What Is A Cunt Punt

What Is A Cunt Punt


What Is A Cunt Punt
1) when someone kicks a woman in the pussy
2) when someone threatens to kick a man in the balls but wants to warn them with an insult
when used against a woman:
Person 1: -kicks chick in the pussy- ha! take that
person 2 (female): OWWWWWWWWWWW When used against a man
Person 1: I swear if u don't nock that off i will cunt punt you
Person 2 (male): You calling me a chick, asshole?
1. A kick to the genitals of a female 2. The female equivalent to the nutmeg or " nutty "
1. "Dude this bitch is crazy!" "ahh just give her the old cunt punt" 2. "Wow, that chick kicked the ball right through the other chicks legs! Just like a nutmeg !" "yep, that was a certified cunt punt"
The act of kicking a female in her vagina
We were making out and when i accidentally bit his tongue, he tried to cunt punt me and then dumped me. I hate guys.
My shoe was almost stuck when I cunt punted her
Nick , michelle got me so mad today I did a cunt punt and walked away. Lol
just another dumb way immature dudes will use a football reference to describe kicking chics in the lady parts.
I've landes the most kicks to chics in their vaginas. I'm the reigning cunt punt champion. MVP MOST CUNT PUNTS LANDED!!!
When a dumb bitch gets kicked or punted in HER junk .
Ohhhh damn....bitch just got str8 cunt punted .....and ol' boy had a running start! Damn son, that had to of stung a lil bit, ya feel me bro? For sho' to I wonder if they got his shoe back yet or not. What are you talking about? Oh snap you didn't see or hear what happened? Ol' boy lost his shoe on the return from the cunt punt! Fo' shizzy yo! He gave the bitch a cunt punt and lost his shoe. It just vanished, gone, disappeared, you know like "POOF BE GONE"

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A blistering e-mail written by a sororoty committee member sent to her sorority sisters has been making the rounds on-line recently (the text, and a dramatic reading of it, is here on YouTube),
This part of the letter interests me. The writer is engagingly florid in her wrath, and is a great curser (hence, partly, her brief fame).
A “matchup,” as I learned from this letter, is when a girls group meets with a frat house. It’s a big deal and takes planning. So:
Well it’s time someone told you, NO ONE FUCKING LIKES THAT, ESPECIALLY OUR FUCKING MATCHUP. I will fucking cunt punt the next person I hear about doing something like that, and I don’t give a fuck if you SOR me, I WILL FUCKING ASSAULT YOU
Caps original.
She also says “cock block,” an expression different in meaning but exactly similar in style.
It’s funny that I’m now such an alte kocker that I don’t understand slang.
I never heard it before I read that either. I am guessing it may be a popular phrase amongst the young folk when they want to be particularly expressive. Or, the young author may just have a natural gift for creating remarkably vivid rhymes.
ETA: I’m fairly certain “cock block” is much older. I think I first heard it in college which was a couple decades ago.
Cunt Punt has been an internet meme for quite some time now, if you Google “cunt punt meme” you’ll see them, although I can’t prove the date of inception. It wouldn’t surprise me if it was much older, given that it rhymes, and … well … you can get the feeling that some people need a punt for their behavior, and some of those people happen to have a cunt instead of a set of family jewels. The concept of women as fragile little flowers is long past dead. I’m guessing cunt punt didn’t start in Victorian era, but what do I know of history?
Urban dictionary has a cite for that phrase from 2005.
I never heard of it before this chick’s rant.
I have been hearing “cunt punch ” more often in real life than “punt” lately. Not as a literal term, more of a facetious expression of anger directed at a woman, usually by another female: “I am going to cunt punch whatever bitch took my Cheez-its!”
I’m still mystified by the “SOR” thing, myself.
Perhaps “Standing Order of Restraint?”
I used ‘cunt punt’ in high school in 1995. It went out of fashion for a while but I’ve been hearing it on and off for the last five years or so.
Maybe SOR = Sex Offender Registration?
I took it as “Statement of Reason”, where a sister fills out a SOR form to request that this person be removed from office or removed from the sorority. But that’s just a guess.
And yea, Cunt Punt has been around a while. It’s different than Cock Block, though. Cock Block is where you ruin/prevent a potential hook up. Cunt Punt is simply kicking a girl in the vulva!
Urban dictionary has “sor” as a half-felt apology, and that’s my best guess.
You tear someone a new one for not going to Sigma Nu, they flippantly say “Oh, like, sor…” and so you fucking assault them.
The other hypothesis I have, not as likely IMO, is Sexual Offender Registry (from acronyms/freedictionary ). I don’t care if you report me for being a sexual predator, I will fucking assault you.
I heard it back in 2003 or 2004; I think it was in reference to one of the fight scenes in Kill Bill .
I’m still going with SOR meaning Student Organization Representative. “To SOR someone” is to report them to the Student Organization Rep, the liason between the college and the group.
I was poking around YouTube responses and in one “serious” response by a college kid she facetiously applauded the emailer for inventing “cunt punt,” so the loop is not that wide.
That the emailer told the girls not to “cock block,” in relationship to their own sexual opportunities, I never heard, but am not that surprised given that I’ve seen/heard the dismissive “blow me” be used by a woman–a sign of the semantic niche that expression uniquely occupies, and why it was appropriated by women despite its obvious lack of more literal sense.
To call the whole bunch of girls facing her wrath “cocks” surprised me. In a similar situation a man will denigrate some one as a cunt, or a bunch of cunts or pussies, little bitches, etc., but demeaning a man by likening him to a woman or a female body part is well known to be particularly vicious. (“Goodnight ladies” was the Drill Instructors nightly goodbye to his Marine recruits in Full Metal Jacket .)
Anyone ever heard a woman put down another by calling her a cock?
ETA: I found this amusing multi-actor reading of the email:
Get a new plan, Stan
No need to be coy, Roy
Just drop off the cunt, Punt
and listen to me . . .
. . . I admit, it’s got a ring to it.
I used ‘cunt punt’ in high school in 1995. It went out of fashion for a while but I’ve been hearing it on and off for the last five years or so.
In the sorority thread, I said it was at least early 2000s, but mid-90s (when I was in college), sounds like it could be right, too. There is also the related phrase, already mentioned, “cunt punch.” I have no written records to prove this, memory is not an entirely reliable thing, but this was certainly not the first time I heard “cunt punt,” and my guess is early 2000s at the latest, probably more like mid-to-late 90s the first time I heard it.
For God’s sake, someone please cunt punt this bitch and give the
>> rightful nomination to Obama.
Here’s someone using the phrase in 2001 , but in a joking manner that makes me think s/he was just making it up:
my sister for example had very violent thoughts the three times she tried
>LSD - she wanted to bash her friends heads off of the wall, not normal
>thoughts for her (usually she just kicks them in the cunt, j/k). So she
>didn’t do it again.
Is that a cunt punt?
There’s also a poem from 1998 which has “cunt punt” in it, but it’s clearly meant to be wordplay, not referencing current slang.
The Google Groups usenet search doesn’t seem to work the same way it once did, so I’m finding it difficult to find a definitive cite. I’ll have to see if there’s a better search engine for this.
Actually, Urban Dictionary has a definition as far back as 2003 , if you spell it as “cuntpunt.” ETA: And cunt-punt has two definitions from 2005 and one from 2003, so early 2000s seems like a reasonable guess.
I distinctly recall a female friend of mine in high school using the term on more than one occasion back in 1998, with the meaning being basically a female version of “to/a kick in the balls”.
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Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary
cunt - punt ( third-person singular simple present cunt-punts , present participle cunt-punting , simple past and past participle cunt-punted )

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