What Investors Should Know About Yangtze River Development Limited’s (NASDAQ:YERR) Financial Strength
To NASDAQ Copenhagen Executive Board Lersø Parkallé 100 DK-2100 København Ø www.rd.dk Telephone +45 7012 5300 Telefax +45 4514 9622 4 May 2020 Company Announcement No 33/2020 Prepayments, Realkredit Danmark A/S Pursuant to §24 of the Capital Markets Act, Realkredit Danmark A/S hereby publishes prepayments as at Friday 1 May 2020. Please find the data in the attached file. The information will also be available on www.rd.dk . Yours sincerely The Executive Board Any additional questions should be addressed to Hella Gebhardt Rønnebæk, Chief Analyst, phone +45 4513 2068. Attachments Nr. 33_Ekstraordinaere indfrielser pr. 01.05.2020_uk Bilag til selskabsmeddelelse nr. 33-2020 View comments
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