What Is Cbt Porn

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J Clin Med

v.8(1); 2019 Jan


Published online 2019 Jan 15. doi: 10.3390/jcm8010091
1 Psychiatry Service, Hospital Clínico Universitario de Salamanca, Institute of Biomedical Research of Salamanca (IBSAL), 37007 Salamanca, Spain; moc.liamg@tsohgrepur (R.d.A.); moc.liamg@ildj.aiselgialedivaj (J.I.d.l.I.); moc.liamg@19odasacmn (N.M.C.)
2 University of Salamanca, EUEF, 37007 Salamanca, Spain
* Correspondence: se.lasu@ojetnoma ; Tel.: +34-639754620
Received 2018 Nov 27; Accepted 2019 Jan 10.
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Keywords: online pornography, addiction, cybersex, internet, compulsive sexual behavior, hypersexuality
A study assessing behavioral addictions among substance users, found that only 9.80% out of 51 participants considered they had an addiction to sex or pornography [ 36 ].
A Swedish study that recruited a sample of 1913 participants through a web questionnaire, 7.6% reported some Internet sexual problem and 4.5% indicated feeling ‘addicted’ to Internet for love and sexual purposes, and that this was a ‘big problem’ [ 17 ].
A Spanish study with a sample of 1557 college students found that 8.6% was in a potential risk of developing a pathological usage of online pornography, but that the actual pathological user prevalence was 0.7% [ 37 ].
Erectile dysfunction: while some studies have found little evidence of the association between pornography use and sexual dysfunction [ 33 ], others propose that the rise in pornography use may be the key factor explaining the sharp rise in erectile dysfunction among young people [ 80 ]. In one study, 60% of patients who suffered sexual dysfunction with a real partner, characteristically did not have this problem with pornography [ 8 ]. Some argue that causation between pornography use and sexual dysfunction is difficult to establish, since true controls not exposed to pornography are rare to find [ 81 ] and have proposed a possible research design in this regard.
Psychosexual dissatisfaction: pornography use has been associated with sexual dissatisfaction and sexual dysfunction, for both males and females [ 82 ], being more critical of one’s body or their partner’s, increased performance pressure and less actual sex [ 83 ], having more sexual partners and engaging in paid sex behavior [ 34 ]. This impact is especially noted in relationships when it is one sided [ 84 ], in a very similar way to marijuana use, sharing key factors like higher secrecy [ 85 ]. These studies are based on regular non-pathological pornography use, but online pornography may not have harmful effects by itself, only when it has become an addiction [ 24 ]. This can explain the relationship between the use of female-centric pornography and more positive outcomes for women [ 86 ].
Comorbidities: hypersexual behavior has been associated with anxiety disorder, followed by mood disorder, substance use disorder and sexual dysfunction [ 87 ]. These findings also apply to POPU [ 88 ], also being associated with smoking, drinking alcohol or coffee, substance abuse [ 41 ] and problematic video-game use [ 89 , 90 ].
Dysfunctional prefrontal circuits (hypofrontality) [ 98 ]
Malfunctioning stress system [ 99 ]
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