What Does Cfnm

What Does Cfnm


What Does Cfnm

Read the text.list two examples of problems caused by electronic media.what does the writer advise teens to do? how difficult was the text for you? даю 50 б

abzalkaliev177 ждёт твоего решения.
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Поставьте глагол в скобках в необходимое время группы Perfect Continuous. Переведите на русский язык.
1. Mark … (to choose) a new telephone for an hou

r before he bought it.
2. I … (to play) the violin for a long time when my friends came.
3. Wake up! You … (to sleep) for 12 hours already!
4. Liz … (to translate) the book for ages.
5. We … (to sunbathe) on the beach for several hours by the time she reads our letter.
6. The boy took the toys which little Mary … (to play) with.
7. Tony … (to speak) on the phone since breakfast time.
8. They … (to celebrate) their wedding since last Friday
9. He said he … (to wait) for us for half an hour.
10 By tonight I … (to keep) to a diet for 2 weeks already.

Read the words and word combinations with their translation.Cover the left side of the exercise and translate into English.to hire a cars a ten-minute

driveine price of petrol10 exceed speed 50 miles an hourto stay in a hotellimitthe price of a hotel room$20 per personThana)Iik'sid](pa:)взяти напрокат авто це 10 хвилин іздивартість бензинуперевищувати швидкість 50 миль за годинузупинятися в готелівартість кімнати у готелі 20 доларів з людини​

1. How long does it take to.....? Скільки потрібно часу на те, щоб.....?2. How far is it from....to.....?Чи далеко (яка відстань) від.....до.....? З я

кою швидкістю можна їздити по місту? 3. How fast can you drive in town? З якою швидкістю можна їздити по місту?4. How much does..... cost.....? Скільки коштує.....?​

Report the statements using the verbs given. Translate the sentences.
"Til miss you very much." - He told. = He told her he would miss her. Пример.

"I'm taking my English exam tomorrow. I'm afraid I'll fail it." She said
3. "I've set my heart on that house. I'm going to buy it."- She said
4. "I'll make notes his speeches agrees it." - I promised that
5. "Nancy accompanied him to the theatre last Friday." - Nancy told
6. "His behaviour is arousing my suspicion about his honesty. " - She said
"I've set my mind on getting a degree at this university." - Rick told
8. "Your performance showed your talents to advantage."- She told
9. "The crossword we did yesterday was next to impossible." - Margaret said 10. "I'll be revising för my exam next week." - The student told 11. "We're holding sales talks this afternoon." - The manager explained that … 12. "Sorry, I know next to nothing about fishing." - George was sorry … 13. "There is no doubt that he will lose his temper if you tell the truth.' - She said 14. 'When he was reading he lost all sense of time.' - Mike said
1.5. "I'll send you the results as soon as they arrive.' - The doctor said 16. "Pete is delivering his talk on that matter in an hour." - The teacher told 17. "Tony had learned everything by heart by the day of the exam. - I knew 18. "Spring follows winter. It will change under no circumstances." - He was sure …
25) Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Translate the sentences.
1. Mary said she (change) her mind and she … (not/join) us for the trip.
2. Gordon told his parents that now he … (make) twenty dollars a week less.
3. Everybody noticed that they … … (talk) in a whisper for quite a long time.
4. We couldn't understand why the children … (tell) such a pack of lies then.
5. Jane's eyes were red and puff, and she obviously (cry) that afternoon.
6. It was already dark when he finally
nothing to his wife except that he … (cannot) give her any explanation until he completely meaning of what (happen).
(come) back home. (turn) down the job. He
(understand) the
7. I found Mary working in the office and wondered what she …
8. He kept on saying that one day his books …
9. Lisa ended up by saying that she … (think) she 10. Rick wanted to return to the house to see how Emily …
(do) there so late.
(capture) readers' imagination.
(make) a mistake. (do) and tell her that he
(go) out to Pisa in two days. He
(know) she … (be) upset. (already/wait) for me.
11. I went straight into the room, where my cousin Jack 12. Miranda was sure she … (have) no idea what … 13. She realized that all that time Dan … (try) to tell her how lonely he 14. I didn't know whether Chris … (know) for sure she … (miss) it.
(go) on in their minds.
(be). … (make) it to the beginning of the performance. I (be) sorry if she
15. Aunt Lily called up my mother to say that they …
New Orleans announcing that Harry's brother
(just/receive) a telegram from (get) married in France.

помогите пожалуста + нужно перевести слова⬇️. Have you ever rented a car? _____________________________________________________2..Where can you find a

car rental 3. Would you prefer to rent a small or large vehicle?______________________________________________4. How much does it cost to rent a car in your city?_______________________________________________5. Who works at the car rental agency?​

помогите пожалуйста напишите мини-соченения по упражнение на фото​

Complete the sentences with to and verb. 1 He gav some chocolates to say thank you.2 They're going to evening classes_____Chinese.3 We called the rest

aurant_____a table.4 He told us a joke____us laugt.5 I went to a cash machine____some money.6 Do you use your phone___photos.​

6 плез, срочно умоляю!!!!ДАЮ 15 БАЛОВ!!!!​

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