What Everyone Should Know About Living With Diabetes

What Everyone Should Know About Living With Diabetes

Understand that there is no single "magic number" when it comes to your A1C levels. However, you should aim to keep Gluco Shield Pro Reviews this number as low as possible in order to reduce your chances of developing complications from diabetes. Even slightly high A1C levels put you at considerable risk for stroke and cardiovascular problems.

To decrease the effect sugars and carbohydrates have on your body, consume plenty of fiber. Fiber works as a sort of natural buffer that will help keep your blood sugar down even when you've eaten things that normally make it spike. If you've eaten something you shouldn't, a quick fiber rich snack can help counteract its effects.

Keep a dietary journal. When you have diabetes, it is very important to keep careful track of not only what you eat, but how much, and when you consume them. While many people can remember what they ate that day, can you remember what you ate 2 weeks ago for breakfast? Keeping a food journal gives you a record of your food intake so you can spot patterns and better control your diabetes.

Plan in advance for any high-sugar foods you will eat. Have insulin on hand for any sudden increases in blood sugar levels, and make sure that you monitor your blood sugar levels afterwards. The important thing to do is to be aware of how you're feeling at any point after the meal.

Stop smoking. Aside from the well-documented lung cancer risks, smoking is of extra concern for diabetics. Diabetes and smoking both put you at an increased risk for heart disease, nerve damage, and kidney problems. Smoking also causes a rise in blood sugar. Either risk alone is enough for concern, but a diabetic who smokes is at a much higher risk of developing problems.

Try strength training. Most people are aware that exercise is beneficial for everybody, and especially for diabetics. However, often the emphasis is put on cardiovascular exercises. These stamina-building aerobic activities are an important part of a good exercise regime, but don't forget to include some strength training. Strength training has been shown to reduce the amount of fat found inside the body cavity, surrounding your organs making it just as heart-healthy as traditional cardiovascular exercises.

These ideas will help you build a better, more satisfying life, despite the challenges presented by living with diabetes. This disease is completely treatable, and you can do more than just cope with it. You can deal with diabetes and all its effects and still go live life to the full.

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