What Is A Orgasim And How Does It Feel

What Is A Orgasim And How Does It Feel


What Is A Orgasim And How Does It Feel
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"It's like the burst you feel when you get a text from your crush... but in your vagina."
If you took sex-ed at school, you probably learned all about pregnancy, STIs , and safe sex practices . While all of that is super important, there's a pretty good chance that your teacher never once uttered the word "orgasm" throughout the semester. Which, is pretty weird, considering it's a natural biological function, and sexual pleasure is a normal, healthy part of life.
Let's actually talk about orgasms for a sec. An orgasm is what happens when a person reaches the height of sexual excitement, which comes with feelings of pleasure and muscle contractions in the genitals. For men, this moment also means ejaculating — but let’s talk about the other, awesome kind of orgasm: the vaginal kind.
Since sex-ed teachers aren't discussing it, I talked to Dr. Melisa Holmes, adolescent gynecologist and cofounder of Girlology to answer your most pressing questions about the biological reaction so you can feel more comfortable with your body and the sexual pleasure you deserve.
An orgasm is a physical reflex, brought on through sexual stimulation, most commonly that of the clitoris, which is the most sensitive organ in the vagina. "It's a build up to a time frame during sexual stimulation where there's just this big release of pleasure," says Dr. Holmes. During sexual arousal, blood flow increases to the genitals and your muscles tense throughout your body. The orgasm then "reverses this process through a series of rhythmic contractions," according to Brown University. During an orgasm, "endorphins are released into the bloodstream and these chemicals might make you feel happy, giddy, flushed, warm or sleepy."
Different people are stimulated by different sexual acts, but it really all comes back to the clitoris. Some people may also require the additional sensation of vaginal penetration to orgasm. In general, when you're reaching climax, the clitoris will get engorged and lubricated. "The clitoris may just look like a little bump on the outside, but it actually has a lot more to it on the inside and just the stimulation of that creates this intense kind of burst of pleasurable feelings," says Dr. Holmes.
There are other erogenous zones that feel good when kissed and touched, but they probably won't stimulate an orgasm. "A true orgasm really does require genital stimulation and most medical providers will tell you it stems from the clitoris," Dr. Holmes says.
There's nothing wrong with experimenting and figuring out what allows you to reach sexual climax. It could be oral stimulation of the clitoris, rubbing on the inner thigh, or a mix of multiple things. "The best way to learn, if you're curious, is to teach yourself, give yourself an orgasm," Dr. Holmes says. "Don't rely on other people. I think that's really important to understand that they can make themselves have an orgasm probably better than anyone else can. And they don't need a partner to do that."
An orgasm feels different for everyone, but there are some common experiences like heavy breathing, body vibrations, and sweating. Orgasms can be mild or overwhelming, they range from person to person and time to time. We asked some real girls what orgasms feel like and this is what they said:
"It's like the burst you feel when you get a text from your crush... but in your vagina." — Cam, 15
"I would compare orgasms to going out to eat. You wait and wait for your food, very excited for this meal, then the meal gets there and you take your first bite and you're flooded with happiness. Take a food orgasm and times it by 10!" — Evie, 17
"My clit pulses — a lot. It gets super, super sensitive. Also, I can feel my vaginal walls involuntarily clench, too." — Annie, 20
"Having orgasms makes me feel connected to my own body. It was revolutionary to me the first time I had one. I've had this body my whole life and was missing out on something so big." — Alexis, 17
"Uncontrollable, amazing tingling sensation all over the body." — Kendra, 18
"Like I have no control over my body whatsoever with a ticklish sensation... in the most sexy way possible." — Taylor, 22
As you can see, it feels a little different for everyone, but the common denominator is it feels good.
According to Brown University, one in three people have trouble orgasming from sex with their partner. Since some need clitoral stimulation to climax, simple penetrative sex might not get you there.
When you first start exploring your sexuality, it can take a little bit of time to discover what makes you climax.
Masturbation is the easiest way to explore what will allow you to reach sexual stimulation. Different rhythms, sensations, and pleasures affect people differently. If you're exploring with a partner, there's nothing wrong with asking them to focus on a specific area or action.
There are also external factors, like stress, that may affect your ability to orgasm. "A lot of an orgasm also stems from our brain," Dr. Holmes says. "We have to feel comfortable and safe to have good sexual function." Using drugs and alcohol can also affect one’s ability to climax.
"Everyone thinks alcohol makes sex better," Dr. Holmes says. "And a tiny little bit of alcohol might enhance your sexual experience because it decreases your inhibitions, but too much alcohol can absolutely prevent orgasm. If you're drunk, you may not even notice the stimulation as much, you're a little more numb." Prescription drugs can have a similar affect. "Especially the SSRIs that are used for depression and anxiety. Those are the most common drugs that prevent or inhibit orgasm," Dr. Holmes says.
This is a complicated question because, no, technically you don't have to orgasm during sex. Vaginal penetration or stimulation can still feel good without reaching sexual climax. And biologically-speaking, even if you're trying to have a baby, a vaginal orgasm isn't necessary (of course, the penis must ejaculate because sperm is needed to fertilize the egg). That being said, there may be a biological reason why we have vaginal orgasms: so that we want to have sex again. "It makes sense that sex feels good so that you are willing to have sex," Dr. Holmes says. "So the species can be perpetuated."
So, if you're not orgasming every time with your partner, it's NBD. That being said, if you want to orgasm and you feel like your partner isn't spending the time on you to reach climax, have a conversation about it. If they care about you, they'll put in the extra work to make you feel good.
Carolyn Twersky is an associate editor for Seventeen covering celebrities, entertainment, politics, trends, and health. On her off time, she's probably watching Ru Paul's Drag Race, traversing NYC for the best donuts, or, most likely, enjoying time in her favorite place in the world: her bed. 
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If you ask 17 women "What does an orgasm feel like?" you'll get 17 slightly different answers. Just like every body is different, every orgasm is different, but they all have one thing in common: They feel good. Whether from partnered sex or masturbation, there are few things that hit the spot as much as achieving orgasm .
"The brain and central nervous system are responsible for sexual responses like orgasm,” says Heather Corinna, author of S.E.X.: The All-You-Need-To-Know Progressive Sexuality Guide to Get You Through High School and College and founder of sex education site Scarleteen . “During sexual pleasure, all the nerve endings of your body (including your genitals, all linked to your nervous system) are in concert and communication with your brain, and vice-versa.”
The way orgasms feel varies from person to person. Here, we asked 17 women what an orgasm feels like and here's what they had to say.
“Screaming for joy. Feeling everything and nothing at the same time.”
“Like tangling up a bunch of Christmas lights inside you and then blowing a fuse.”
“The stars emoji mixed with the explosion emoji.”
“I think the best thing about an orgasm is that you can't really be thinking about anything else besides your own pleasure. It's all-consuming and euphoric.”
“In romantic terms: Uninhibited release of control, of self-consciousness, of everything.”
“If you were to ask me to physically describe the feeling: It's like a really wonderful and powerful sneeze in your vagina. The kind of sneeze that you can sense building up for a while, and then it happens and is just the most satisfying sneeze and you hope you have to sneeze again.”
“You know when Sailor Moon floats up into the air as a beam of light shines through her body and she transforms into a superhero? That.”
“The feeling is the same level of happiness as when you're sprawled out on a lounge chair on a tropical beach, and unironically order a [non-alcoholic] strawberry daiquiri because you are unstoppable.”
“An orgasm feels like electric dominoes are falling down in different directions under your skin.”
“It's a buildup of tension that arches your back and curls your toes, almost like a clenching feeling. And just when you think you can't take it anymore, suddenly all that tension is released and pulses throughout your body. It's the best relief.”
“Like a real moment in the day that's just for you (and maybe your partner too, if you have one). It doesn't work if you're distracted, at least not for me.”
“When it's really good it's like an out-of-body experience, like I can feel my clitoris on a roller-coaster ride but my soul and mind are on a whole other level of connection with myself or the person I'm with and it takes over my body. Usually it leaves my whole body shaking and I can't stand up for a few minutes.”
“It's similar to your body falling off a cliff into a pile of tingling ecstasy. It's a sense of sensual release that you find yourself having no control over and letting yourself go because it's just too damn good. An earth-shattering female orgasm is one of a kind.”
“Like a hard candy and you suck on it and then all of a sudden you get to the center and it's the burst of flavor.”
“The relief of walking up the stairs to your fifth-floor walk-up into your air-conditioned apartment.”
“Like melting chocolate in the microwave.”
“Remember the first time you tried an avocado or ate avocado toast? That feeling of bliss and taste of deliciousness? That's what an orgasm feels like.”
Studies suggest that orgasms can actually benefit your health. Orgasms trigger the release of dopamine, endorphins, and oxytocin , which, in addition to making you feel amazing, have also been shown to lower blood pressure . Women who masturbate to orgasm also report having higher self-esteem than women who don't, leading to better overall mental health. Orgasms have even been shown to have positive effects on the gut health , improving digestion, decreasing bloating and ameliorating the negative effects of anxiety and depression.
Over half of American adults say they masturbate one to four times a week, according to the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior , making it an easy and popular way to reap the health benefits of regular orgasm. Another huge benefit? Better sleep.
“For people having difficulty sleeping, it helps them sleep,” said Dr. Jennifer Berman , urologist and sexual health expert. “It can help to limit stress and tension. It can help to relieve pain in the body. It can even relieve menstrual cramps."
The best thing about getting to know your body and your sexuality is that you don’t need a partner to reap the benefits of orgasms.
Shailene Woodley said it best when she talked about the importance of young women learning about masturbation. “As a young woman you don’t learn how to pleasure yourself, you don’t learn what an orgasm should be, you don’t learn that you should have feelings of satisfaction. I’ve always had a dream of making a book called There’s No Right Way to Masturbate ," she said .
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Orgasm occurs after stimulation of the genitals or erogenous zones. It’s the peak of sexual arousal and causes intense feelings of pleasure. Orgasms have several positive effects on overall health. Everyone experiences sexual climax differently, which is normal and healthy. But some factors can make it difficult to achieve orgasm.

American Psychological Association. Understanding Orgasm. (https://www.apa.org/monitor/2011/04/orgasm) Accessed 5/9/2022.
Britannica. Orgasm. (https://www.britannica.com/science/orgasm) Accessed 5/9/2022.
Eisenman R. Scientific Insights Regarding the Orgasm. (https://ejop.psychopen.eu/index.php/ejop/article/view/430/html) Europe’s Journal of Psychology. 2008:4(2). Accessed 5/9/2022.
Planned Parenthood. Orgasms. (https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/sex-pleasure-and-sexual-dysfunction/sex-and-pleasure/orgasms) Accessed 5/9/2022.

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An orgasm is the height or peak of sexual arousal when the body releases sexual tension and pressure. It involves very intense feelings of pleasure in your genitals and throughout your body.
An orgasm usually lasts a few seconds and feels very good.
Orgasm occurs during sexual stimulation of your genitals and sexual (erogenous) zones of your body. These include the:
An orgasm can occur during masturbation or during sex with a partner. It is one of four stages in the body’s sexual response cycle :
Having an orgasm is also called climaxing, cumming, or having the “big O.”

Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services.

Certain things happen throughout your body during orgasm:
Muscle contractions play an important role in orgasm. For example, the muscles of your vagina and uterus often contract. This may cause a small amount of fluid to release from your genitals. Likewise, the muscles at the base of your penis contract, which usually leads to ejaculation (when the body releases semen).
In the few minutes after orgasm, your body slowly returns to its normal state. As you recover:
Some people may become sexually aroused again a few minutes after orgasm and can have multiple orgasms. Some need more time before they can orgasm again. This differs widely from person to person.
There are different kinds of orgasms, including:
Orgasm is generally intense and pleasurable. But it can feel different for everyone, and it can even feel different for a person each time. All of the differences are normal and healthy.
During orgasm, your body releases dopamine, known as “the feel-good hormone,” and oxytocin, sometimes called “the love drug.” These hormones increase feelings of happiness and other positive emotions, and they counteract the “stress hormone,” cortisol.
Many people have to experiment with different methods and communicate well with their partners before they can achieve orgasm.
Other factors also can interfere with the ability to reach sexual climax:
If you have trouble having an orgasm and it bothers you, talk to a healthcare provider. Some people have sexual dysfunction , disorders that interfere with orgasm. You can speak to a primary care provider (PCP) to learn more. Or, to address sexual dysfunction in females , you may want to visit a gynecologist.
Research indicates that orgasms have several health benefits, including improvements in:
An orgasm is a pleasurable feeling at the height of sexual arousal. Everyone experiences orgasm differently, and many factors can affect your ability to climax. Talk to a healthcare provider if trouble reaching orgasm is bothering you.
Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 05/09/2022.

Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services.

Male Orgasm: What It Feels Like & How to Intensify It

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Male Orgasm: What It Feels Like & How to Intensify It


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Before the scientific advances that led to the development of in vivo fertilization, the male orgasm was directly responsible for the existence of every human being in history.
Of course, without eggs, wombs, birth canals, midwives and everything else that goes into growing a sperm into a living human, none of those orgasms would have amounted to anything. But it’s still an interesting thing to consider, and helps explain, perhaps, the intense importance that many men place on their orgasms.
Of course, modern-day sex is very rarely about procreation. Even so, we’re not exactly looking at a shortage of humans being born, so the importance of a guy ejaculating is quite likely as low as it’s ever been. But it’s still worth asking the question — what is the male orgasm? Why is it such a big deal? How, if at all, is it different from the female orgasm ?
We spoke with two doctors who specialize in such things — a urologist and a sex therapist — to help get to the bottom of all this.
In most mainstream pornography, the male orgasm is the literal and figurative climax of the story, acting as the goal towards which a
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