What Does 420 Stand For

What Does 420 Stand For


What Does 420 Stand For

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Apr 20, 2022 420 is an annual event taking place on 20 April (the date is 20/4 or in the American date format 4/20 ), in celebration of cannabis. While 420 is widely used in common vernacular in reference to the...
420 , 4:20 , or 4/20 (pronounced four-twenty) is cannabis culture slang for marijuana and hashish consumption, especially smoking around the time 4:20 p.m (16:20 UTC).It also refers to cannabis-oriented celebrations that take place annually on April 20 ( 4/20 in U.S. form). At locations in the United States where cannabis is legal, cannabis dispensaries will often offer discounts on their ...
1. The term " 420 " was first associated with marijuana use in 1971. 2. It was the time of day when a group of California high school students who called themselves the "Waldos" decided to meet to hunt for a rumored abandoned stash of cannabis.
There are a lot of Spring celebrationsβ€”religious and secular. One that's growing in popularity is 4/20 : April 20 happens to match a slang term for getting highβ€”420. Part protest, part smoke out,...
What does 420 mean? Celebration and Vindication As you can probably tell, 420 has taken on quite a political meaning for many cannabis consumers, especially those that consume cannabis for medicinal reasons; many of these people use cannabis day to express their right to obtain their medicine.
The number 420 has become a popular code for marijuana. Where does the term come from and why did it catch on, asks Aidan Lewis. On Sunday pot smokers will gather across the US to mark what has...
The flyer came complete with a 420 back story: " 420 started somewhere in San Rafael, California in the late '70s. It started as the police code for Marijuana Smoking in Progress. After local heads heard of the police call, they started using the expression 420 when referring to herb - Let's Go 420 , dude!"
Apr 19, 2022 Yet few actually know how the date got chosen. Some say " 420 " is code among police officers for "marijuana smoking in progress." Some note 4/20 is also Adolf Hitler's birthday. And some go as far...
If you know anything about marijuana culture, you probably know " 420 " is special for pot smokers. Whether it's used to refer to the substance itself, a descriptor for almost anything pot-related or...
Oct 24, 2021 To make it easier to understand, 420 friendly is basically about smoking marijuana or marijuana to give its real name. When people say they're 420 friendly, that means they're okay with it. And they might do it themselves. *although not always*. To delve deeper, we need to understand where this phrase originated.
420, 4:20, or 4/20 is cannabis culture slang for marijuana and hashish consumption, especially smoking around the time 4:20 p.m. It also refers to cannabis-oriented celebrations that take place annually on April 20. At locations in the United States where cannabis is legal, cannabis dispensaries will often offer discounts on their products on April 20. Wikipedia More at Wikipedia
Observed by: Cannabis counterculture, legal reformers, entheogenic spiritualists, and general users of cannabis
Significance: Time/date to celebrate cannabis
Observances: Cannabis consumption, traditionally cannabis smoking, dispensary discounts
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The number 420 has become a popular code for marijuana. Where does the term come from and why did it catch on, asks Aidan Lewis.
On Sunday pot smokers will gather across the US to mark what has become a hallowed date in their calendar - 4/20, or 20 April - by smoking marijuana, possibly at 4:20pm.
The 4/20 celebrations have taken off in the last few years, but their origins appear to lie in the escapades of a group of friends from San Rafael high school, northern California, in 1971. That autumn, the five teenagers came into possession of a hand-drawn map supposedly locating a marijuana crop at Point Reyes, north-west of San Francisco.
The friends - who called themselves the Waldos because they used to hang out by a wall - met after school, at 4:20pm, and drove off on their treasure hunt. They never found the plot. "We were smoking a lot of weed at the time," says Dave Reddix or Waldo Dave, now a 59-year-old filmmaker. "Half the fun was just going looking for it." The group began using the term 420. So did friends and acquaintances, who included - at a couple of steps removed - members of the Grateful Dead rock band. The term spread among the band's fans, known as Deadheads.
Then in 1990 Steve Bloom, an editor at High Times , saw 420 explained on a Grateful Dead concert flyer. Staff on the magazine, long the leading publication on marijuana, started using it. (They held ideas meetings at 4.20pm - pot-fuelled, of course.) Twenty years later another publication, 420 Magazine, reported a claim by a rival group of San Rafael old boys that they had invented the term. But the Waldos, who have shown letters and other items to High Times, vigorously defend their version. "We're the only ones with evidence," says Steve Capper, or Waldo Steve.
Bloom says the term has served as a sort of semi-private code, and cannabis smokers tend to spot it everywhere - building numbers, prices, even clocks in the film Pulp Fiction. After the 420-mile marker on the Interstate-70 highway in Colorado was repeatedly pinched, officials recently replaced it with a 419.99-mile sign .
This year Denver will be the centre of festivities, thanks to Colorado recently becoming the first state to permit the sale of recreational marijuana. Smokers are celebrating breakthroughs in their legalisation campaign elsewhere too. "This might be the biggest 420 ever," says Bloom. "This might be the peak of 420."
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