What Does Itchy Breast Mean

What Does Itchy Breast Mean


What Does Itchy Breast Mean

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Lisa Fayed is a freelance medical writer, cancer educator and patient advocate.

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Adam M. Brufsky, MD, PhD, is a Professor of Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh who has specialized in breast cancer medical oncology for over 20 years.

It is common for girls and women to experience itchy breasts once in a while. While itchy breasts are most often due to relatively harmless causes such as dry skin or mastitis, it is important to be aware of the most serious causes, which are inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) and Paget's disease—two uncommon forms of breast cancer.

Symptoms of causes on both ends of this spectrum differ, which is helpful in terms of coming to a diagnosis. Still, remember that even less worrisome conditions deserve attention as preventative approaches or medical treatments may help reduce the itchy sensation and prevent complications.

While cancer is a possible cause of itchy breasts, it is not the cause in most cases. There are many possibilities your healthcare provider may consider first. That said, itchy breasts can be a sign of a health problem, can result in persistent discomfort, and can be effectively treated.

Some of the most common causes of itchy breasts include:

Mastitis is a breast infection that most commonly affects women who are breastfeeding, but women who are not nursing can develop it as well. It may cause a fever, breast pain, redness, warmth, and itching. You may also have a generalized feeling of being sick if you have mastitis. 1

It is treated with antibiotics, and if your symptoms do not begin to improve within a week, further tests may be done to look for a different cause.

Dry skin is very common and can occur if you are dehydrated, as a result of cold weather, or if you just have a tendency to have dry skin. Usually, when dry skin causes itchy breasts, the skin in several regions of the body is dry or itchy .

Dermatitis is a rash due to inflammation of the skin. It can be triggered by an allergic reaction to something that your skin has been exposed to or it may occur without a trigger. Common culprits include new clothes, detergents, perfumes, lotions, and shampoos.

You may be able to prevent dermatitis by using products made for sensitive skin, which usually do not contain irritants such as perfume or dye. Although it's not common, the nickel in the underwire of bras can cause an allergic reaction for some women.

Atopic dermatitis, which is also known as eczema , is a type of dermatitis that usually occurs without a trigger. It is often associated with asthma or hay fever. 2

The skin underneath and on the sides of the breasts can become moist, allowing an overgrowth of yeast that can cause itching.

You might find relief with over-the-counter antifungal creams, or your healthcare provider can prescribe a prescription-strength antifungal medication.

To prevent yeast growth under the breasts, it helps to wear bras that are made of a breathable fabric, like cotton. Wearing a comfortable and supportive bra, even during sleep, can prevent skin folds from trapping sweat and moisture.

After showering, make sure that the area under your breasts is completely dry before putting on a bra. If you work out, be sure to select an athletic bra that's made of fabric that keeps sweat and moisture away from the skin, and change promptly after your session.

Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes flaking scales on the skin. It can occur anywhere on the body, including the breasts, although the breasts are not the most common location of the skin lesions. Psoriasis can be treated with phototherapy or topical medications. 3

A heat rash can occur as the result of extreme heat exposure, very heavy or tight clothes, and sweating. Some people can develop a heat rash that affects the whole body, and it may resolve on its own, or it can be treated with drying powders.

Hormonal changes that cause breasts to become larger, such as puberty, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and weaning, can all cause painful or itchy breasts. Generally, this problem lasts for several days or several weeks, and should not be associated with a rash or discoloration of the breasts.

If you have had recent breast surgery, itching can be a normal part of your recovery. Breast augmentation surgery , especially, can cause itchiness. The skin of the breast stretches to accommodate the implant, resulting in this symptom.

Most women find that the itching goes away within a few months after surgery. If itchiness is persistent and intolerable, you should consult your surgeon or your primary care provider. 

Lumps aren't the only potential symptoms of breast cancer. Itchiness, as well as other skin changes, can signal two specific types of breast cancer— inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) and Paget's disease .

IBC accounts for 1 percent to 5 percent of cases of breast cancer in the United States; it can spread rapidly and often isn't recognized until it reaches an advanced stage. 4 The symptoms of Paget's disease, which is responsible for 1 percent to 4 percent of breast cancer cases, are easily confused with eczema or skin irritation. 5

If you develop breast itching that lasts for longer than a few weeks and is accompanied by any of the symptoms of IBC or Paget's symptoms that follow, make an appointment to see your healthcare provider as soon as possible.

Swelling, thickening, or sudden growth not related to puberty or weight gain
One breast feels harder than the other
Swelling in armpit (may indicate metastases to lymph nodes)
Red, thick, or crusted lesion on the nipple that resembles eczema
Pain and/or tingling in the nipple or areola
Nipple changes or deformities, such as retraction or inversion
Yellow or bloody discharge from nipples

Pregnancy-induced eczema is the most common reason for itchiness of the breasts and other body parts during pregnancy . Up to 80% of women who experience eczema while expecting had no symptoms before becoming pregnant. 6 You should be able to treat the itching with emollient-rich moisturizers .

Itching or pain often occurs in the first weeks of nursing as your body gets used to the baby’s sucking and the milk leakage. If these symptoms return later, it may be a sign of thrush , a yeast infection that occurs on your nipples. Your baby may also show signs of thrush, which can appear as white patches inside the mouth. You and your baby would need to be treated to ensure the infection doesn’t recur.

Having itchy breasts, even if due to a harmless cause, is a good reminder to see if you are up-to-date on early detection strategies such mammograms , and to practice lifestyle measures that may reduce your risk of developing breast cancer in the future, such as quitting smoking.

While itchy breasts certainly do not mean that you have breast cancer, it is important to see your healthcare provider for a proper evaluation. Uncommon types of breast cancer such as inflammatory breast cancer and Paget's disease may have itching as a symptom, though oftentimes there are additional symptoms present as well.

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Laas E, Touboul C, Kerdraon O, Catteau-jonard S. [Inflammatory and infectious breast mastitis outside of pregnancy and lactation: Guidelines] . J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris) . 2015;44(10):996-1016. doi:10.1016/j.jgyn.2015.09.055
National Institute of Health. Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis) .
National Institutes of Health. Psoriasis Types.
National Cancer Institute. Inflammatory Breast Cancer . 
National Cancer Institute. Paget’s Disease of the Breast . 
Weatherhead S, Robson SC, Reynolds NJ. Eczema in pregnancy . BMJ . 2007;335(7611):152-154. doi: 10.1136%2Fbmj.39227.671227.AE
Kontoes P, Gounnaris G. Complications of Fat Transfer for Breast Augmentation. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2017 Oct;41(5):1078-1082. doi: 10.1007/s00266-017-0911-2. Epub 2017 Jun 22.
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Woman's Day spoke to a dermatologist and women’s health expert to learn what causes itchy breasts.
Itchin’ and scratchin’ is normal from time to time, but if it’s more than just a spare tickle, the itchiness can be super aggravating. Especially when it’s, you know, on your boobs. It’s not exactly easy to reach into your shirt to satisfy an itch in an office meeting, and when the itching is persistent, it can signal one of several reasons for itchy breasts.
But what can cause itchy breasts and, more importantly, how can you make it stop? Woman's Day spoke to a dermatologist and women’s health expert to figure it out.
But first, know that this list isn’t a substitute for medical attention and it could be worth checking in with your doctor. “Itchiness that persists [and] doesn't go away with treatment or progresses into a rash or skin changes should be enough to seek medical attention,” Jennifer Wider , MD, women’s health expert and author tells Woman’s Day.
If you’ve got an itchy, red rash around your breasts (and even on other parts of your skin), it could be eczema. “It’s generally caused by the skin’s inability to hold onto moisture and to the good bacteria that help protect it from irritants,” Gretchen Frieling , MD, a board-certified dermatopathologist in the Boston area, tells Woman’s Day.
About one in 10 people will have some form of eczema during their life , according to the National Eczema Association, although it’s most common in children. Dr. Frieling says that stress, rough materials on the skin, feeling too hot or too cold, sun, pet dander, and laundry detergent can all be triggers.
Your skin may just be naturally dry, but if you’ve recently started using new skincare products or routines — especially harsh ones — that may be a cause.
“The solution is simple: keep the area moisturized,” Dr. Frieling says. Regular old body moisturizer is fine for breasts. If your boobs are on the larger side, make sure the underside is dry before you put on a bra, or you might end up with chafing.
“Any dirty clothes, including bras, often have bacteria that can irritate and infect the skin,” Dr. Frieling says. Chests tend to especially collect sweat. Dr. Frieling says regular bras should be washed weekly, and sports bras should be washed after every time you work out.
Even if you are washing your bra often, you could be having a reaction to your bra’s fabric. “Synthetic fabrics are the biggest culprit of itchy breast and polyester and latex and really irritating,” Dr. Frieling says. Instead, she recommends a natural material like cotton.
“Most women associate yeast infections with the vagina,” Dr. Frieling says. But you can get them under your breasts, too, because moisture gets trapped and that’s where yeast thrives—and breasts get itchy. Treatment is as simple as an anti-yeast medication.
According to the Mayo Clinic, women with under-active thyroids are more likely to have dry skin , and as we mentioned before, dry skin is itchy skin. The solution, beyond speaking with your doctor about thyroid treatments, is to keep skin moisturized.
During puberty or pregnancy, the skin of the breasts can stretch enough that the tightness causes itching. “Women can use moisturizers, topical creams and gels to alleviate the itchiness,” Dr. Wider says. She also mentioned that sweat can exacerbate itching in this scenario, so try to dry yourself off after a workout.
“Several common medications including high blood pressure meds, anti-depressants, pain killers, and even estrogen can cause itchy breasts,” Dr. Wider says. These can be a bit trickier to figure out, so expect that your doctor will have a few questions to ask you so they can rule medications out accordingly.
In the meantime, or if it’s not possible to avoid or replace the medication, you can work with your doctor on treating the symptoms with lotions, she adds.
Just like anywhere else on your skin, breasts can be affected by an allergic reaction. For example, if you just switched to a new detergent, that could cause an itchy rash on your chest. “Treating the underlying allergy with an anti-histamine is usually enough to stop the itch,” Dr. Wider says.
“Itchiness and a rash can be an early sign of a rare breast cancer called inflammatory breast cancer,” Dr. Wider says. Only 1 to 5% of all breast cancers are inflammatory breast cancer , according to the National Cancer Institute.
“The breast usually goes from itchy to red, swollen and warm and the skin may dimple or look pitted like the peel of an orange,” Dr. Wider explains. If you notice these along with your itching, talk to your doctor so you can get a full screening.

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A: Breast itching is not uncommon. Although it’s not typically a sign of breast cancer, any breast symptom, including breast pain , should be evaluated by a healthcare provider just to be sure.

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Itching can sometimes develop following breast surgery or cancer treatment. But assuming you have not had previous breast problems , it may be a sign of dry skin or minor inflammation. Using a good moisturizer such as Lubriderm® can help.
If the itching is truly “inside,” it might be helpful to stop or cut back on caffeine . You can also try an herbal supplement called evening primrose oil, 1,000 mgs twice a day for three to four months, to try to “calm down” the breast tissue.
The one thing I would worry about is if the nipple itself looks abnormal — reddened, flaky or ulcerated. A rare form of breast cancer, called Paget’s disease, can present in this way and may cause itching.
– Breast health specialist, Holly Pederson, MD .
A specialist discusses this common condition and what it might mean.

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