What Happens After Taking Viagra Video

What Happens After Taking Viagra Video


What Happens After Taking Viagra Video
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Taking Viagra for the First Time: What to Expect

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When taking Viagra for erectile dysfunction, take one 50mg tablet about 1 hour before sex. The effects usually last for around 4 hours, and will only start to work once you’re sexually aroused, so you should take time to relax and be intimate with your partner.
If you’ve never taken Viagra as a treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED) before, it’s natural that you’ll have a few questions about what to expect the first time you pop that pill.
Viagra contains the active ingredient Sildenafil, which is also available in an unbranded generic form . It works by promoting muscle relaxation and vasodilation (widening of the blood vessels), allowing greater blood flow to the penis. This helps you achieve a firmer and longer-lasting erection. Result? More satisfying sex for you and your partner.
In this post, we’ll aim to answer your most pressing questions about taking Viagra for the first time.
The usual first-time dose of Sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra, is one 50mg tablet, which is taken with a glass of water an hour before the time you’re planning to have sex. Viagra is also available in doses of 25mg and 100mg, so your prescriber will be able to advise whether a lower or higher dose might suit you better.
Important note : You should never take more than one tablet per day – or take more than the maximum prescribed dose of 100mg. Indeed, doses over 100mg have shown no increased advantages for treating ED, and they raise the risk of side effects – and this would typically be outside the terms of the product license in any case.
A common myth surrounding Viagra is that it will make an erection spring up, as if by magic, once you’ve taken it. In fact, you need to be sexually aroused and stimulated for the drug to take effect. It usually takes around 30 minutes of gentle masturbation or engaging in foreplay with your partner before you’ll have an erection firm enough for penetration.
One study found that a firm erection could be achieved with as little as 12 minutes of stimulation, but for some men it can take up to an hour. It’s important to simply relax and enjoy the experience. Stressing about whether or not the drug will work could get in the way of becoming aroused, and this will then impact the drug’s effectiveness.
The effect of the Sildenafil or Viagra you’ve taken will usually be at its peak within 30 minutes to 2 hours after taking the tablet. However, the effects can last for 4 hours and sometimes longer, so you may find you can achieve multiple erections in that time!
If you’re looking for an ED drug that lasts a bit longer so you can have more spontaneous sex, you could always try Tadalafil (Cialis). This is known as the “weekend pill” as its effects last 24–36 hours.
Certain lifestyle choices can help or hinder the effectiveness of Viagra. At the time you take the tablet, you can maximise your potential for a good first experience by:
If Viagra doesn’t work for you the first time, you don’t have to give up straight away. It’s worth bearing in mind that it can actually take up to 8 times of using it before it starts to have an effect, so try on a few more occasions before seeking an alternative .
You could always get creative and try different settings and times for sex, to see what helps you become aroused.
Numerous clinical trials have demonstrated that Viagra is a very safe drug, and most men have a positive experience of the treatment. Important note: You must be a man over the age of 18 to take Viagra . 
When side effects do occur , these are generally mild and short-lived. Most commonly you might experience some flushing, stomach ache or indigestion, or a headache. If you do have any mild side-effect reaction to Viagra, you can also consult your prescriber to see if a lower dose might work better for you. If you have a more serious reaction to Viagra, such as a painful erection lasting more than 4-6 hours or a pain in your chest, seek urgent medical assistance.
When you’re prescribed Viagra online through a licensed and approved provider (like Manual), you’ll be asked for details of any other medications you’re taking. It’s important to provide full information about these, as some drugs can interact with Viagra and increase the risk of side effects. 
Remember: if the 50mg strength has not provided the desired outcome, after at least 8 separate attempts you can move up to 100mg. However, you should only do this if you haven’t experienced side effects from 50mg – or there has been no noticeable improvement in achieving an erection.
When you take Viagra or Sildenafil for the first time, the most important thing is to relax and enjoy some sexual stimulation (whether that’s masturbating or with a partner). This will give the drug the best chance to kick in and help you get the firm erection you’re looking for.
If you find that the typical 50mg dose isn’t right for you, you can talk to your prescriber about changing dose or trying an alternative ED treatment .
And remember that if Viagra doesn’t work for you the first time you can always try again another day. A few more candles, a little less champagne – and who knows what could happen…
It is completely safe to take Viagra or Sildenafil provided you are male and over-18, and have been prescribed it for erectile dysfunction. You should not use erectile dysfunction medicate recreationally, or if you have not been diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. Side effects are uncommon and generally mild, if you experience any serious pain or side effects which last longer than 4-6 hours, seek medical attention immediately.
Viagra works by inhibiting the PDE5 enzyme, which controls muscle contraction in the penis. Viagra allows the blood vessels in the penis to relax and expand, boosting the blood flow to the area and making it easier to maintain a lasting erection.
There is a myth that taking Viagra (or any other ED medication) will give you an instant erection, but the truth is far from it. In fact, Viagra only works to give you an erection when you are both aroused and stimulated, and even then it may take up to an hour of stimulation with Viagra to achieve an erection strong enough for penetration.
You can help to ensure the success of Viagra by only eating a light meal beforehand (a heavy, fatty meal will slow down your body’s absorption of the drug), avoiding alcohol (or at least limiting your alcohol consumption), and avoiding grapefruit or grapefruit juice (grapefruit can worsen the side effects of Viagra).
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I Took Viagra Every Day for Two Weeks and This Is What Happened

Viagra might be a (very effective) placebo.
Yes. A lot of the time ED is in your head.
There are many side effects—and they can be serious.
When you eat is of utmost importance.
Not everyone appreciates marathon sex sessions all the time.
You can overdo it and it will be bad.
Self deprecation is the most lethal weapon in any ladykiller's arsenal.
Bonus: You'll also be a much, much healthier man.
A shake a day keeps the Viagra away.
Self deprecation is the most lethal weapon in any ladykiller's arsenal.
Bonus: You'll also be a much, much healthier man.
A shake a day keeps the Viagra away.
What it's like to walk through the world at full sexual charge.
According to Viagra's official website, men should avail themselves of the little blue pill no more than once a day. So that's exactly what I did: I took Viagra no more than once a day—only I did so for exactly two weeks straight.
Now, I realize it may sound a bit excessive to be ingesting the world's top erectile-dysfunction pill as if it were everyday Ibuprofen, but I was determined to find out what it was like. Would I turn into a sex god? Would my mood soar? Would I hallucinate? Would the downward blood flow affect my brain? Well, there was only one way to find out.
Some relevant backstory: I'm 40 years-old and thankfully still very sexually active, and I've been experimenting with Viagra for many years (though only sparingly). But for this article I was definitely entering unchartered waters. Nervous? A little. Excited? Definitely. More than anything I was curious about what it would be like to walk through the world at full sexual charge. Here's what I learned. And for more advice, check out the ways to spice up your sex life .
Viagra comes in three different sizes: 25mg, 50mg, or 100mg. In the past, I've found that 25mg always did the job just fine. However, my journey begins with a bottle of the 100mg tabs which I've chosen to cut into thirds. (A full 100mg tablet is pretty hardcore. According to one writeup on littlebluepill.com, "it will give you a full Ginsu carving knife that, if put to ultimate use, will render her suitable for burial in a Y-shaped coffin.")
During my 14-day experiment, there were a few nights when sex was on the cards and I happened to have had one too many drinks. As I expected, the dose certainly did the trick—and then some. In fact, I found myself to be very prone to sudden, rock hard erections for most of the following day. The reason? Viagra doesn't stop working after four hours. Rather, its effectiveness drops by 50 percent. Another four hours and it drops by 50 percent again.
Even at my usual 25mg dose, I still woke up each morning with enough Viagra in my system to result in a penis so hard a cat couldn't scratch it. (For more ways to improve your sexual health, here are the 11 all-natural ways to get a rock hard erection .)
During the two weeks I spent taking Viagra, I couldn't help but notice that my erections felt harder, fuller, and more abiding over the course of an evening of sex. However, according to urologist Dr. Arthur Burnett with Johns Hopkins, I might be tricking myself. Burnett says guys like me who have no physical problems achieving and maintaining an erection are basically throwing their money away by using Viagra recreationally.
"If erections are really intact, Viagra does not make a better erection," he says. Could that mean that a mental rather than a physical problem was making my natural erections seem less impressive than chemically aided ones?
Stress , depression , relationship trouble , low-self esteem, and sexual performance anxiety often get the better of erections. They've certainly been known to get in the way of some of mine. Psychotherapist, sex counsellor, and author Ian Kerner PhD suggests that Viagra can help in these instances.
"I do find a higher percentage of men are dealing with sexual anxiety and sexual problems related to erectile quality and so there are more men dealing with situational ED and taking Viagra," he says. "The effect often for these men is a firmer, more consistent and dependable erection ."
When I took the Viagra, I experienced flushing: a warm feeling in my cheeks and ears that was also accompanied by a notable redness. Another unfortunate side effect of dilated blood vessels was the sudden and severe nasal congestion that made it impossible to both breathe through my nose or smell my partner—things that I really like to do when I'm having sex. (To mitigate this, I learned to employ a nasal spray with oxymetazoline hydrochloride when popping my pill.)
In 2015, a meta-analysis of 150 trials determined that while Viagra is the most effective of the various ED drugs on the market, it also has the highest incidence of side effects—headache, upset stomach, vision loss, blue-tinged sight, back pain, muscle pain, nausea, and dizziness, just to name a few common ones. Another, rarer side effect can be having a rock hard erection that doesn't abate. The medical name for a perma-stiffy is called priapism. While priapism might sound appealing to a guy interested in having his best sex, it's important to know that an erection that refuses to away can cause permanent damage—including amputation. And yes, that is one of the 20 craziest side effects of common drugs .
I realized that what and how much I ate had an effect on how quickly the Viagra went to work. On an empty stomach, I was feeling flushed and—if turned on—sporting an erection within twenty minutes. If, however, I'd eaten a burger and fries, it was more like forty. This is confirmed by the company's website , which says that a fatty meal can lengthen the amount of time Viagra takes to work. No word on what happens if you combine Viagra with the 7 foods that are proven to boost your libido .
I also noticed a couple of other benefits from taking so much Viagra, including shorter refractory time (meaning: the length of time between ejaculating and being able to have sex again). "Some have used [Viagra] to enable faster recovery of erectile ability after ejaculation," says Dr. Burnett, thereby backing up my observation. In fact, Dr, Burnett's views on the recreational use of Viagra by men without ED are perfectly encapsulated by a 2003 study entitled: "Sildenafil does not improve sexual function in men without erectile dysfunction but does reduce the postorgasmic refractory time."
Not having control over my orgasm has rarely been a personal issue. I chalk it up to my discovery of masturbatory edging as a young teen. That said, I noticed that, during this experiment, I really had to make an effort to bring myself to orgasm—despite having a throbbing, long-lasting erection that felt both great to my and my partner.
This phenomenon was looked into back in 2005 when researchers sought to find out if Viagra also helped with premature ejaculation. The study concluded that Viagra "increased confidence, the perception of ejaculatory control, and overall sexual satisfaction, and decreased the refractory time to achieve a second erection after ejaculation in men with PE." Another study from 2007 demonstrated that greater ejaculatory control was more than just a perception and proved that Viagra can be both effective and safe in the treatment of PE. Talk about getting plenty of bang for your buck. Of course, if this doesn't work, learn the 5 easiest ways to make sex last (much) longer .
With great power comes great responsibility. And if you've got a penis like a crowbar, increased ejaculatory control, a mind less distracted by performance anxiety—and the refractory time of a horny fifteen year old—you may run the risk of your partner wanting or needing to tap out at a certain point.
"I want you to come now," is basically a nice way of saying, "That's enough of that, I'm bored/chafed/exhausted/too busy to do this all day long."
During my experiment, this line was said to me on numerous occasions. How long people like to have sex for is incredibly varied, of course, but, according to a 2008 study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine , sex therapists defined intercourse lasting 1 to 2 minutes as "too short," 3 to 7 minutes as"adequate," 7 to 13 minutes as "desirable," and 10-30 as "too long." In my case, the more time went on, the earlier these cease and desist requests came in. And here are some other warning signs your partner might not be enjoying sex quite as much as you are .
Given what Viagra, taken recreationally, can do—and did for me during a very fun two week experiment—you'd be forgiven for jumping to the conclusion that upping the dose means upping the good times. But take heed: unless you really suffer from ED, you probably don't need it. And if you're taking it because you're drinking too much, well, I'd drink less than try to fight it with the pill.
And, for what it's worth: the Internet is rife with accounts of men who overdid it with Viagra and ended up suffering heart attacks, death, and, in the case of a 66-year old farmer in Colombia, requiring emergency surgery on a penis gone gangrenous in the wake of a Viagra overdose. (Truth.)
The biggest, hardest, proudest erection in the world isn't worth taking risk of that happening.
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I TOOK VIAGRA PILLS *SOCIAL EXPERIMENT* DOES IT ACTUALLY WORK?Hope you guys enjoyed this video ! If you did, give it a like share & subscribe! I upload every ...
Video Unavailable A doctor explains the side effects of Viagra It has a half-life of about four hours, which means that every four hours after taking it, the drug reduces by 50per cent. 10 hours....
The effect of the Sildenafil or Viagra you've taken will usually be at its peak within 30 minutes to 2 hours after taking the tablet. However, the effects can last for 4 hours and sometimes longer, so you may find you can achieve multiple erections in that time!
In 2015, a meta-analysis of 150 trials determined that while Viagra is the most effective of the various ED drugs on the market, it also has the highest incidence of side effects—headache, upset stomach, vision loss, blue-tinged sight, back pain, muscle pain, nausea, and dizziness, just to name a few common ones.
Viagra works quickly after you take a dose. In most males,* Viagra works within 1 hour after it's taken. It's possible that Viagra can begin working within 30 minutes of being taken. But other...
27 Minutes In The average erection from users start happening around this time, half an hour after the pill is consumed. Doctors generally suggest to plan ahead and to take the pill around an hour before you're planning on having sex but, for most cases, erections happen faster. 57 Minutes In
Typically, common Viagra side effects include things like headaches, nasal congestion and facial flushing. However, you should also speak to a healthcare professional if you have a history of blood pressure issues, other cardiovascular issues or other previous health conditions, as this medication may lower your blood pressure.
We know that in men, Viagra dilates blood vessels and increases the flow of blood to the penis. Women who take it might also have increased blood flow to the genitals. That may help increase...
In fact, the study found that you can achieve a
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