What Is Blueballs

What Is Blueballs


What Is Blueballs

Blue Balls is a painful outcome of being denied an orgasm despite constant arousal. Many believe Blue Balls can only happen if you are strictly cut off at point of ejaculation. This is untrue, Blue Balls can happen even if you have had no stimulus in the penis. This may be the cause of early onset Blue Balls but no study confirms that. Blue Balls can happen at any state of arousal as long as it is continuous.
Blue Balls can happen while you are out with a person who is sexually appealing. Though there is a lot of erotic stimulus (kissing, cuddling, groping, etc) there is no actual penile stimulus, Blue Balls will onset and stay until an ejaulation can occure. E.G. "We made out for hours but she didn't want sex, so I went home and on the drive my nuts HURT!! Like hurt to touch and every bounce on the road...." "Damn dude, Blue Balls suck man!"
Like being left on read . But with your dick .
Brenden had blue balls when he mom didn't let him cum.
A ridiculously painful condition that occurs when a man is close to orgasm , but is suddenly cut off .
Ladies, imagine if you will, that someone is going down on you intensely. You're building up to what will surely be the best orgasm you've ever had. All of a sudden, you're partner stops. You're about to ask what the fuck is going on , when all of a sudden you're partner slams a bowling ball up your vagoo . This is kind of like Blue Balls.
When you father is Going Ham on your mother and he can't finish because his little ass son busts in the room. So his cum is stuck in his nuts and are super sad
DAmn man, I was going ham on my wife last night and then my bitch ass son came in the room with a key trick he learned on youtube. He caught me right before I finished. My balls hurt so bad, so bad! I'm scared from that instance and now she won't even have sex with me now. I got the worst Blue balls ever. Wann see?
the excrutiating pain a man receives when his balls swell to the size of coconuts because of lack of sex, unfinished bjs , and just not cummin when he knows he should.

Cure: JUST WACK IT MAN!! or get your woman to help you out and do the job right. It's that simple to make the horrible pain go away.
note to all women,

NEVER NEVER NEVER give your man blue balls ...its the worse pain he will ever feel in his life and he never deserves it...well, almost never ...
When the male balls puff up, turn blue, and hurts .... Like Hell
hey dude did you get that hoe last night? Yeah but she gave me blue balls .
by SuckMyToesDaddi February 19, 2018
The state of pain and discomfort caused by an interrupted session of fellatio. Can happen for a number of reasons, including (a) calling the girl by a name that's not hers, especially the name of an ex she knows about (b) turning on the TV in the middle of getting head (c) interruption by a third party , especially parents or other authority figures (d) the girl having had too much to drink earlier and needing to throw up right there and then (with it ending up on your shoes, trousers, and possibly lap). Results in almost cramp-like pains in the groin and/or abdominal areas. Sometimes used as a way for a girl to inform a guy she's breaking up with him.
1) I have blue balls , because I forgot and called my girlfriend by my ex's name.
2) Jimmy got blue balled when the girl he was feeding drinks to had to throw up.

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To better understand what blue balls are, an understanding of how ejaculation occurs is necessary.
You probably have had your friends or even you commenting on how this one time you had blue balls after seeing this hot girl, right? Or that you have not had sex in a long time and you had these "blue balls." Whether you have faced it or heard of it, blue balls are a frequent occurrence amongst men, especially those that are sexually active. This phenomenon is common with teenage boys who are in the process of developing into mature males. This occurrence is also known as epididymal hypertension.
To better understand what blue balls are, an understanding of how ejaculation occurs is necessary. When a man is aroused sexually, increased blood flows into his penis through the penile veins, causing the relaxed corpora cavernosa muscles in the member to expand. The blood vessels that facilitate outflow in the penis then constrict, causing a standing erection to be maintained.
When you are having sex, the continued stimulation on the penis causes excitement, which signals the spine up to the nervous system. The vas deferens stores and transports sperm from the testes and contracts, squeezing the sperm to the penis base, causing the prostate gland and the seminal vesicles to secrete fluids to form semen, the stage where ejaculation is now imminent. The penile muscles at the base of the penis contract every 0.8 seconds, forcing semen to spurt out of the penis. A full ejaculation is said to have occurred when this process is complete.
If by any chance this process is stopped midway, i.e., before the seminal fluid is produced or before the vas deferens contracts, then the result is an incomplete complex process. This causes the blood already pumped into the penis to stick around, and your testicles may turn into a faint blue hue due to the oxygenated blood trapped in the penis with restricted outward flow. The same discoloration may occur at the base of the penis, too.
Over the years, many theories have been in circulation on what causes blue balls, the remedies, etc. However, many lack scientific backing thereby and cannot be taken to be medically correct. They have just been around for a long time, and people take them as truths! Today, you get to select the rice from husks by knowing all these rumored facts on blue balls.
#1. Blue balls are dangerous and can cause permanent harm
As per definition, epididymal hypertension is caused by unfinished ejaculations. Therefore they cannot be dangerous and pose no health risk to you. Blue balls are simply blood constrictions in the testicles that can cause mild discomfort at most. However, if you are experiencing prolonged pain in your nether regions, it may be wise to consult a physician to get a diagnosis. Some ailments can cause pain in the loins, and therefore, only a doctor can elaborate the difference. Blue balls' effect subsides with the return of normal blood flow in the body, only lasting a short duration.
#2. You have blue testicles when suffering blue balls
While your testicles may faintly show a blue hue, it is an exaggeration to put that as a blue discoloration. Mainly the color alteration appears because of the blood being constricted in the penis for a long time. The blood in the penis releases and is released into the body, returning your penis and testicles to their original color.
While testicles, which are closely associated with the name balls, naturally happen in males, that doesn't translate to a blue ball men predicament. Women have a similar occurrence known as blue vulva, which occurs when pumped blood remains in the vagina and cervical walls, labia, and clitoris, causing increased redness or darkish sighting, especially when they don't complete their orgasm. The condition is known as vasocongestion or pelvic congestion.
The common cause of blue balls is failed or delayed ejaculation in both men and women. But how can you know when you have epididymal hypertension? Some of the symptoms include:
Mild pain and discomfort in the testicles and the base of your penis
Faint bluing of the testicles in men and the vulva discoloration in women.
These are just the common signs of blood restriction in the genitalia, and the pain and aches are from the extended expansion of the penile muscles without relaxation. Other signs should, however, be taken more seriously as they can be more, e.g., epididymitis (when the epididymis swells), urinary tract infection; these need a medical diagnosis to avoid serious infections.
Any activity that may cause the excess blood buildup in the testicles can find treatment. Remember, blue balls caused by sexual activity or arousal are not dangerous. It does not pose any harmful effects normally. Therefore you should not be worried if you experience it. The simple solution for this problem is one: ejaculate. 
However, there also exist other remedies that are equally effective in relieving your blue testicles.
As this condition results from sexual stimulation without completion, you can always complete the process by ejaculation. You can achieve this by having consensual sex with your partner or by bringing yourself to completion through masturbation. Masturbation is a quick fix, especially at home or when your partner is not accessible.
Taking a cold shower reduces sexual arousal by decreasing the blood flow into your genitalia, as the body directs the blood to other priority functions like restoring your body temperature to normal. The cold water may also reduce swelling; apply the treatment to the testicles for a more abrupt and spontaneous effect.
Sexual encounters are as much physical as they are psychological . Taking your mind off the sexual thoughts bypasses the brain response to initiate the process of ejaculation. This causes your body to relax and normal blood flow to restore.
Light exercises, such as going for a walk or jogging, a light cardio session, or a few push-ups, may play a huge role in making your erection subside. Your muscles require blood, and the more active you are, the more your body prioritizes the task at hand more than the preceding need to ejaculate.
Laying on the ground to restore the blood flow to normal; out of the penis.
Like exercising, heavy lifting means using more muscular power, which translates to the body prioritizing the need for more power to list than erections. Also, the exercises act as distractions that help in combating the psychological effects of epididymal hypertension.
Warm massage to the afflicted area reduces inflammation and reduces the muscular tensions at the base of the penis.
Drugs such as painkillers and anti-inflammatories may help reduce the pain caused by blue balls and testicular torsion. Caution should be when using these medicines to reduce the dependency on OTC drugs. Seek medical care first from a professional doctor or a specialist urologist .
Blue balls are real. They occur as a result of blood constriction in the penis after a sexual encounter/arousal. Ejaculation is the best remedy to combat this condition. It causes the blood to return to normal flow after orgasm. This phenomenon is known as blue vulva in women or vasocongestion. You can rectify epididymal hypertension through other means apart from ejaculation.
Take cold showers, engage in heavy lifting and exercises, and distract yourself from sexual thoughts. Over-the-counter drugs, i.e., painkillers, anti-inflammatories, etc., can help manage the pain associated with blue balls. Consult a medical doctor if you experience prolonged blue balls or when the remedies here are not working. It may turn out to be another ailment than blue balls.
When you are sexually aroused and have not ejaculated or orgasmed, then the blood in the groin/penis continues to be restricted and therefore makes the scrotum turn darkish.
No, they do not. As the word may suggest, your testicles may turn to have a faint blue tint, but not entirely blue. This shade is possible by blood undergoing constriction in your genitals.
Blue balls, when not attended, typically disappear within a short time, usually a maximum of an hour.
This condition is treatable even at home alone. Some of the symptoms of blue balls are a pain in the groin, a faint bluish tint in the scrotum, and painful testicles. The most efficient remedy is ejaculation; you can achieve this either through sex with your consensual partner or masturbation. You should note the blue ball's effect goes away after ejaculation.

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While you might have learned all about safe sex , sexually transmitted infections , and tampons in health class (and if you didn't, we can help ), you probably didn't get into the specifics of the awkward moments that can happen during sex , like dealing with what some people refer to as blue balls.
It's only natural to be curious about what goes on down there , and we're here to set the record straight on the often misunderstood phenomenon that is blue balls. You might have heard people mentioning the term to try to convince you to go through with a hookup (ew, gross), but is it even a real thing? Before we get into the details, it's important to know that you should never feel coerced into having sex, or doing anything sexual that you're not comfortable with.
Seventeen chatted with Dr. James Kashanian , urologist at Weill Cornell Medicine and NewYork–Presbyterian Hospital about everything you wanted to know about blue balls: if it's even real or just a myth, what it is exactly , and how you can deal with it.
Yes, it's not just a myth. In fact, there's an official medical term for it: epididymal hypertension (EH) . While EH can be a very real phenomenon for certain people, Dr. Kashanian says that it doesn't happen for everyone.
So now that we've established that EH is a real condition, let's dive into what exactly that means. The short answer? "What [people] refer to as blue balls, is pain and discomfort in the testicles (aka balls), following some sort of sexual activity or stimulation where they haven't usually ejaculated," says Dr. Kashanian. This pain and discomfort comes from increased blood flow to the testicle region during sexual activity, he says.
With orgasm and ejaculation, there's usually a hormone that's released, that prevents the penis from losing an erection, but decreases blood flow in the rest of the pelvis, he explains. "But when that doesn't happen, that increased blood flow can maintain and cause residual swelling or engorgement of the testicle and epididymus." That's what causes that feeling of ache and pain in the testicles, which is what is referred to as blue balls.
Though blue balls is thought to be something that occurs as a result of not being able to have sex, the truth is that it's a phenomenon that happens after a prolonged period of sexual activity, whether that's intercourse or masturbation.
So think of it this way: if someone is engaging in sexual activity and they're distracted in some way and unable to climax, that increased blood flow from that stimulation will cause swelling in the testicles. That initial swelling causes pain and discomfort (which they call blue balls) that can last anywhere from a couple of minutes to a couple of hours. So blue balls is the result of not having that release of ejaculation, or orgasm.
Though sometimes waiting it out is the only solution, Dr. Kashanian says ejaculation will often relieve that aching. "If it's within a short period of time since the pain has occurred, ejaculation will either help relieve the discomfort or will prevent it from occurring," he says.
Some say applying ice or taking cold showers might be helpful in alleviating the pain, but there's no medical evidence to support those tips.
There’s no actual evidence that the skin of the testicles turn blue, but it's possible that the testicles can have a slightly blue tint from the increased blood flow, according to Medical News Today .
Not at all. Dr. Kashanian assures that there's absolutely no danger in getting EH. So you should never feel pressured into hooking up with someone or going further than you're comfortable with, just to relieve them of blue balls — they can deal on their own.
According to Dr. Kashanian, there's usually no need to seek medical help if you experience blue balls, as the pain should go away eventually with time.
But if you're experiencing pain down there for longer than a day or two, Dr. Kashanian recommends paying a visit to the doctor. "The most important thing is knowing your own body, and if something feels abnormal or out of the ordinary, you should seek medical attention," he says.
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