What Does Aries Mean Sexually

What Does Aries Mean Sexually


What Does Aries Mean Sexually
Home » The Aries Sexuality - Traits and Characteristics
Aries is the Sun sign of a person born in between 20th March and 20th April. Bearing the sign of the Ram, a person with this Zodiac sign is mostly independent, energetic and quite passionate. However if you want get the most from your Aries lover, here are a few things to keep in mind. Being in love with an Aries This zodiac is marked by a brilliant mind and energetic personality, qualities which Aries bring to their love lives as well. Their naturally confident selves goad them to do things their way; when in love with an Aries, you will find that in most cases, they take the initiative to plan and decide things and incredibly enough bring out the most fantastic results. This may sometimes make an Aries lover, especially a guy, seem bossy and domineering. Aries women on the other hand go about things with more charm. Instead of pushing ahead with her way she will wait for her partner to come around and considering the magnetic charm of her personality, in all probability you will. However both Aries men and women are alike in believing their way to be the best and sweeping you along with it on an incredible romantic journey.
TIP: Click here to download the book 'How to Meet, Date and Keep the Man of your Dreams' Also it does not pay to get jealous with an Aries lover. Both men and women of this zodiac need to know that they have the freedom to do whatever they want to. While an Aries man may respond to his partner’s jealousy by going out and having a fling – just to prove that he is the one in control – an Aries woman may simply move herself away from a possessive lover and quickly move on with her fast-paced social life. Seducing an Aries man It is not very difficult to seduce an Aries guy if really likes you. Their spontaneous and straightforward natures are only too eager to lead them into romantic adventures which have piqued their interest unlike a say a Scorpio who will keep holding his cards close to his chest and then burst forth in a passionate frenzy. When playing the seduction game with an Aries guy, it is good to remember that no matter how masculine and aggressive, they are actually little children at heart. What they cannot have immediately, they want it with all more intensity. So make your Aries lover work a little for his desserts. Intrigue him a little about what you have planned up and you will get him all the more excited about the amorous encounter. At the same time remember not to go overboard with your delaying tactics. Aries tend to get quickly bored and if this guy sees you playing hard-to-get, he may lose interest and move on to where there is more action happening.
Seducing an Aries woman An Aries woman can be incredibly attractive which is why she is used to getting her way with men of practically every zodiac sign. So in order to set yourself apart, go a little slow with her and cater to her varied interests before getting her to sleep with you. Surprise her with a salsa move that you picked up recently or whisk her off to an evening drive to watch the sun set over the sea. But take care not to put her on a pedestal too early on. Praise her when she deserves it but also keep in mind that hanging her about for too long might fizzle out her interest in you. Finally both Aries men and women are energetic and passionate lovers. They are quite capable of arousing you with mere words and then delighting in a playful romp in bed. They are extremely creative, exciting and quite inventive while making love. However the thing to remember about Aries lovers is that they more often than not they tend to put their desires first. An Aries guy will promise you the moon before seducing you and then expect you to be thrilled with whatever they have to offer and considering their natural charm, most probably you will. The best thing to do with an Aries guy is to take everything he says with a grain of salt. You know he means it intensely when he says it but it is simply not in his nature to be held to promises made in the past. This wandering streak is also apparent in the Aries woman. No matter how good a time you have had with her, she simply cannot be tied to a leash. She needs the freedom to express her varied interests and to burn off her abundant energy. She sincerely believes that no matter how great a guy is, they are just not “good enough” for her. If you are looking for commitment from an Aries lover, your best bet lies in letting them know you are strong enough to take their waywardness in stride. If he or she tries to pull away, let them do so. Trying to hold them back will only make them want to run away faster. If they truly love you and when they are ready to realize this, they will come back to you. But before that they need to know that you are emotionally independent and mature enough for a long term relationship. Compatible signs Being a Fire sign, Aries men and women are often attracted to partners belonging to other Fire signs like Sagittarius or Leo. However this makes for a potentially volatile combination where two people can explode in fireworks of passion but also possess the potential to singe each other badly. So unless aspects in the chart indicate otherwise, romance with another Fire sign can be explosive. Aries in fact pair up quite well with Air signs like Gemini, Libra and Aquarius—or a sign that's sextile (60 degrees) or trine (120 degrees) from Aries. Sometimes, an Earth sign works equally well in grounding all that Aries energy. Thus while Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn may seem radically different from the ebullient Aries personality, they can in fact work as magnetic opposites, attracting Aries with their stolid and practical natures. Finally if you are really keen on discovering whether your Aries partner is the one for you, find out the position of their love sign or Venus in their charts. If it exists in Aries, Sagittarius or even Aquarius they are hardly the kind to go for lifelong commitments. Rather try and settle for an Aries whose Venus exists in Cancer or Pisces and you will be getting yourself a partner with an incredible combination of romantic energy and commitment.
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A hot and passionate Aries like you loves a challenge in bed, and you need a flirtatious nature and non-stop motion to match your own fast pace -- the sign of the Ram craves plenty of excitement. You love to be on top! Intelligence and witty banter will also keep you interested long after the initial passion wears off, giving your relationships a chance for more than just a one-time fling.
The good news about this match-up is the two of you won’t have many awkward pauses before you get down to getting busy. Your need to do what you want as immediately as possible could mean that you pounce as soon as you can tell there’s a mutual attraction. Given the Ram’s propensity toward lust, this frequently occurs within nanoseconds! You’ll love groovin’ on one another in a big way, so if you bother to get a room, make sure there’s a sturdy surface in there. If the bed is the least bit delicate, just go for the floor. Don’t worry if the blinds are open, because most people will conclude you’re practicing some kind of crazy martial arts or wrestling! After you exhaust one another with all those fast and furious moves, the afterglow will reveal that you’re up for more than a one-night stand.
It’s nice that you both like many of the same things, but given that competition is number one on your list of pleasures you treasure, this could be a problem. Constant rivalry not only gets on other people’s nerves, it can prevent you from keeping the focus on the great things you share. The best thing might be that, after those unavoidable emotionally-charged explosions that resemble a re-enactment of an ages-old Godzilla movie, the story goes on even after all the fire’s been breathed out. You’ll forget what you were fighting about, lock lips again, and probably proceed toward make-up sex that’s as sensational as your first time. Your karmic lesson is understanding that fast and nasty is nice, but non-Ram-like things such as patience, non-competitiveness, and staying power are the keys to making your love last.
The attraction between the two of you will be palpable -- at least at first. You both adore pleasure! The only issue? The two of you have different philosophies about it. Whether or not you get together for more than one try at total bliss will depend on how well the Aries' fast and furious charge coerces Taurus’ slow-and-steady, wait-and-see attitude to spring into action. Aries would do well to remember that a kiss or a stroke might at least give Taurus an idea of what your intentions are. Taurus can be a real horn dog, but will be far more fun if convinced that the whole thing wasn’t just your idea! Looking for that sensitive spot on your bull-headed bud? Head for the neck. If you nuzzle away, a ticklish sensation that sends tingles everywhere is bound to follow.
You’ll have to kick back and relax now and again, and learn how to wait ... a lot! This might not be a bad thing. Taurus will teach you that good things come to those who wait -- and you might have to redefine the way you enjoy sex when you get used to being on the other end of the slow-handed Bull. Once you get out of bed, this relationship can be more challenging. Although there will be a lot you have in common, you could get pretty frustrated when you realize that when it comes to getting your Taurus to get up and go, there could be a whole lot of "hurry up and wait." Your karmic lesson is, when someone is teaching you how to be patient, it’s nice to learn how to stop and smell the flowers.
The first thing you might want to say to this talkative partner might be "Shut up and do it, already!" Indeed, you’re pretty close to being pure physicality when it comes to sex, but Gemini ... isn’t. Gemini is all about the act of flirting, batting eyelashes, and displaying body language that seems to say they’re ready for action ... but are they, really? If you take your normal club-them-over-the-head-and-drag-them-away approach, you’ll probably be able to get what you’re after. Still, once you get horizontal together, you might find that you come from two rather different worlds. Your overt physical passion might be met with a stream of consciousness that seems bent on talking the whole way through a night of intimacy. Be prepared to answer a lot of questions, especially the kind that force you to talk about things you might not want to think about in a moment of lust, like whether or not you like the new slim laptops that were just released. It’s not that Gemini is trying to un-inspire you -- these talkative types really do get off on words! Drink a couple of coffees beforehand and maybe you’ll be able to keep up your end of the conversation before drifting off to sleep.
This is not someone who will get stuck like glue to you, and you’ll appreciate that. In fact, getting Gemini to come back for a second night in your arms could be a challenge. You will have to learn a lot about connecting through the mind if you want to stay together with this fly-by-night-but-fascinating person. The answer might hit you over the head when you see that practicing the karmic lesson of learning to listen sets Gemini off into a very sexy frenzy.
Cancer people should probably warn their sexual partners just how deeply they plan to connect with them. This is anything but a wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am kind of situation. Cancer wants to merge with you with both body and soul. Lucky for you, this doesn’t necessarily mean a long courtship, and if you enjoy peering deeply into your lover’s eyes and becoming enveloped in a way that you haven’t been maybe since you were in the womb, take this Crab to bed. Cancer has a way of knowing what will please you before you even begin to talk about it. Any area on your body where you wish to be touched, caressed, or otherwise stimulated will not go wanting for attention. You might want to stay away from anything too rough, kinky, or otherwise heavy-handed with this delicate type.
You can make inroads assuring Cancer that you will always be there to offer protection -- but make sure you realize whom you’re saying that to. Cancer makes deep, lasting bonds almost instantly. If you’re not up for a long-term relationship, you might have to live with the guilt of inflicting emotional pain on someone who’s incapable of ever really letting go. This can have its plus points in that you’re the baby of the zodiac and Cancer is a natural mother, whether female or male in form. The karmic lesson here is that if you want a love that will last, you have to focus on someone besides yourself.
You’ve probably read about the many ways you and the noble Lion are a perfect match. You’re both motivated and outgoing, and Leo will never disappoint you when it comes to expressing exuberance and charm. Sexually speaking, the fact that this energetic type can keep up with you is also a good reason for getting together to go for a ride. Not unlike you, this partner loves flattery -- so pour it on thick. If you forget to compliment at least one feature (the hair is usually a good start), you will be reminded! You’ll understand, because the fiery, attention-demanding nature that you share makes you instant buddies. This can be great if you first make sure that the two of you can get together sexually and still remain friends. When it comes to a long-term relationship, each of you will have to put in a lot of work, because you both need so much devotion.
From being with a Leo, you might be able to learn that you don’t always have to be on the receiving end. They say that giving compliments can be even more fulfilling than getting them, so give it a whirl! But if you feel as though you need to go outside of the relationship in order to get the attention that you crave, think twice before you make a big commitment. Leo will insist on loyalty, so if you can’t give it, don’t promise it. It’s very true that you and Leo can be great friends, but when it gets down to shared living arrangements, you might get frustrated with Leo’s tendency to repeat patterns. You are all about constant change, and you will become very restless if your partner won’t go there with you. Your karmic lesson is to talk things through and get people to understand what you want to do -- unless you want to be all alone!
This relationship has its plus points, but you have to be very careful that your lovely leadership abilities don’t morph into a nasty, dictatorial tone. Virgo lives to please, and you love to BE pleased. Obviously, this could be a good arrangement, especially for you. In bed, you will be the one to call the shots, and Virgo will gently yet firmly try to make sure you get everything that you want. This will work for at least a little while, but before long, you might come to realize that you’re in over your head. Although the sign of Virgo has an association with the word "virgin," this shouldn’t mislead you into believing you’ll be the one who’s the know-it-all about sex. Virgo will literally take you to school, if necessary, to make sure you learn how to be the one that does the pleasing.
Virgo people like to have things their own special way. When they don’t, they begin to manipulate the situation to make sure that you begin to fall into line. You can learn a lot from this meticulous sign, from how to be more organized to the physical functions of the human body and how they contribute to mutual sexual pleasure. If you’re not down with getting all the details, this might not be the right match for you. But, if you’re willing to work very hard at becoming a better person from all kinds of different directions, Virgo will be more than happy to be your guide. Your karma will be served here when you learn to appreciate what this special person is willing to do for you, while returning the favor now and then.
What do you like more than anything? It’s the hunt and conquest of lovers, of course! And guess what? This elusively attractive, romantic individual just loves to be chased -- over and over again! Libra is quite capable of giving you the erotic pleasure you treasure, but because this perceptive sign also knows that when you have to wait for it, what you want tastes even sweeter, you probably won’t get any on the first encounter. There will be an instant attraction here, because you are actually opposites. There are aspects of the Libran soul and personality that you admire and wish to have for your own, and the feeling is quite mutual. For that reason alone, you make a great match.
You won’t get to bed right away, though, unless you’ve found a Libra who’s hornier than the norm. You must do the mating dance -- approach and avoid, touch this and feel that -- and then you might finally capture your quarry. You’ll impress Libra with your sheer desire, and you’ll enjoy the appreciation you receive in return. Libra will see you as the hero that you are, and this is bound to make you feel great about yourself. Libra is also capable of giving you a lot of attention and devotion -- and the sheer idea that you have to work for it will make you want to do lustfully nasty things with your Libra over and over again. Your karmic lesson here is that even though you think you can’t be corralled, this time you may have met your match!
The fiery planet Mars as your sign ruler isn’t all that the two of you share, but let’s start with that. You are as different as night and day. You take Mars’ daytime energy and use it like the bull in a china shop, while Scorpio uses Mars’ nocturnal side to strike out from the darkness like a master ninja. There is no question that, when the two of you have your way with one another in bed or any other surface that happens to be handy, sparks will fly. The sex between you will feel like a passion-filled wrestling match, where the struggle for domination is as appealing as the sensation of erotic pleasure. Scorpio is in search of excellence, and will know that it has been found by being in bed with you ... but you may not be totally satisfied or comfortable around this secretive person for very long.
When the passion of the moment subsides and you begin to have a conversation, the first thing you might notice is that you’re doing all the talking. Scorpio will listen to every word that you say, silently keeping score and weighing your comments against expectations that are, most likely, unreasonably high. Rath
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