What Does A Normal Vag Taste Like

What Does A Normal Vag Taste Like


What Does A Normal Vag Taste Like

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You can always count on Gwyneth Paltrow to introduce bizarre new products and treatments, like vampire repellent spray and vagina steaming. She’s continued the tradition in 2020 with a very unconventional way to add scent to your home: Goop’s “This Smells Like My Vagina” candle.

According to the listing, the cheekily named product, made by artisanal fragrance brand Heretic, “started as a joke” between Paltrow and perfumer Douglas Little. During a testing session, 47-year-old Paltrow reportedly said, “Uhhh.. this smells like a vagina.” From that, yet another unique Goop product was born.

Wondering what vaginas smell like in Paltrow’s world? They’re “funny, gorgeous, sexy, and beautifully unexpected.” Or to be more specific, a “blend of geranium, citrusy bergamot, and cedar absolutes juxtaposed with Damask rose and ambrette seed.”

If you’re panicking because your vagina doesn’t smell of flowers and fruity substances, stop it right now. “The vagina is not meant to smell like a rose garden,” Sherry Ross , MD, ob-gyn and author of She-ology: The Definitive Guide to Women's Intimate Health. Period , tells Health. “However, the vagina has a familiar scent, which many do enjoy. Depending on the time of the month, vaginal discharge can change in smell (as well as consistency).”

It’s hard to exactly pinpoint what a healthy vagina smells like, because every woman has a different scent, says Dr. Ross. But some women use words like earthy, ripe, or even pungent or slightly sour to describe their normal vaginal odor.

The key is to know what your ‘normal’ smell is,” she says. “All of us with a vagina usually know that awkward feeling if a new and strange smell comes our way. The vagina is especially sensitive to different changes in your daily environment, so anything that affects this delicate balance will affect the smell as well as the type of discharge and its consistency.”

Factors that affect the odor of the vagina include antibiotic use, douching, spermicide, new sexual partners, and frequency of sex, says Dr. Ross. Changes in hormone levels caused by pregnancy, breastfeeding, or menopause can also alter your scent. Vaginal infections including yeast, bacteria, and sexually transmitted infections will change your smell down below, as will a forgotten tampon (due to the bacteria that set up shop there).

“These factors can not only cause a weird odor but can also create other uncomfortable symptoms,” says Dr. Ross. In fact, if something is up with your vagina, it’s likely that you’ll experience other symptoms beyond a change in odor.

A vaginal infection typically includes vulvar itching, burning, redness, and swelling as well as a change of odor—especially if it's a strong, fishy smell, which might signal bacterial vaginosis or the STI trichomoniasis. If you think you might have a vaginal infection, it’s important to see your doctor for tests and the right treatment.

Switching up your diet might also make your vagina smell different. Certain foods disrupt the vagina’s delicate pH balance, which could lead to an odor that might be off-putting. According to Dr. Ross, the worst offenders include garlic, onions, mint, turmeric, blue cheese, cabbage, cauliflower, asparagus, red meat, and vinegar. Smoking, alcohol, and not drinking enough water can also change things up down below, she says.

Hygiene habits also affect vaginal scent. Remember, your vagina is like any other part of your body—it needs to be kept clean. “The vagina has sweat glands and hair follicles, which can attract bacteria and contribute to strong odor,"says Dr. Ross. Also, the vagina's location near the anus makes is crucial that you keep the area clean, to avoid bacteria buildup that can lead to foul odors, she adds.

No matter how clean and healthy your vagina is, it will probably never naturally smell like “citrusy bergamot and cedar absolutes.” But that doesn’t mean it can’t smell just as good, in its own unique way.

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November 4, 2021

When someone asks how the vagina tastes You can bet it’s because they’re planning on dating someone or have done it and wondering if everything is working smoothly.
Unfortunately, there is no single answer. That’s because the vagina, like the rest of the body, relies on its own chemicals. Skin tastes just like the rest of the body if it’s clean, but fluid is another matter.
inside the vagina You will find more skin and smaller holes. called the cervix The vaginal wall has no glands, but the plasma (from the blood) that flows through it creates fluid that women regularly secrete. This fluid is called vaginal discharge, uh.
When your ovulation is imminent Another type of fluid is secreted. It’s called cervical mucus again. Well, it sounds disgusting. But you can call it whatever you like because words don’t matter anymore in the English-speaking world. All you need to know is that women regularly produce this for a number of reasons and they are:
#1 lubrication This happens more often when you are in a state of sexual arousal or when you are in peak ovulation.
#2 clean. The vagina regularly expels waste to keep it clean and fresh from the inside.
#3 ovulation The consistency and chemical composition of the discharge changes throughout the menstrual cycle to help you get pregnant or to prevent you from getting pregnant.
That is, no matter what it is used for if you insert your tongue in or near the opening of your vagina It will be there. Conversely, the taste will vary depending on your diet and lifestyle.
That’s because most of the vaginal fluid and cervical mucus are made up of plasma. as mentioned And plasma contains all sorts of chemicals that are gathered from all over our bodies. That’s why STDs and STIs are so easy to catch. They are everywhere!
However, if you want your liquid to have a certain flavor, You should modify your lifestyle. Smoking, alcohol and drugs can change to the point of being toxic. Not just in the vagina but also throughout the body
For food, broccoli, onions, cabbage, asparagus, red meat, and dairy products can make them smell and taste slightly worse. If you don’t believe us Let’s hear what others From the real world (eg Reddit) let’s talk about it.
“On the contrary Healthy pussy tastes like unsweetened yogurt”??
“She’s what she eats when you eat hers, so if her diet focuses on fruits and vegetables and stuff like that. (Please don’t use asparagus.) She’ll be sweet. What if she had a garlic-powered meat pizza with pepperoni and fish cakes? One serving is enough.”??
“Not bad. Not bad at all. I really like my full lips. Where is the meat???
“It’s very strange to explain. But it smells and tastes like old french fries. old fashioned hamburger At McDonald’s it smells and sorrow all at once.”??
“I mean, I wouldn’t use vaginal discharge as a topping on my sundae. But I don’t think it tastes horrible. I’m used to accepting the taste. But I noticed that this is the best way to break up with girls. (Most of which I was at least addicted to drugs).”
When vaginal fluids and fun facts meet
“ i just ate 1 A woman’s vagina and in fact it is a fun experience. She tasted really sweet. until a few months later A friend came across a random article stating that most of my vaginal secretions were blood plasma, which I put together two and two… She has diabetes.”
“It’s diabetic.. My first boyfriend said to me one time, “Today you are sweet.” I thought he was trying to be cute. But then he’s like, “Not serious, sweet like sugar”?? So I tested my blood and I was taller than I should have been. He became a psychic and told me when I needed insulin.”??
“It depends on who you live with, what you eat, the status quo, etc. Some of the women I slept with had no taste at all, others had tasted OMFGTERRIBAD. Don’t eat after McDonald’s. Just. Don’t”? ?
“It’s like when you kiss some meat, kiss your neck, body, etc. and it’s a bit salty, yes, but not like table salt. It will drastically change from a woman to a woman. Hygiene will be a factor as well. Do you hope to compare like in food or something? It’s not really a flavor.”?? [Read: 7 smelly body parts that ruin great sex ]

“But overall I think I really like the taste of a woman. Tastes are unique and everyone is different—it’s like their sex fingerprints. It wasn’t that I wanted something that smelled like a vagina. But in general, the taste of the vagina is pleasant to me.”??
“ I can say that some pussy taste better than others. But I only like when her pussy tastes good. I didn’t ask the girls how they got their juice. Because I thought that would be a weird conversation. But I suspect it’s based on the time you smell someone and some smells are more awakening than others.” ??
“For me, the best tasting wax is the one that doesn’t have much smell or taste. which I think is a rather rare phenomenon. One woman I went down with recently had one of the best vaginas in that regard. It makes for a more enjoyable experience.”??
“It depends on the girl. I’ve had a woman who tasted so sweet. Which is great (and rare) and I have women they taste like dead fish and battery acid. which is not scary (and more common)”
“Lick the back of your hand. Wait 10 seconds. Smell. It tastes like that smell.”??
“It tastes like aloe vera marinated on a 9 Battery volts.”??
“Like having your brain smash with a slice of lemon wrapped around a big golden brick”??
“Nutrition, water, salt and orange mingled with the scent of her hair, skin, and sweat. It is intoxicating and intoxicating in every possible way.”??
Now that you know what the vagina tastes like It is your right to go out there to test these observations or not. Have fun and practice safe sex always!
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The Journal / Hormone Balance + Gynecology / What a Healthy Vagina Should Smell Like

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(I can’t even tell you how many women have apologized to me before a pelvic exam for what is absolutely normal vaginal scent! I now always give women a pep talk before even starting on an exam and reassure her that every woman has a normal scent, and even if she doesn’t have a healthy scent, it’s okay – that’s what she’s in the office for!)
If nobody ever told you what a healthy vagina is supposed to smell like, join the club. Knowing is incredibly important because what makes a vagina’s odor healthy – or not – has an impact on your overall health. As women, we have to understand our history to understand our present and shape our future.
Read the article below or click the audio player above learn all about the deadly douche story that never should have happened, how to sort out healthy scents from problem-signaling odors, and what you can do to get your vaginal ecology in top form. Note episode has some explicit girl-talk. 
How to Keep Your Man. Nope, it’s not a Hillary Clinton comment or line from a Tammy Wynette ballad. Actually, it’s the concept behind a shocking ad campaign for a dangerous and deadly practice that was prominently displayed in newspapers and magazines, and persisted from the early 1900s into the 1960s. It was for using a household cleaner to do exactly that – keep your man. How? By keeping your vagina smelling clean. I am not kidding.
What was this household cleaner? Lysol. Yes, that’s right. Lysol. The very same Lysol that is still used to disinfect toilets and other high microbe areas was recommended as a douche for vaginal odor from the early 1900s into the 1960s. Except the Lysol back then was far more toxic and caustic even than the one we can now purchase – and keep in mind that the version we have today can kill a child if it is consumed. The formulation available until the early 1960s was far more corrosive.
I’m not talking about Lysol being recommended as some crazy ‘home remedy,’ either. There were extensive ad campaigns in newspapers and magazines targeted at women, with copy like: “She was a jewel of a wife, with just one flaw. She was guilty of the one neglect that mars many marriages. Lysol helps avoid this.” Women were portrayed as locked in rooms or caught in cobwebs suffering from their ‘lack of dainty femininity.’ The cure? A Lysol douche. I’ve posted a few choice ads here – and you can use a Google search to find more. It’s shocking and worth 15 minutes of your time, because it helps us to understand some of the forces that have led to a what is now a multibillion dollar annual profit for companies producing feminine hygiene products – which still try to sanitize every aspect of being a woman. It’s just that now we’re told we can smell ‘garden fresh.’
By 1911, 193 cases of poisoning and death occurred as a result of its use as a douche – for whichever purpose women were using it – yet this practice was promoted into the 1950s. Despite lawsuits, the company producing Lysol managed to skirt all responsibility. When one husband tried to sue the company for the horrible vaginal blistering and damage his wife sustained as a result of this ‘treatment,’ he was informed by the company that this was the first case of problems they’d heard of.
This horrific ad campaign reeked of misogyny, and was the start of women experiencing terrible anxiety, embarrassment, shame, and confusion over what was likely most often normal vaginal odor and discharge. It put tremendous pressure on women to remain “fresh and clean” – in other words odorless – ‘down there’ to keep a man. It remains a powerful reminder of the influence of media on our health care choices, and how wrong we can be about the safety of the substances we put in our bodies. As there was also some dangerous and possibly deadly use of Lysol douche for abortion in a time when women couldn’t legally access contraceptives – douches were said to prevent pregnancy – it’s also a powerful reminder of the desperate lengths women will go for reproductive health when safer methods aren’t accessible.
As women, we have to understand our history to understand our present and shape our future.
Like you, I had the requisite 4th grade health class. And like yours probably was too, mine was useless. I learned the word ‘period,’ but that was about it. I certainly did not learn anything about vaginal odors – normal or not. Then when I was 15 I heard an old joke – “Adam and Eve go for a swim. Eve comes out of the water and God says, ‘Damn it, now I’ll never get that smell out of the fish.’ ” So is fishy a normal vaginal odor? All the time? After my period? Never? I had no idea…It took studying to be a midwife to find out! I’m going to pass along the basics so you’re in the know, too.
The bottom line is that your vagina smells like yours, and mine smells like mine, and when everything is AOK down there, that scent is unique to each of us. But there are some commonalities, and there are also specific scents – or sometimes odors – that tell you your vagina needs some attention.
Here’s how it all works. Your vagina has a garden growing in it. Your natural garden is made up of bacteria and yeasts, not roses and lavender that make you smell like the garden fresh scent promised by a douche company. (I mean that literally, as in they make douches, not as in that company is a douche as some teens might say it!) So, it’s a much earthier, sometimes even musky scent. The job of this vaginal garden is quite fascinating. The basic function is keep your pH in the right range to protect you from harmful kinds bacteria and problematic yeast overgrowth – the kind that cause Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) and yeast infections, to name a few of the types of infections we can develop.
When your vaginal ecology is disrupted, you can find yourself dealing with annoying discharge and vaginal odors, and also recurrent yeast or BV infections. In addition, the vaginal microbiome plays a surprisingly big role in the overall health of your uterus and sex hormones, and also plays an important role in protecting you from vaginal and pelvic infections, but also pelvic and uterine inflammation, and as a result, endometriosis , PCOS , chronic pelvic pain, and fertility problems. A healthy vaginal microbiome may even help protect us from the impact of environmental exposures, known to cause some of these chronic conditions.
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One of the most important groups of bacteria that helps keep the natural balance in most women is Lactobacillus , though interestingly, women of different racial backgrounds have varying types of vaginal flora typically present – and it’s all still normal. Lactobacillus keeps the vaginal pH low by producing lactic acid, which in turn, prevents less-vagina friendly yeasts, bacteria, and other organisms from getting a foothold and causing problems. A decrease in Lactobacilli , for example, a common friendly microbiome member, and an increase in less-friendly bacteria has been found in women with endometriosis and is believed to play a role in hormonal imbalance in women with this condition by adversely altering hormone and immune system signaling. This can result in reduced sensitivity of the uterine lining (endometrium) to progesterone, and cause increased inflammation, problems we see with endometriosis.
Healthy vaginal flora promotes a healthy, supportive environment for conception and implantation. There are so many fascinating ways this happens, notably that the organisms hanging around in your vagina interact with your immune system to create signaling messages that say, okay, this is a safe environment, let’s do this! Gut and vaginal dysbiosis have now been directly linked to implantation problems, as well as to recurrent miscarriage. The wrong kind of gut flora can prevent conception, have been shown to reduce or even prevent IVF and embryo transfer effectiveness, can increase miscarriage risk, and can lead to preterm birth when you do get pregnant.
Members of the Lactobacillus family (there are quite a few species) also help to keep the vaginal wall healthy by promoting mucus production, thus providing a protective barrier against other bacteria, yeasts, and viruses – including HIV. It appears that we established a symbiotic relationship with these friendly organisms about 12 centuries ago when we introduced yogurt and other fermented dairy products into our diets.
But here’s an interesting fact: being grossed out or feeling disgust is a learned response, and a lot of women have this reaction about their own absolutely normal healthy vaginal scen
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