What Does It Mean If Your Discharge Smells Like Vinegar

What Does It Mean If Your Discharge Smells Like Vinegar


What Does It Mean If Your Discharge Smells Like Vinegar

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Communities > Women's Health > Vaginal discharge smells like vinegar? (soory, i know it's gross, but i need to know)

  ok so this is embarresing, but i really dont want to go to a doctor unless absolutely necessary. so here goes: Im 16 and a virgin. Ive noticed that my vaginal smell has changed. It used to have a musty smell that wasnt bad or anything, it was something I would consider normal for a woman.
  But lately it has a sour smell, kinda like vinegar potato chips. Its not a too strong, I cant smell it through my clothes or anything, bt my underwear now smells of it. My discharge is the same healthy color and consistency that it has always been (clear, not too thick or too runny), and i dont itch, so i dont think this is BV or a yeast infection. However, it does dry yellow on my panties (but i repeat, its NOT an abnormal color when it comes out)

  As far as I know, my diet is the same. The only difference in my lifestyle is that ive switched my products, such as soap and shampoo, to all natural stuff; and Ive been taking more baths recently, just with plain water.  I don't use anything with fragrances down there, nor do i douche. I just cant understand the sudden change. And I'm scared that if it smells like vinegar, it might taste like vinegar, which would be a problem if i ever have a bf who wants to go down on me. I really don't wanna go through a guy telling me "you taste sour".

  So, does this sound like a normal smell? What caused the sudden change in smell? Are there any natural home remedies that i can do to change it back? Should i stop taking baths? I really don't think its something serious enough to warrant a visit to the Doc, so please don't suggest it. Any other advise would be greatly appreciated. TY (:

I've been experiencing a wet tissue like discharge, i never had this period before so I'm not aware what kind of discharge this is. If it...

I’m too shy to make an appointment... or talk to my mom about it.. but I’ve been itchy is not all the time that I’m itchy it goes away fr...

I’ve been doing some research on my own and it appears that I may have a naturally high vaginal Ph. I’m 19, a virgin and I have only been...

Hi everyone, I need some advice.

27 y/o. Before I had my IUD I had a lot of vaginal discharge, it was either thick and clumpy (white) ...

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Sep 01, 2017

A sour-vinegar smell coming from the vagina could be a sign of bacterial vaginosis. This is common and can be tested for with a simple, and painless, culture done by a OBGYN. It is treated with antibiotics and if that is the problem it should resolve after the antibiotics take their course. It is normal for some vaginas to smell differently during their cycle, however, you know what is and isn't normal with you. If you ever feel like something isn't right you should go get it checked out. Don't be ashamed about it, almost every women will go through this experience or a similar one, it is just a human body, everyone has one and it is nothing to be embarrassed of, so don't be afraid to ask a doctor or a parent about it. But you know what is normal for you, so if something doesn't feel right, go to the doctor. It is better safe than sorry when it comes to your health.

Clean the vaginal area with warm water and not so much of a strong soap i consider using like dial soap and I don't know if you do and i'm not saying that you don't but make sure you shower twice a day one in the morning and one at night.

Hey there, welcome to the forum and thanks for your answer here.  Have you ever had any issue with using soap in that area for sensitivity?  I haven't but have read about that with others.  But I agree, washing can solve a lot of issues.  And we have folds of skin around that area where it is easy to have bacteria get trapped and smell or urine gets stuck in the pubic hair or area as well and that can smell like ammonia or vinegar too.  You are right, good cleaning does help.  Again, thanks for posting!

The secret to this  showers take showers regularly and don't use a cloth or Luffa down there just a tiny bit of soap an water use ur fingers to get in creases to make sure everything has been wipes away and wear cotton panties i know there not as cute but thongs and other frilly ones will cause sweat buildup yeast infections an uti

This is probably temporary but it sounds like the beginning of a yeast infection. Or it could just be part of your cycle. See a doctor if you start feeling itching or soreness.

Girls, white discharge is completely normal, and a slight smell of vinegar is also. Ask a parent if they could buy you some Vagisil, its $5 and it helps with balancing your pH and helps get rid of the smell.

Feb 12, 2017

I just started to realise the smell of the discharge slightly smelling vinegary. Sometimes I have whitey discharge in my panties and I dont particularly want to tell my parents

Feb 12, 2017

Aug 19, 2017

The white discharge happens when u ovulate, it's usually between day 10-14 of ur cycle, first day of ur period is day 1... perfectly normal

I now have the same problem but I dont want to tell my mum

sometimes i see white sticky fluid on my panty and i dont knw wat it is???? idnt knw y it comes only sometimes???? help

Aug 19, 2017

Youre ovulating... its usually between day 10-14 Of Ur menstral cycle and thats when ur most fertile

I have the same problem. I had normal/no smell at all and then it just dramatically changed after I was on my period and it was kind of a strong vinegar smell. I thought I had a yeast infection so I went to the doctor and had gotten treated for it. The medicine helped but a week later it was back. I didn't know what to do. I thought it was bacteria down there causing a smell. I told my mom and she recommended a douche. I used the douche and the next 5 days everything was fine. Unfortunately the smell came back. My mom kept saying to me that it was normal for a slight- medium vinegar smell but it doesn't seem normal to me. What could it be??

DO NOT DOUCHE!!!!!! It's extremely unclean and unhealthy for you!! Discharge is your body getting rid of all the gross things in your body so of course it's not going to smell amazing. The smell will change to become stronger during different parts of your cycle...go to the doctor and be very precise with details or even ask them to have a look/do a test but whatever you do DO NOT DOUCHE!!!!

Vinegar scented moisture or discharge is a sign of normal pH. It will change throughout the month. Perhaps while you are ovulating it will smell a little stronger or a bit sweet. During menstruation it may smell more metallic (discharge of minerals).
Don't worry about normal vaginal scent with your boyfriend. If he doesn't like the smell, well he doesn't like vagina. Chances are he will as your body is releasing pheromones too.
Only time to worry is when it smells quite strongly of "fish" (which means the pH has risen too high.) This often indicates bacterial vaginosis which is very common and easily taken care of at the doctor's office.
Things you can do to maintain your healty pH is just eat enough and a balanced diet, avoid artificial sweeteners, use sea salt rather than refined ...that sort of thing.

Hi Angie I'm having the same problem and I really hate it. I noticed that the discussion above is a few years old so I'm wondering if you have found any remedies yet? Thank you, I'd greatly appreciate it. :)

I know u don't think it's a yeast thing but I had the same thing so I went to a alternative health Doc & she said it was candida. It took about a year but she set me up on a special way of eating leaving out wheat, dairy & sugars & it went away. I have to be careful with not having much of those foods she told me to give up. But she said I could have a little once in a while only. U can read up on candida on line. Pretty interesting. It will be fine. Good for u reaching out for help.

Aug 02, 2011

I would try to change the soap to see if that helps at all.

I also smell so bad sometimes like vinegar, sewage, .... I used to smell more bad when I sit in a car or public. This made to feel so ashamed.People does not like me at all. I already went for checks up. They say so it okay . nothing there. Why ? But why Im smell

I'm using Nubian Heritage. I think the one I'm using right now is the goats milk. Like I said though, I really don't think its my diet because it hasn't changed at all.

Jul 28, 2011

Our vaginal fragrance can change quite dramatically based on what we eat, for example if you were a meat eater and switched over to a vegan, the scents would be different.  If you eat a lot acidic food or are following a non-alkaline diet this could also be the cause.  But the fact that you have switched to all natural soaps could also be one of the reasons for the change in scent.  Natural products do clean us differently.  You might want to use a natural fragrant soap, even lavender fragrance soap or sandalwood can be refreshing for a woman.  What brands are you currently using?

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I've been experiencing a wet tissue like discharge, i never had this period before so I'm not aware what kind of discharge this is. If it...

I’m too shy to make an appointment... or talk to my mom about it.. but I’ve been itchy is not all the time that I’m itchy it goes away fr...

I’ve been doing some research on my own and it appears that I may have a naturally high vaginal Ph. I’m 19, a virgin and I have only been...

Hi everyone, I need some advice.

27 y/o. Before I had my IUD I had a lot of vaginal discharge, it was either thick and clumpy (white) ...

John C Hagan III, MD, FACS, FAAO Jun 08

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Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.

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ever since i was creating vaginal discharge at like age 11, it smelled like vinegar. i never thought anything of it because i was a kid and didn’t care what i smelled like.
now i’m 17, and the smell is still there. i’ve done research and everything points to yeast infection, but it can’t be, right? i’ve smelled like this my whole life! it’s definitely more potent at different points in my cycle but the smell never goes away.
When i was 16 and had my first sexual encounter with my current BF he noticed the smell too and i got so self conscious and took yeast infection meds just because i wasn’t sure. i told him i’ve smelled like that for my whole life and he seemed to also believe its just my smell.
keep in mind, it’s just my daily discharge that smells like this and my period blood sometimes, but when i’m fully cleaned up i don’t have an odor. (the reason my boyfriend smelled the vinegar smell too was because i had been wearing my underwear all day so there was discharge in it) My arousal fluids also don’t have this smell though, it has no smell at all.
should i be concerned, or is this just my true natural scent? i don’t eat a lot of vinegar or anything like that, i would say my diet is pretty healthy for someone in america.
Does anyone else experience an abnormal smell? it would make me feel better to know i’m not al
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