What Does Dick Taste Like

What Does Dick Taste Like


What Does Dick Taste Like

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Spotted dick is lovely especially with warm custard.
@Kandy-Kane Have you never tried it?
@Kandy-Kane Gosh I am surprised, might I fully recommend that if ever you see it on a cafe/restaurant menu you sample it. I'm sure you won't be disappointed. Right thread at last! lol
@Kandy-Kane Really? What's so funny about a fruit suet pudding with custard?
@Kandy-Kane Have you not yet sampled a portion of SD?
@Kandy-Kane Get on Google, look up the recipe and make it yourself. And when you do please invite me around and I promise I'll bring the custard.
Possibly... All this talk about dick... Be back in 10...
@Kandy-Kane smh You seriously need therapy! lmao
I want those lol Everyone tastes different

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