What Does Bb Mean On Facebook

What Does Bb Mean On Facebook


What Does Bb Mean On Facebook
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What is BB meaning in Texting ? 6 meanings of BB abbreviation related to Texting :
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Bed & Breakfast (also seen as B&B)
Blackburn (postcode, United Kingdom)
Best Buy (consumer electronics store)
Bold and the Beautiful (TV show)
Big Bird (Sesame Street character)
Bollinger Bands (John Bollinger; investment concept)
Benazir Bhutto (Pakistani politician)
Blizzard Beach (Walt Disney World)
Bis Bald (German: see you soon)
Bumble and bumble (hair care products)
Bo Bice (American Idol TV show)
Booty Bay (gaming, World of Warcraft)
Blitzball (gaming, Final Fantasy 10)
Blythe Baxter (fictional character)
Bobby Bonilla (former baseball player)
Beggars Banquet (Rolling Stones album)
Bareboat (chartered shipping term)
Bad Break (proofreading, inappropriate line break)
Bundesbahn (German Federal Railroad)
Burning Blade (World of Warcraft game)
Beast Boy (Teen Titans character)
Bridgeport Bluefish (CT baseball team)
Backbord (German: Nautical Port)
Barnbördshus (Swedish: Maternity Ward)
Bridge Board (Amiga & Commodore)
Base Bleed (extended range artillery projectile)
Batista Bomb (wrestling finishing move)
Bubble Buddy (Spongebob Squarepants cartoon)
BrainBread (gaming, Half-Life modification)
Binibini (Filipino: Miss or Ms)
Ballast Bonus (chartered shipping term)
Base on Balls, Walk (baseball scoring)
Butcherblock Mountains (Everquest game)
Backward Bend (stretching exercise)
Base Burn (extended range artillery projectile)
Boroondara Brass (Boroondara, VIC, Australia)
Beethoven Band (San Antonio, TX)
Beginning of Bridge (construction)
Bubba Bomb (wrestling finishing move)
Bang Bang Apparel Co. Ltd (South Korea)
Boogie Bandits (breakdance crew)
Bargaining Board (pay plan for US Federal government employees represented by a bargaining unit union)
Brown and Brenn (Gram stain technique)
BananaBux (LadderMonkey currency)
Nickname of Benjamin Netanyahu (Israeli prime minister)
Baxter Bros Ltd (textile manufacturers)

Someone who is unflinchingly upholding of the status quo and stereotypes of their gender without even realizing it. She engages in typical, unoriginal behaviors, modes of dress, speech, and likes. She is tragically/laughably unaware of her utter lack of specialness and intrigue. She believers herself to be unique, fly, amazing, and a complete catch, when really she is boring, painfully normal, and par. She believes her experiences to be crazy, wild, and different or somehow more special than everything that everybody else is doing, when really, almost everyone is doing or has done the exact same thing. She is typical and a dime a dozen. There are many subtypes of basicness , such as the basic ratchet, the basic sorority bitch, the basic groupie bitch , the basic I'm-so-Carrie-from-Sex-and-the-City bitch, etc, but ultimately, they all share the common thread of being expendable and unnoteworthy and, in some cases, having absolutely no redeeming qualities.
"I've gotta get to Hollister and Bath and Body works for the third time this week, the just announced a new sale! I just don't know how I'll ever fit in that mani-pedi with Amanda and Brittney today. Ugh, I'm just going to call in sick with my period. I need a Pumpkin Spice latte or a Cosmo right now, I can't handle this pressure. Can we go to Applebee's for dinner tonight? ...Ooh, the new Shia Labeouf movie! LOVE HIM!" - basic bitch inner monologue
An overly generic or basic female that follows the majority of trends relevant to her peer group during a specific era, without injecting any originality into her existence. She often lacks the confidence needed to express herself independent of consensus from her peers even though these characteristics may not reflect her true self. A basic bitch takes the safe road rarely taking risks in fashion or other areas of interest. She may or may not view herself as unique; this often depends on her individual role within her social circle. In 2015 a Basic Bitch can often be spotted wearing Victoria Secret yoga pants tucked into UGG boots or jeans with TOM'S slip-ons with an oversized sweater with an ironic print or design on it, topped with a Northface jacket. She stores her indispensable iphone in her oversize Coach bag along with her knockoff sunglasses and PRINCESS key-fob. She loves nail art as it totally compliments her Pandora bracelet and Tiffany Heart jewelry. She loves foursquare and Instagram and endlessly documents her every outing for Pumpkin Spice Cappuccino from Starbucks on her e-Card ridden Facebook. She loves quoting Marilyn Monroe even if the quotes are wrongly attributed, loves hearts, infinity symbols, dreamcatchers , bacon and mustaches. She knows the words to every song on the radio and would sacrifice her first born to spend one night with John Mayer. She drinks SkinnyGirl cocktails.
Following an intense shopping trip to Target two friends get separated. Girl 1: "Wow! I thought something happened to you! "
Girl 2: "I couldn't find you either"
Girl 1: "OMG IKR?! EVERY girl looked exactly like you until they turned around"
Girl 2: "SAME!"
Girl 1: "UH The hassle of being Basic Bitches."
Girl 2: "# real-life lolz"
Girl 1: "Let's get Starbucks!"
A guy gets grilled about his new girlfriend. Guy 1: "So....you're dating MADISON?"
GUY 1: "Is that Madison with the long Ombre hair and infinity tattoo OR Madison with the Ombre hair and birds on a wire tattoo? "
Guy 2: "NO BRO! Madison with the Ombre hair and the Dreamcatcher Tattoo . I met her at Booty Boot Camp."
Guy 1: "Oh. Well thank god it isn't Madison with the Ombre hair and the Anchor tattoo lmao."
Guy 2: "Seriously! I introduced her to my parents last weekend. "
Guy 1: "Wow. What did they think? "
Guy 2: "They were just so happy that she was a Basic Bitch. "
Guy 1: "I bet they were! "
Guy 2: "What should i get get for her birthday? "
Guy 1: "A Pandora bracelet BRO. Totally original, classic. "
Guy 2: "YOU sure do know a lot about Basic Bitches!"
Guy 1: "Thank you! Let's get Starbucks. "
Guy 2: "DUDE, YES!"
GUY 1: "You
by AmericanOCD138 February 20, 2015
A girl (usually) who does things that she thinks makes her so unique or edgy but in all honesty are what all other basic bitches do, as well. Basic bitches often enjoy Gucci, Louis Vutton , scented candles (usually from Bath & Body Works), if still in school basic bitches might also have a large collection of Bath & Body Works hand sanitizers that they attach to all the bags that they own. They often order Caramel Frappucinos with extra caramel and whipped cream at Starbucks, the only 'coffee shop' that they even know exists.
Basic Bitch talking on a white iPhone with an obnoxious case: Hi girl! Did you see the latest episode of PLL ( Pretty Little Liars ) OMG it was, like, SOOOO juicy! I just got ALL of the new Bath & Body Works candles! I think my fav is the 'Summer Peachy Fun-Time Beach' one, I posted a pic of it on instagram? Wait... did you like it yet? I really want to get, like, thirty likes on it, at least. I just want people to know how cool an edgy I am! I mean, I have a tumblr! How edgier can I get, right?
by Chicken McNigga September 1, 2014
A bitch with a pH value greater than 7
The opposite polarity of hipster , apparently just as hated .
J: Basic Bitch? What the fuck?
M: It's just another way for judgemental people to be cunts about other judgemental people.
J: *sigh* Basic Bitch.. now I have it in my head .
M: Yeah....
by thatwasjusttheworst October 8, 2014
A creature unlike any other in this modern society. They are a very numerous species, despite their insistence that each of them are special snowflakes. Their habits are easy to study, as their prowling ground is any Starbucks cafe, which holds the main staple of their diet: the pumpkin spice latte. Again, despite their insistence that they are all unique, they all wear the same things: vests with fur in the neck, tights, and Uggz boots. Most basic bitches are white blondes or brunettes. The main deity of their religion is Taylor Swift, the goddess of basicness . However they like to mix it up and listen to mainstream rappers like Kanye West and Drake to enforce their personal belief that they are "hood." If one is bear a pack of basic bitches, be advised as their basicness will either suck you in , drive you crazy, or annoy you to the point of suicide.
BB#1: We're not basic bitches, we are unique and special!
BB#2: Yeah Taylor Swift speaks to us all differently! BB#3: And our Uggz and vests are all different colors and sizes!
BB#4: Like stop being so judgmental, all we want is our pumpkin spice lattes!
Barista: *facepalm
by Iroquois Plissken December 15, 2015
(Noun): A stereotypical suburban high school or college aged white female. Most often seen wearing yoga pants, over sized university hoodies, or Ugg boots. These girls are often seen gathering at your local Starbucks or Chipotle. When seen in public they most likely will be with other basic bitches or texting their bff on their iPhone. Your average basic bitch usually owns and drives a high end or luxury vehicle that mommy and daddy bought. A normal basic bitch is often in denial that she is a basic bitch and thinks she is a bad bitch because she listens to hip-hop and rap and judges other people who she thinks is inferior to herself or is seen as a lower class citizen or minority.
Guy 1: "do you think Jenna is hot?" Guy 2: " yeah, but she's a basic bitch . You'd never have a chance. Her standards are too high and she only likes douchebags ."
by insertclevernamehere September 19, 2014


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Levi’s is launching some of its iconic designs in an innovative recycled denim
The unwritten rules of the Facebook buy/sell group
I’m an Australian size 18, and op-shopping is a lot harder than you might think

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Because hell hath no fury like an admin scorned.
As a gal of a certain age, cleaning out my closet has become a necessary chore. As a self-confessed hoarder, sometimes it’s really hard to give away that dress I wore once to a wedding two years ago and will definitely find an occasion to wear again. 
This, however, is only half the battle. The second half is working out what to do with all these clothes. Sure I donate most and even give to friends. But some items are only a few months old! And, AND they were expensive! They were simply bold purchases that someone else can pull off better than I. (Honestly, what is it about flares that keep me going back for more?) 
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In any case, these pieces deserve a loving home in the wardrobe of a person who actually looks good in seventies clothing . And so, I sell them.
While I do love eBay, sometimes the process can be a bit laborious. This is why Facebook marketplace groups are the bees’ knees. They’re are perfect for that niche item you just want to get rid of quickly, with the ease of Facebook inbox negotiation.
For those unfamiliar with these groups (how’s the rock you’ve been living under?) here’s a quick break down. In short: Facebook buy/sell groups are set up by normal Facebook users in order to create a community in which members can buy and sell a niche category of item. The groups are governed by rules as to what can and cannot be sold, and then users are free to post their items for other users to buy/bid on. 
But as any Facebook-group veteran would know, there is an unwritten code that accompanies the rules of any group. Break that code, and you’re out. To help a first-timer, I have compiled a list of what I consider to be the most important codes of conduct after being accepted into one of these groups. 
Facebook buy/sell groups have more acronyms than an airport, and if you’re not careful, you can make a stressful mistake. Like, sell your item to someone who’s not next in line. Awkward. Be sure you’re educated in the lingo: 
F = the commenter is Following the post
PM’d = the commenter has sent the seller a Private Message
WTB = the poster is Wanting To Buy the item
ISO = the poster is In Search Of the item, instead of selling
NIL = the commenter is Next In Line for the item
BUMP = this person is trying to get their post to the top of the feed
BNWT = the item is Brand New With Tags
BNNW = the item is Brand New, Never Worn
BNIB = the item is Brand New In Box
BNIP = the item is Brand New In Package
NP = this could mean either No Problem or Not Packaged
EUC = the item is in Excellent Used Condition
GU/GUC = the item is in Good Used Condition
HTF = used when an item is Hard To Find (whether that’s true or not, it can be hard to know for sure)
OOAK = used when an item is (allegedly) One Of A Kind
PIOG = this item is Posted In Other Groups
LOMS = this item is Listed On Multiple Groups
NH = there will be No Holds on this item
FCFA = the seller is making you aware that the sale will be on a First Come, First Available basis
FCFS = the same as FCFA, the sale will be on a First Come, First Serve basis
FTPU = the seller won’t be holding this item for the first person who made contact. Instead, they will be selling it to the First To Pick Up (and pay, obviously)
SSTC = the item is Sold Subject To Contract
SSTP = the item is Sold Subject To Payment
PPU = the item is sold Pending Pick Up
When you get accepted into a new buy/sell group, it is already a functioning mini-society. Simply obey the rules, respect the customers, and resist any attempts to shake shit up. The rules of any Facebook buy/sell group are concrete — including what can and cannot post. Make sure you give these a thorough read to avoid being publicly crucified.
It’s fairly simple: only post what your audience wants to buy. Vegan clothing group? A vintage mink fur coat probably won’t go down so well. Similarly, if you’re on High End or a comparable group, you’re speaking to a group of people that love designer fashion. Stick to posting appropriate items (your 2012 Sportsgirl knit isn’t welcome here) and be detailed in your description.
In these groups, sex doesn’t always sell. Regardless of what you’re selling, skip the risqué shots and show the item in the best light. We’re trying to make some money here, guys.
Obviously, photos are very, very important. It goes without saying your imagery should correspond to the amount you’re asking for, so FFS, give your dress a steam. Also, this is not the time to be shady. In your listing, make note of any faults or damage and provide photo evidence. Lastly, don’t do that thing some people do, where they mark the item as ‘never been worn’ even though they’re quite clearly wearing it in the supporting photo.
When people say Fashion Gods, I’m fairly sure this is who they’re referring to. Bless (and respect) the admins of Facebook buy/sell groups who volunteer hours of their time to an unregulated forum that has no real policing. They’re the real MVPs. 
Alyce is a contributing writer for Fashion Journal and the director and head writer at Bossy, a Melbourne-based copywriting and content studio. You can find Bossy here and here .
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