What Happens If You Don't Ejaculate

What Happens If You Don't Ejaculate


What Happens If You Don't Ejaculate
What happens if a man doesn't ejaculate for a long time?
What happens to me if I masturbate until I want to ejaculate, then stop, let my penis become soft, then repeat for like the whole day?
My balls are killing me after I quit ejaculating for 1 month. I know the easy solution is just masturbating, but I don't want to. Is there any way to solve this?
If you don't masturbate for a couple of days can it make you ejaculate more?
What does it feel like to finally ejaculate/orgasm after months of ceasing?
I am 16 but I cannot ejaculate and no sperm comes out. One day I jerked my penis approximately for 1 hour while watching porn but no semen came out. What can I do to take out semen? Is it normal?
Sex advisor · Author has 169 answers and 2.3M answer views · Updated Apr 23 ·
What happens to me if I masturbate until I want to ejaculate, then stop, let my penis become soft, then repeat for like the whole day?
My balls are killing me after I quit ejaculating for 1 month. I know the easy solution is just masturbating, but I don't want to. Is there any way to solve this?
If you don't masturbate for a couple of days can it make you ejaculate more?
What does it feel like to finally ejaculate/orgasm after months of ceasing?
I am 16 but I cannot ejaculate and no sperm comes out. One day I jerked my penis approximately for 1 hour while watching porn but no semen came out. What can I do to take out semen? Is it normal?
I am 13. When I finish masturbating, I get a shock wave feeling and a clear sticky substance comes out. What's happening?
I am 18 and never masturbated yet, but whenever I watch porn or think about sex, I don't ejaculate. Now, I want to ejaculate and masturbated, but I haven’t ejaculated. How can I ejaculate through masturbation?
What's wrong with ejaculating when I haven't masturbated?
What happens to men's sperm after months and years without sex?
I am 22 years old. I masturbated daily once, but since 2 days ago, my ejaculation has not happened. Why?
I'm 13. If I don't masturbate for a week, will ejaculation after be big?
When I masturbate, I don’t ejaculate but a tiny bit of sticky clear fluid comes out. Is that normal or is something wrong?
What can happen if a man doesn't ejaculate in 2 weeks? My boyfriend and I have sex daily and he hasn't been able to ejaculate. Can it cause medical problems and if so what kind? Also, what should be done?
How long can a normal guy go without masturbation and ejaculation?
I ejaculated in seconds after a month of abstinence. Is this normal?
What happens to me if I masturbate until I want to ejaculate, then stop, let my penis become soft, then repeat for like the whole day?
My balls are killing me after I quit ejaculating for 1 month. I know the easy solution is just masturbating, but I don't want to. Is there any way to solve this?
If you don't masturbate for a couple of days can it make you ejaculate more?
What does it feel like to finally ejaculate/orgasm after months of ceasing?
I am 16 but I cannot ejaculate and no sperm comes out. One day I jerked my penis approximately for 1 hour while watching porn but no semen came out. What can I do to take out semen? Is it normal?
I am 13. When I finish masturbating, I get a shock wave feeling and a clear sticky substance comes out. What's happening?
I am 18 and never masturbated yet, but whenever I watch porn or think about sex, I don't ejaculate. Now, I want to ejaculate and masturbated, but I haven’t ejaculated. How can I ejaculate through masturbation?
What's wrong with ejaculating when I haven't masturbated?
What happens to men's sperm after months and years without sex?
I am 22 years old. I masturbated daily once, but since 2 days ago, my ejaculation has not happened. Why?
Something went wrong. Wait a moment and try again.
Truly, its bad for health to ejaculate too much. But if you totally stop ejaculation, your body will do it for you with a nightfall or wet dream. Safe levels of ejaculation, to maintain a balanced body and health is about 4x a month. Many many people will disagree with this, is because they love sex and will find ways to justify it. But, who doesn’t love sex? So their disagreement is normal. However, sperm is the most potent form of life that your body produces, and gets nourished with. Too much wastage of sperm is linked with physical weakness, mental imbalance, lack of concentration, and fas
Truly, its bad for health to ejaculate too much. But if you totally stop ejaculation, your body will do it for you with a nightfall or wet dream. Safe levels of ejaculation, to maintain a balanced body and health is about 4x a month. Many many people will disagree with this, is because they love sex and will find ways to justify it. But, who doesn’t love sex? So their disagreement is normal. However, sperm is the most potent form of life that your body produces, and gets nourished with. Too much wastage of sperm is linked with physical weakness, mental imbalance, lack of concentration, and faster aging.
Religions market the act of fornication or illicit sex wrongly, they say it is devilish. It is not devilish, it is simply physically, mentally, and spiritually weakening. The devil might be linked to physical, mental and spiritual degradation, but I don’t know him so I can’t talk for it.
Now the fact is that sex is an act designed solely for one thing, reproduction. It is extremely hard to refrain from it, hence, the better you can control your mind and your impulses, the better you can control everything else around you.
I’ve gone to no masturbation and no sex streaks for at least 90 days to 6 months multiple times, and I have seen immense benefits.
When I see my forefathers and ancestors in pictures, they didn’t have condoms back then, so they had to either have many many children, or control their impulses and have as many they could handle. However, everyone grew to be fit, manly, naturally lean, long living, and mentally sharp. It’s because many of that era, kept their sexual urges in control. They were also one of the last and most spiritually inclined generations we are going to see, as each generation along with media exposure, has taken debauchery to another level. In our era, its much easier to succeed with sexuality under check. Napoleon Hill knew this almost 100 years ago, but he didn’t have all the right words to describe it, but his chapter of Transmutation hit the nail. Hinduism has been preaching this for over 5000 years, it contains this knowledge, known as Bramhacharya.
All I’m saying is have sex, but don’t masturbate. And control the amount of sex you have, and make every session as lasting and as satisfying as possible for your partner, because once you do vaginal penetration, you’re only going to last as long as you want to last.
Your energy levels and testosterone levels increase by many percentage. Your productivity and self control increase too as your mind isn't distracted to porn and other things. Avoiding masturbating for a week or two increase your testosterone by 20-40% as per some studies. But that's not a fixed thing. Your diet and exercise play more role in increasing testosterone than avoiding ejaculation.
So not ejaculating has benefits but is this the whole story?
Definitely not !!!! Not ejaculating at all is as harmful as ejaculating too much.
How? Ejaculating at a frequent and right rate has numerous healt
Your energy levels and testosterone levels increase by many percentage. Your productivity and self control increase too as your mind isn't distracted to porn and other things. Avoiding masturbating for a week or two increase your testosterone by 20-40% as per some studies. But that's not a fixed thing. Your diet and exercise play more role in increasing testosterone than avoiding ejaculation.
So not ejaculating has benefits but is this the whole story?
Definitely not !!!! Not ejaculating at all is as harmful as ejaculating too much.
How? Ejaculating at a frequent and right rate has numerous health benefits. It decreases risk of prostate cancer, increase sperm quality, lowers stress and anxiety it's good for your body. You can learn about your body and also discover the possibilities of sexual pleasure other than ejaculation I.e. Male multiple orgasms and 8+ types of male orgasms. ( More on this at the end)
The thing No Fap isn't a necessary thing. You don't become a superhuman after practicing it. You don't receive the benefits of ejaculating either. Your ability of controlling ejaculation will also decrease as those muscles aren't used at all.
Instead of practicing No fap, you should practice Semen retention.
It's more useful than No fap. There is a difference between No fap and semen retention. In Semen retention, we practice masturbation/sex but do not ejaculate and let the body reabsorb the sperm's energy.
Here is the best way of semen retention- "Non ejaculatory orgasms"
It's a proven thing. Men can have orgasm without ejaculation and no refractory period. This allows men to have multiple orgasms. Non ejaculatory orgasms are much better than ejaculatory orgasms. You can have unlimited orgasms, they last for minutes and spread in whole body and are extremely strong as you learn them properly. Plus you get unlimited sex power/stamina. These are strong and full body multiple orgasms lasting for minutes. The orgasm length naturally increases as you learn it.
There are many techniques to learn this. I have written a dedicated answer to it as well. It is quite easy you can learn it within few weeks. Then you can have orgasms-sexual pleasure and ejaculate when you want. It's in your control now.
Ejaculating twice a week is healthy for young people, people in their middle age should do it once/twice in 7-14 days and people of old age should ejaculate once in 15-30 days. Best thing about non ejaculatory orgasms is you can have orgasm anytime but decide when to ejaculate so you can ejaculate once a week as a choice along with having orgasm/multiple orgasms everyday. Cool right!!!!
Also you can practice other types of male orgasms for retaining semen -
Remember that you can experience pleasure from your whole body too. Male body has same number of erogenous/sensitive spots as female body. So pay attention to your whole body.
Types of orgasms- Ejaculatory, non ejaculatory, Prostate orgasm, Anal, Blended orgasm ( combine any 2 types at once), nipple orgasms, energy orgasms, orgasms from erogenous zones, etc.
You can try these as well if you don't want to ejaculate. Remember that the penis is an amazing organ and by believing the urban myths of abstaining from sexual pleasure isn't helping.
Sexual energy is one of the most powerful energy and learning to manipulate it can have unlimited benefits from increasing your creativity, productivity, your sex power, rewarding your body, healing your body and health. Don't ejaculate a lot instead harness the power of semen by learning non ejaculatory orgasms and semen retention.

WHERE DOES THE SEMEN GO WHEN YOU DO NOT EJACULATE? 2019-06-13 2019-06-13 https://sexualcontinence.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/sexual-continence_logo-1.png Sexual Continence https://sexualcontinence.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/men-1276384_1920_792x350.jpg 200px 200px
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AWAKEN YOUR INNER WOMAN – for men Spirituality, Tantra
You have DECIDED: stop ejaculating! You are firmly committed to your decision … but there’s this mind-worm making you think that maybe it could affect your health. Relax, you are not the only one haunted by such fears. It is a frequent question that every man asks when hearing about amorous continence. “Where does the semen go if I stop ejaculating?”
The semen is reabsorbed in the body just as it happens in the case of a man who had a vasectomy. But as opposed to vasectomy, those who practice amorous continence also enjoy some benefits that should not be overlooked.
The scientific research has finally aligned with the teachings that tantric and taoist spiritual paths have maintained for thousands of years. After long studies, an eminent authority in sexology, Professor Max von Gruber, says with firm conviction: “It’s absurd to consider the semen a harmful secretion, which should be removed periodically like urine. Resorption of semen, is more than beneficial to the body. It is demonstrated by the great number of intellectual geniuses that have conserved their semen throughout their lives.”
Who could know what exactly happened hundreds or even thousands of years ago? The word of mouth, however, pervades through the turmoil of history. It seems that Isaac Newton knew amorous continence and even practiced it. Perhaps he took the example of his predecessors, Pythagoras and Aristotle, who, inspired in their turn by the older Egyptians, also practiced amorous continence. It is also said that Leonardo da Vinci and even Ludwig van Beethoven would have successfully applied it. Who could know? It is true, however, that all those listed have retained their creative power until they were well aged, and this could be an indication that sexual continence was not unknown to them.
In one of his studies on the amorous continence, renowned physician and homeopathy specialist, Dr Raymond Bernard wrote: “If the absorption of the sperm through the walls of the genital tract has a revitalizing effect on women, the same must be true for the body of the man, where this fluid is formed and then retained.” Far from being harmful, a long-lasting seminal retention gives the body a very energetic intake.
Another more contemporary researcher, Nick Lane explains related to his research on mitochondria that: “if I focus all my resources on having sex, then effectively I take resources away from longevity”.
The scientific phenomenon explaining the gigantic energy input triggered in the human body, thanks to the amorous continence, is called: biological transmutation.
What is biological transmutation? It is the ability of any living organism to convert one chemical element into another through radioactive disintegration or nuclear reactions. The phenomenon occurs at ambient temperature and is accompanied by a huge release of energy.
In the human being, processes of atomic transmutation at low energies are continually produced in metabolism, during mental activities, and even in spiritual experiences. It is actually a reunion of the constituent elements in atoms, in the course of nuclear reactions followed by a slow, huge triggering of energy. Reactions occur at the cellular level, inside the mitochondria, with the help of enzymes called “transmutase”.
Transmutation of sexual potential is only half of the processes involved in the amorous continence. The other half is the reuse of the resulting energy. It is called sublimation and is the process of internal displacement of energy resulting from transmutation in the upper levels of our being.
In other words, the gigantic amorous potential is transformed through the processes of transmutation and sublimation into other types of energy: volitional, emotional, mental and spiritual.
Here’s an interesting conclusion: If you practice amorous continence, not only do you avoid various illnesses, but also have the best chance of becoming more virile, smarter, more affectionate, and more spiritual. And besides, you will enjoy a happy and fulfilled amorous relationship.
That’s all well and good, I suppose, but it’s not true for me. If I don’t…take care of business…it leaks out; it’s not reabsorbed–not in my body, anyway.
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wonderful submit, very informative. I’m wondering why the other specialists of this sector don’t understand this. You must continue your writing. I’m confident, you have a huge readers’ base already !
Good article! This is a subject, that is very very very beneficial to men, if not THE most.
Semen retention are being suppressed in the western world, and porn / sex are being pushed.
Theres a reason for that.
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Anejaculation is the inability to ejaculate semen despite stimulation of the penis via intercourse or masturbation. It’s actually a fairly common problem and can be frustrating for a couple trying to have children.
The symptoms presented by anejaculation are not to be confused by those of erectile dysfunction . During anejaculation, a man has a normal libido, gets aroused, has an erection, gets to the orgasm phase but there’s no sperm (which was the male reproductive cells and derived from the Greek word sperma meaning “seed”) that is ejected from the erect penis. After his orgasm, he loses the erection. Because of these conditions, anejaculation is usually self-diagnosed but due to the symptoms, it might be confused for sexual dysfunction or retrograde ejaculation. It’s important to know the differences.
During a retrograde ejaculation, the semen (also known as seminal fluid – it is an organic fluid that may contain sperm and other enzymes that allow the sperm to swim and fertilize an egg) goes backward into the urinary bladder, rather than coming forward. In this case, the post orgasm urine is cloudy. When sent to the lab for examination, the doctor will find sperm in the urine. This is why it’s important to figure out whether it was retrograde ejaculation or anejaculation?
What causes anejaculation? There are two types: anorgasmic anejaculation and orgasmic anejaculation. An anorgasmic anejaculation is when a man never reaches an orgasm either via intercourse or masturbation and therefore can’t ejaculate. There is no physical defect, instead his orgasm is limited by psychological factors like stress therefore, he might need additional stimulation during intercourse to reach an orgasm.
The other type is an orgasmic anejaculation. In this case, a man is fully erect, able to experience an orgasm, but not ejaculate. This could be due to blockage in his tubes or damage to the nerves. This could also be a combination of retrograde ejaculation, which is why it’s important to check the urine post intercourse and/or have an exam by a primary care doctor.
To receive treatment for symptoms of anejaculation, start by talking to your primary care doctor, however the catch is, they will ask for either a urine sample or a sperm sample. How does one give a sperm sample if you can’t ejaculate? In a relaxed environment, the doctor will create something called “coitus interruptus” – this basically the “pull out method” aka pulling out of a vagina before ejaculation and is often done at home so that a sperm sample can be collected in a beaker. If this is not possible, the doctor will attempt to vibrate the penis in an attempt to stimulate it to reach an orgasm and collect a sample for testing. This type of stimulation results in 60% of ejaculations. If vibrator therapy fails, the doctor will then perform electro-ejaculation. This involves the direct stimulation of the nerves in the seminal vesicles and is also a way to test if the nerves are damaged. During this procedure, the doctor can also check for any blockage and if surgery is needed to clear the blockage in the urethra.
Anejaculation can also be physical. If you have had surgery due to an enlarged pr
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