What Is Gynecomastia And How To Treat It

What Is Gynecomastia And How To Treat It

Dr Siddharth Prakash, Plastic Surgeon in Mumbai
Gynecomastia surgery in Mumbai with Plastic Surgeon, Dr Siddharth Prakash

While the ailment is commonly referred to as "man boobs," the medical word for the swelling of male breast tissue is gynecomastia, which means "male breast swelling." Gynecomastia affects as least 25% of men between the ages of 50 and 69, and male breast reduction surgery (also known as gynecomastia surgery) is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures.

What Is Gynecomastia and How Does It Affect You?

Gynecomastia is an endocrine problem characterised by enlargement of the male breast tissue in the form of swelling. Gynecomastia is caused by a hormonal imbalance in which there is a larger percentage of oestrogen than is normal in the body. During puberty, the bodies of boys produce primarily testosterone and only a small amount of oestrogen, which is the major hormone in the development of female sexuality. It is unbalanced when testosterone levels are lower than normal, and the ratio between the two sex hormones is higher than normal. Increased oestrogen levels can cause the male breast tissue to expand as a result of this. Even while gynecomastia is not harmful to one's health, it can be an aesthetic issue that has emotional repercussions.

Gynecomastia can be caused by a variety of factors.

Gynecomastia can affect men at various periods of their lives and is frequently caused by hormonal changes. Because of the oestrogen left over from their mother's pregnancy, newborn guys frequently have larger breasts when they are born. It is possible to experience a hormonal imbalance again during adolescence or as an older man, which results in a higher oestrogen to testosterone ratio.

A few weeks after birth, most boys who are born with enlarged breast tissue as a result of the oestrogen in their mother's placenta will notice that the swelling has subsided. Pubertal gynecomastia, on the other hand, affects young males during puberty, beginning as early as the age of ten and lasting for several years, up to the age of eighteen. In certain cases, cases of gynecomastia recur later in life. As men grow older, their testosterone levels decrease, and their adipose tissue increases, which can result in senile gynecomastia (male breast enlargement).

Hormones, however, are not the only culprit. Gynecomastia can be caused by a variety of medical disorders including as obesity, malnutrition, liver illness, hyperthyroidism, hypogonadism, prostate cancer, and renal failure, among other things. It can also occur as a side effect of drugs such as marijuana or heroin, prescription medications such as anabolic steroids, corticosteroids, digoxin, and calcium channel blockers, as well as over-the-counter medications such as Flagyl, Propecia, Spironolactone, Valium, and Zantac, as well as herbal remedies such as lavender or tea tree oil. The cause of a disease does not inevitably result in a clear change in appearance.

How to Recognize and Treat Gynecomastia

When gynecomastia first appears, the pain in the breasts can be extremely uncomfortable. A mass of fatty tissue may be the first indicator of a problem. As the swelling progresses, the lump may become more sensitive to the touch, although this sensitivity will eventually lessen. While one breast may first appear to be larger than the other, the proportions eventually balance out.

Gynecomastia is defined as any expansion of the male breast; however, there are many grading systems in place to distinguish between the various degrees of enlargement that can occur. The following is a condensed version of the Simon and Rohrich classification models:

Grade I: Minor enlargement without excess skin (< 250g of breast tissue)

Grade IIa: Moderate enlargement without excess skin (250 to 500g of breast tissue)

Grade IIb: Moderate enlargement with minor excess skin (250 to 500g of breast tissue)

Grade III: Severe enlargement (> 500g of breast tissue) with grade I ptosis (read: sagging)

Grade IV: Severe enlargement with grade II or grade III ptosis

Gynecomastia Surgery is a surgical procedure that is used to treat the condition.

While gynecomastia is not necessarily a medical concern, male breast reduction operations are becoming increasingly popular as a means of alleviating the visual and psychological effects of the disease on the male breast. The two most popular and effective operations are liposuction and excision, either alone or in conjunction with one another.

The procedure of liposuction is recommended for patients who have mild to moderate gynecomastia, which is defined as breast enlargement with minor gland hypertrophy and minimum extra skin. Another common finding is that many patients have a little amount of fibrous glandular tissue under the nipple, which can be removed with a small incision around the areola by direct excision. When doing liposuction for gynecomastia, techniques such as power-assisted liposuction (PAL) or ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL) are particularly beneficial since they may more efficiently remove the fibrous tissue.

More severe situations may necessitate the use of more intrusive procedures. Skin excision is required for severe gynecomastia, in order to address the ptosis and extra skin. Liposuction alone will not be sufficient. After the drooping skin and tissue have been removed from the chest, it is common for the nipple-areola to be temporarily removed and restored as a graft in a more appropriate position on the chest after many severe cases have occurred.

Patient's often wear bandages and support garments during the recovery phase in order to prevent edoema and provide support for the chest as it heals. Depending on the operation, a tube may be briefly inserted beneath the skin to drain any extra fluid that has accumulated. Most people may return to their normal routines within a few days, however some patients may endure edoema for several weeks after the procedure.

Cost of Gynecomastia surgery in Mumbai was estimated at approximately Rs 90000 in 2020, and it should be noted that the treatment is not covered by most insurance policies in the country.

Treatments for Gynecomastia that do not include surgery

Non-invasive treatments for gynecomastia do not have the same level of efficacy as surgical treatments, according to a recent study. These include androgens (such as testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, and danazol), anti-estrogens (such as clomiphene citrate and tamoxifen), and aromatase inhibitors (such as abiraterone acetate) (letrozole and anastrozole). Numerous patients do not see a significant improvement as a result of the treatment.

It is possible to administer testosterone to patients who have an abnormally low level of the hormone, and danazol, a synthetic type of testosterone that inhibits oestrogen synthesis, may be beneficial in some instances. Gynecomastia is a condition for which there is now no effective medical treatment.

Before resorting to prescription medicine, it may be preferable to address any underlying causes of gynecomastia that can be addressed through a change in lifestyle. If gynecomastia is caused by something other than hormones, the first step in treating it is to identify and treat the underlying cause. The treatment of underlying systemic disease includes removing a tumour and treating any offending substances such as pharmaceuticals or illicit narcotics, as well as discontinuing any offending agents.

This is the main takeaway

Men with enlarged breast tissue may seek treatment in order to reduce the size of their chest. Gynecomastia affects a large percentage of the male population over the course of their lives, and while the medical concerns associated with the condition are minimal, men with enlarged breast tissue may seek treatment in order to reduce the size of their chest.

Gynecomastia surgery can be performed with either liposuction or excision alone or in conjunction with other procedures. The results are typically long-lasting. Note that patients with gynecomastia caused by non-hormonal factors such as prescription medications, illicit drugs, or weight gain will be required to maintain a healthy lifestyle in order to avoid surgical intervention and long-term complications. By obtaining advice from a board-certified plastic surgeon, you can ensure that men receive the most appropriate therapy for their issue.

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