What Is Cunt Wars

What Is Cunt Wars


What Is Cunt Wars
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Here you will be able to find guides on specific parts of the gameplay, as well as other information you might find useful.

Many people try to get new disciples by spamming world chat. Warning: posting for Disciples in the World Chat will cause most players to block you even after one message, while breaking the chat rules may get the game Support admins to take action . For the reasons below (and not to encourage spamming), you should never take a spammer as teacher .
To become a disciple, you will need to add someone as your teacher by going to the Teacher section of the Friends menu. Once there, enter the ID of the player you want to be your teacher. You will get an epic chest regardless of whom you choose as a teacher, but as the teacher will get a disciple chest for any disciple that reaches League 15. The teacher will also get some gems (currently 5 per dollar) for every purchase any disciple makes. For this reason, you should pick a friend as teacher, or reward someone who has helped you out when you started by adding their ID in the teacher box but you basically can take any player ID and stuff it into the Teacher box.

If you want to remove your teacher, you can try contacting support, or just restart the game. There is no in-game means to remove a teacher.

Cards that are left at level 1 show up more frequently in Chests and Summons . If you want a lot of a card, leave it at level 1. If you want to get fewer of a card, level it up.

Leaving a useful card at level 1 is an alternative strategy that costs you a good card initially, but pays dividends down the line. Best of both worlds, the card is bad, but it evolves into an awesome card. 1 This can also provide a large number of level-ups for the Mini-Event Picking Hookers Up. You can evolve cards once you reach League 18. This is explained more in this section below .

Taking Love Lady as an example, keeping the cards instead of using them for a level up will allow you to evolve Love Lady into the Love Mage which then evolves into Love Goddess and finally Aphrodite . Aphrodite is a Legendary that is available to all players from the start of the game and is one of the best league unlocked cards that has end game use.

There is no reason to level the chosen Common even once, as doing so will lower your rate of getting them. If you do level it by mistake, you can reborn the card back to level 1 once you reach Rank 15. 2 You will just need to have enough on hand to reach the reborn level. Once it has gone through reborn, it will return to being one of the most likely cards you can get in chests and summons. Try to avoid doing too many reborns since this also affects their drop rate from chests and summons. If you do make this accident, you may as well take advantage of the any soulbinds you unlock before reborning the card. Soulbinds do not remember the max level of a card. So any cards that need the card you are going to reborn as a soulbind material you should soulbind before reborning it.

Note: Before evolving or performing a reborn be sure to check out the below sections.

Once upon a time (before Oct 2020), there were penalties for leaguing up and even six months after many senior players are cautious about leveling. Since the Oct 2020 update, going up a League now is mostly good, key exceptions increased difficulty at L14 for events and L2 for events. As explained in events, event requirements are more difficult at those steps, so if you level to 14 or especially level 2 be sure you're ready for extras like getting one event rare reborn 2x and another event rare to lvl 12.

What increases difficulty now is your total amount of troops. Copious amounts of empirical data gather from 30+ players, many with multiple accounts, new to veteran, and two months of multiple re-verifications holds this claim. Please see wiki page Pit for details.

This is sometimes very difficult to do if you don't plan ahead and you insist on leveling up cards as soon as possible. There are also two Mini-Events that will make the wait worth it. One of them is commonly known as Hookers which is an event that rewards you Gems depending on the number of level ups you made, and the other being Crisis a Mini-Event that makes level ups cost less gold perfect when you are low on said resource. In addition, there is the Cheap Upgrades guild bonus that should be used when leveling up a lot of cards along with the Crisis Mini-Event.

Even if you don't "need" them, requesting cards allows your friends to donate cards, meaning they can rank up quicker, too. Just be careful to use all your Journey attempts before you reach your next rank!

How it works: Every card sent gives the sender gold and EXP. Thus with a decent friends list of common requests, you can easily get anywhere from 2 to even 6 Ranks in a single day just from this early on.

You can send and receive fewer rare cards than common , and players are normally less willing to give up the useful rares. This makes it a better idea in most cases to request commons. An exception to this would be requesting rare cards to help complete Event Path steps. This is a common occurrence a few day prior to the next Event or during an event.

Gifting your Friends some Friendship tokens is a way to allow them to quickly perform Fuck Buddies summon, hence helping them to acquire resources needed to level their cards. Furthermore, gifting is free and can be done with a single click of a button.

Simply by playing a lot you can acquire many sparks (they look like eggs) in events. If you are able to play often, you can amass more rewards from events than any other way in the game.

Once you start the game you will have to finish a tutorial which will allow you to get some new cards. Once you finish the tutorial go to your friends tab find as many friends as the game allows you can send and collect as many friends tokens as possible. You should be able to receive 10 Friendship tokens per friend if this does not happen immediately remove that friend and look for a new one. Friendship tokens can only be sent by that friend once per day so be sure to take that in mind. Once you unlock Daily quests do not open any of the chests. Leave them unopened and reach League 27. Once you reach this League you will unlock the Butt Pass which will give you free stuff. Once unlocked open all the chests you saved from Daily quests that day. Doing this will help you get a head start in getting more butt points and filling the Butt Pass .

Make sure to not claim any reward from Butt Pass as you may need them a bit further ahead. Also be sure to not level all your cards as soon as possible as you may need to perform 1 level up per day to gain at least 300 butt points per day. If you do not have any cards to level up you will only be able to gain 200 butt points per day. In case you are lucky to be able to perform a summon you will even be able to gain 500 Butt Points in a single day. Remember that to pass the Start a Fight in PVP 3 times quest you don't need to win the fights you can simply surrender and it counts as a fight. Finishing the tutorial will also reveal a path called Road To Pure Pleasure . This path will allow you to gain some free gems helping you start in a less rocky way. Be sure to complete every quest in that path before reaching League 25 as it will disappear.

Upon reaching League 27 you should make a quick stop to gather some resources. You will need them since your first Event is around the corner. Any player who recently reached League 26 will unlock the First Cum (Starter Event) . In this event you will have the chance to get a considerable amount of Rare, Epic, and even Legendary Cards of the 3 starter event cards. The event only lasts 5 days so be sure to be as prepared as possible before tackling it.

Preparing for the Starter Event is no easy task. You just started so you don't have many cards, Gems, or Gold to work with. For starters you should check the objectives you will be asked to do in Starter Event.

There are some steps in the First Cum (Starter Event) that will require you to Level cards. So it may be wise to have at least 3 cards ready to level, so that you can get past this step without much hassle. While you wait for the event you can perform some try to perform some daily quests in order to fill the Butt Pass you should at least try to stack 1900 Butt Points and if possible up to 2400. Remember to not claim any of the Rare Chest rewards as a certain step in the first chapter of the First Cum (Starter Event) requires to find exactly 250 rare souls. Until you reach this step be sure to not open any of the chests you gained in Butt Pass . Even if you don't claim any of the chests and the Butt Pass expires you will not lose them as your account will automatically claim all rewards you hadn't claimed.

Other proactive things you can do before reaching League 26 to prepare for the First Cum (Starter Event) are:

Once you feel prepared enough you are free to reach League 26. As soon as the First Cum (Starter Event) starts watch all quests needed for each Chapter. Be sure to save your Sparks since there are certain quests in the Event that will require you to use them. Be careful, if you used the Sparks prior to these steps they will not count . Another recommendation is playing using the PC and grinding for chests during the duration of the event since it will help you get more Sparks than opening chests one by one in the mobile version.

As you advance through your leagues you will be able to get a free epic card in a Temptress summon. This summon can only be performed once in the entire game and it will become available once you reach League 24.

Note: Sparks do not stay for future events so be sure to use them before that current event ends.

Evolve details can be found on its own page.

Preface to all of these: Try to have the guild bonus Self Perfection , double mini-events, and/or a high VIP level active whenever you do evolve since it adds up.

That aside, You should evolve cards ONLY when:

One of the biggest pitfalls people can fall into in this game is to Evolve way too often. You get very little for the baseline exchange rate, and if you aren't even using the card, just don't Evolve it!

Performing a Reborn on a card you accidentally leveled up will help you summon it more often. However, there is a catch! Each Reborn you perform on the same card also decreases the chances of summoning it. This means there are more chances of summoning a Level 1 card with 0 reborn than summoning a Level 1 card with 1 reborn. Now if you add even another reborn this card will appear even less in your summons. This is especially true with Legendary Cards . (Empirical data has been missing from the wiki and is being gathered. Please message umotu #4112 on discord if you have any information to include).

A Reborn can also decrease the power and might of your card so doing a Reborn is not always an option since it may make cards you previously had in your main squad too weak. Reborns also decrease your general troop count if you can’t Level the card back up.

Why should I even perform a Reborn then? Simple, a Reborn can be more helpful than leveling a card and they are sometimes needed for certain steps in an Event .

There are few signs that will help you know if you should reborn a card.

How do I know if it takes more cards to do a Level up than reborning it? The easiest way is to check the pages of Common Cards , Rare Cards , Epic Cards , and Legendary Cards . It has table stating how many single Level and cumulative cards it takes to get a card to a certain Level.

A good example of this last point would be doing the first Reborn of a Legendary Card once it reaches Level 9, the second Reborn of a Legendary Card when it reaches Level 17, and the third Reborn of a Legendary Card after reaching Level 22 and having 70 extra cards. Doing reborns this way will help you avoid losing card might, number of troops, and help you keep them in your main squad. (Update: Oct 2020: reborns have been adjusted such that reborning now doesn't cause cards to lose as much strength as before, if any at all.)

In case you want to save some gold, you can also leave the card at the Level the current Reborn gets enabled. Only reborning it when you have enough cards to get it back up. An example of this is leveling a Common Card to Level 11 and leaving it at that Level until you get a stack of 1950 of said common card. Afterwards you can perform the first Reborn and level your card all the way back up to 11 thus not wasting gold on extra levels you might have performed.

Note: It is not recommended to perform a reborn outside a Reborn Mini-event since it helps you recover some cards.

Every chest you open is governed by some statistical drop rate. It appears to be a three-step process in which the game at random assigns:

The wiki pages for each chest type list drop rates that as of 2021 might be outdated, but they are close. Overall, as you progress, you are more likely to receive Rare, Big Rare, Epic, and Legendary chests, and while you will still get mostly Common Chests, the Common drop rate decreases from around 75% to about 65 or 64%. Within each type of chest, you can find a variety of card types and at high leagues, a very small percent of Common chests will even give Epic cards (see pages for each type of chest for details that might be outdated, but give a good approximation). Data collection underway by a player at L4-L1 has gathered the following empirical data on the drop chance of various chest types (n=2374):

There are ways you can impact the chances to get more of a hero you want.

We don't know with certainty the formula that determines drop chance. The below chart is based on empirical data from rares:

Level locks, are not going to be an issue for most players since most of the time your might permits you to raise to higher league by the time you can reach a level lock.

The only real locks someone might run into are if they have won the lottery in an event at a low league, or if they used an idling strategy and are now buried in cards.

The former isn't really a problem. Max the card as high as you can, then go steamroll through the Leagues. The latter isn't either since you can just evolve the excess in cards or Reborn the card that reached the level limit.

Before reborning, wait for a Mini-Event and Reborn the card unless you have done all the available reborn, then just evolve them once you get back to being stuck.

Just a few casual signs your enemy may not be a legit player- Reminder that "High Level Cards" is not one of these signs on its own.

There are many more signs, but as cheaters may read these, we'll keep it to the ones everybody knows.

Again, these are only casual signs. To report a cheater, you need their ID or at least know their guild. You can use this data to report them by sending an in-game ticket or by accessing the Discord channel and reporting them in #cheaters.

Only spend gems when you get at least 1 legendary (a.k.a. lego) soul for each 10 gems spent.

For novice players this is closer to at least 1 lego per 12 gems spent.

For advanced players this is closer to at least 1 lego per 8 gems spent.

Many players ask what they should spend money on. Here is the take of a player who started free to play F2P and who, later, slowly spent around $90 to get to L1 in 8 months:

A pet with defense will usually help more in PvP, a pet with attack will usually help more in the Pit. You can look at what the top ranked players are using and select one that you prefer for any reason: your play style, aesthetics, etc.

First off, join a guild, but not just any guild. Look around the Discord or world chat for an actual guild, and not just a collection of players. The bonuses and gold you can get from a decent guild is staggering. Make sure that in your guild you get an adequate part of the rewards. Turf War rewards are distributed depending on who sent the highest number of troops . The higher you rank in the troops you sent the better the number of rewards you will get. For this reason, try to not join a guild that is too strong. A slightly weaker guild may yield better rewards for you. Make sure to help out in the Turf War in a daily way. You get Gold just for sending troops, complete a daily quest, and you will get a part of the rewards distributed.

Looking at each tile, you will see the current controlling group and their troop count. To gain control of the tile, when the end of a round comes, the group with the highest numbers wins the tile. It is referred as a group since there is also neutral, which means no guild has it. It starts neutral in round 1 and can turn neutral if a riot happens and that "group" wins the tile.

Each Round (day) consists of three Clashes:
Clash 1: Get a foothold on any turf your guild decides. Each guild is offered 5 edge turf as possible entry points (these are available at any time a guild does not hold any squares on the map). Don't waste too many resources on this win though, as you still should save some troops for the later rounds. Obviously if you don't gain a turf this round then you still have time, but you want to at least be defending a tile each round. You also want to (hopefully) be moving into the centre of the board. If you stay on the edge, any guild without a tile might have your turf as one of their own entry points. At least in the middle other guilds need to still move toward you.

Clash 2: This one is mostly defending, with an exception to moving to a tile next to the one you want to take over. If you want to take a "landmark" turf (Hell's gate), then you want to be owning any tile next to it on the cardinal points (N/S/E/W) at the end of this round. Discard any tiles behind you if your goal is a landmark. There are exceptions to this, but your aim should be that landmark, not wasting your resources on anything else. Also keep in mind that owning more than three squares brings the risk of Riots, where Neutral troops attack at random. The more squares your guild hold, the more and stronger Riots will occur.

Clash 3: This is the round you dump all your units into the turf you want. There is no reason to hold them since a reset will happen, and you can re-send your units. You can also "snipe"/"ninja" a tile by waiting for the round to be in its last 60 seconds or preferably within 10 seconds of the round. This is risky as others may do the same, but it’s worth a shot so the enemy doesn't know what you’re doing.
Each 3rd round the number of troops on all turf is reduced by 70%, and each player has their troops available again for placement.

In addition to just placing units, you can boost them with Elixir . This is where it gets risky, because any person can boost their own units any time during the round. It only boosts your own units, and when the next round starts, your units remain as defenders but can no longer be boosted. Elixir-boosting also increase the Guild's Power, extensive use can cause the Guild-rating to sky-rocket so you face much stronger opponents in the next war.

There is an option to hide your guilds units on any turf your guild owns. This costs gems, and mostly either gets an enemy to underestimate your strength
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