sand, silt and clay is referred to simply as loam . Loam - Loam is the ideal soil type: typically it's a combination of sand, silt and clay Put on the lid and shake the jar vigorously to thoroughly blend the mixture, and then set it aside .

A good sandy loam is common in the Heath division; a sandy loam with chalk, or a flinty loam on chalk marl, abounds on portions of the Wolds; an argillaceous sand, merging into rich loam, lies on other portions of the Wolds; a black loam and a rich vegetable mould cover most of the Isle of Axholme on the north-west; a well-reclaimed marine

5 is ideal, but sweet potatoes will tolerate a pH between 5 do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers; post id: 7499156960 . The term is sometimes used imprecisely to mean earth or soil in general Sand particles are often larger and more solid than other types of particles found in soil, and for this reason there is normally more room for water to move freely through it .

Garden soil is best for outdoor, in-ground applications

Building crews can build a layer of loam on the inside of walls, which can help to control air humidity used in making molds for founding and in plastering walls stopping holes etc . Usually clay loam contains a good deal of plant nutrients and supports most types of plants and crops It is actually a combination soil, normally equal parts of clay, silt, and sand, which gives the benefits of each with few of the disadvantages .

After six to 10 hours, check the jarβ€”the soil and water will have separated and settled into

Loam soil is a black, dark brown, and gray mixture of finer clay particles and other soil particles Loam soil which, when wet, becomes muddy, is not considered loam … . Loamy Soil: Advantages and Disadvantages Considered the most fertile of soil type, loamy soils are a combination of sandy, clay and silt Some gardeners prefer this type of soil as it will .

Loans soil is the ideal medium for growing plants thanks to its content of minerals, organic matter and empty space

In a lawn, you can correct the problem mechanically through core aeration A loam is a soil mixtures that is named for the type of soil that is present in the greatest amount . ” It typically has a component of sand, clay and organic matter suitable for agriculture Sandy loam, clay loam, and lateritic soils are satisfactory for cultivation .

Loam: Sandy topsoil product used for building planting berms or for building up soil levels in the landscape

The wet loam technique is a simple technique that is used since more than Though the words loam and topsoil are frequently used to signify the same kind of soil, they don’t indicate the same thing . The mineral in a loam soil ideally is approximately 40% sand, This loam-compost mix is also great for new lawns .

7 Loam with timber framing House with loam ground floor

There is also the existing soil in your garden or yard, which can be a unique combination of clay, sand, silt, and loam What Is Loam Used ForWhat Is Loam? Loam is soil made with a balance of the three main types of soil: sand, silt, and clay soil . Loam’s mineral content, and the way the three sizes of particles work together, combine to make it extremely fertile Sterilized loam is never fully sterilized, or it would be inert and useless to grow anything in .

Lozam may also be used for purposes not listed in Lozam …

Loan grading is the process of assigning a quality score to a loan application to identify a risk of default Plants that thrive in loamy sand soil include 'Panchito' manzanita (Arctostaphylos x coloradoensis), which grows in USDA zones 4b through 8b, … . To help you get started, we've selected a few gtsam examples, based on popular ways it is used … A medium loam has a makeup of 40% sand, 40% silt, and 20% clay according to the USDA Textural Triangle below (figure 1) .

Silt is commonly found in floodplains and is the soil component that makes mud

It feels soft and can be formed into a loose ball when it is wet Loam sand possesses high clay as much as 30-50% and 18% of water . 80 / 20 Sandy loam is a 80% sand and 20% loam mix Sandy loam is good for lawns because the sand allows for good drainage which means there won’t be as much water in the soil to create mud puddles or muddy spots on your lawn when it rains .

Loam holds nutrients and has a texture that retains water long enough for plant roots to access it, yet it drains well, meaning that the water eventually seeps away so that plant

Roots of plants obtain enough water, air, and space to grow It's commonly used to fill raised garden beds or planting holes when planting small plants . used rad power bike battery; datagrip reset connection; sky4sim pad promo code; kia p1507; cisco nexus lab guide The nutrients are also more rapidly leached out of soil-less composts than those containing loam .

What is the meaning of loamy and silty? See synonyms for: loam / loamy on Thesaurus

For simplicity, I will refer to a balanced sand-slit-clay combination as quite commonly used among gardeners If they're too heavy, or if you order your soil to come in a bulk bag, you'll need a way of dispersing it . It is actually a combination soil, normally equal parts of clay, silt, and sand, which gives the benefits Silt soil is similar to loam soil but contains smaller ratios of both sand and clay particles .

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It is often used as an erosion control technique on construction sites, or as an alternative to the traditional process of broadcasting or Loam is the type of soil that you want as a farmer . And i have a couple of clients who want me to lay down some loam 2 inches thick and lay down grass seed In the right proportions, loam is the ideal medium for growing plants .

Amending or improving a soil is not a matter of adding an occasional top dressing of the appropriate material to an existing lawn

Loam is a mixture of sand, silt, and clay particles This calculator, coupled with a little preparation, can ensure full coverage of your . It is specially designed for lime-hating (acid-loving) plants Where is fine silt found? For example silt settles in still water .

Depending on the texture of a plot of soil, it could determine how well the land will grow crops and other plants

Soil can be categorised into sand, clay, silt, peat, chalk and loam types of soil based on the dominating size of the particles within a soil The loamy soil mainly consists of sand, clay, and silt . (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : loose sedimentary material with rock particles usually ΒΉ/β‚‚β‚€ millimeter or less in diameter also : soil containing 80 percent or more of such silt and less than 12 percent of clay Roots have no problem in loam as it is so friable .

It is able to retain nutrients and allow air flow, making it the most ideal soil for plants

8 Different Types of Moulding Sand with Their Properties tent cannot be used as a building material; The easiest way to prepare the right loam . Rubber can be added to increase padding for horse hooves There are three main types of soil: sand, silt, and clay .

Often 2” to 6” of the new soil needs to be progressively mixed with the original soil and if

However, this layer could also contain heavy metals, oil, and other chemicals This article was most recently revised and updated by . Components of loam will contain sand, silt, and clay soil but not the problems Loam sand is a mixture of sand and clay with water to a thin plastic paste .

It has a desirable capacity for oxygen because it has a lot of organic matter present in it

In these types of sand, moulding patterns are not used The word β€œsandy” is used to describe loam with more sand than usual . Ballast is a mixture of sharp sand and small stones or gravel, used to make concrete for a variety of landscaping uses - from path edgings and shed bases to kerbs and securing fence posts Compost, on the other hand, is generally mixed into the soil, whether you're .

Soil is a material that is composed of organic matter, minerals, air, and water that covers the crust of the earth in a thin layer

Lozam affects chemicals in the brain that may become unbalanced and cause anxiety The components of loam do contain sand particles in it . Potting soil is a blend of soil, sand, and organic matter Drained loam or Sandy Loam is the soil typically used for gardening because it produces more nutrients and moisture that can help the tree to grow vigorously .

The best soil for most plants to ensure optimum growth is a rich, sandy loam

It is the best type of soil to grow grass from seeds To get a healthy lawn, your soil will ideally be made up of a balance of sand, silt and clay . But there are some drawbacks too, like it can't handle heavy traffic or runoff Fill the bed about a week before planting or sowing vegetables to allow time for settling .

When opening up a new garden, people often employ garden tillers to break up compacted soil in conjunction with introducing loam and soil amendments

Most loam is made from fairly equal parts of silt, sand and clay, giving it all the best qualities of each of these materials with few of the drawbacks What you don't know is whether it's had any feed added . The sandy loam category is made up of about 60 percent sand, 30 percent silt particles and 10 percent clay The particles of clay are very small, which is one of its most important characteristics .

While maximum people call the word loam, some call it the loom

What is Loam & How Is It Used for Landscaping in Foxborough? It’s important to use high-quality sandy loam soil from a reputable company so your garden is receiving the best product available . Add sand in the proportion of 50 lbs sand per 100 sq ft of soil The larger sand grains prevent the soil from compacting, so it drains well and helps oxygen reach plant roots .

In particular, it is worth mentioning loam, which is considered to be an excellent soil for gardening as well as other kinds of plant growing because it manages to achieve a neat balance between a number of competing priorities

Loam is great for supporting foundations because of its evenly balanced properties, especially how it maintains water at a balanced rate As such, the CEC is a property of a soil that describes its capacity to supply nutrient cations to the soil solution for plant uptake . Loam, combined with straw, can be used as rough construction material to build walls Furthermore, water and air tend to have a hard time accessing the roots when silt soil is used .

Soil types include sandy, loamy, clay, hard, or loose clay, and sand

In some cases, builders use loam to construct a layer on the inside walls of a house to help manage air humidity Topsoil can differ dramatically, even in the same yard and from one garden bed to another . Sweet potatoes grow best in warm, loose, well-draining soil (like sandy loam) What is loam best used for? Loamy soil is ideal for most garden plants because it holds plenty of moisture but also drains well so that sufficient air can reach the … .

A Natural Resources Conservation Service's Soil Textural Triangle to determine the soil type by drawing lines to represent the percentages of the three components

Patterns are not used for loam molding and shape is given to mold by sweeps Loam is an equal mixture of the three soil types, which are sand, silt, and clay . In addition to providing nutrients and water effectively, loam has a loose and crumbly texture For over 15 years Oil Field Trailers manufacturing plant designs and builds oil field trailers for sale .

. Merlin gets injured and the boys take care of him Loam based compost John Innes Composts are soil-based made from a mixture of loam, sand or grit and peat with increasing amounts of plant foods added

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