What Does 4/20 Mean Urban Dictionary

What Does 4/20 Mean Urban Dictionary


What Does 4/20 Mean Urban Dictionary
The most precious day in future history because the funny weed number and the funny sex number come together. There'll be a bunch of old farts that freak out on this day and the younger generation won't know what's going on.
Grandpa: Sonny , remind me what day is it?
Grandson : April the twentieth
Grandpa: And what year?
Grandson: 2069
Grandpa: Today's the day! 4/20/69! Pass me the bong.
The day all memes will come to life and god will descend from heaven and pop some pills with the boys .
4/20/69: *exists* god: I have a meeting Area 51 : *lets Shrek and all of his alien friends go.*
by crack head 64 September 26, 2019

The day we all go out , get high , and dance around in our underwear !
It's April 20, 420 today , it's so lit
"Today is April 20, and you know what.. I'm gunna get HIGH as a Mutha FUcka !!!"
If you wanna lose your virginity do it on April 20
" Yo man its April 20"
"Its also hitlers birthday "

In 1971, five high school students – Steve Capper, Dave Reddix, Jeffrey Noel, Larry Schwartz, and Mark Gravich – in San Rafael, California, calling themselves the Waldos because "their chosen hang-out spot was a wall outside the school", used the term in connection with a 1971 plan to search for an abandoned cannabis crop that they had learned about, based on a treasure map made by the grower. The Waldos designated the Louis Pasteur statue on the grounds of San Rafael High School as their meeting place, and 4:20 p.m. as their meeting time. The Waldos referred to this plan with the phrase "4:20 Louis". After several failed attempts to find the crop, the group eventually shortened their phrase to simply "4:20", which ultimately evolved into a code-word that the teens used to mean consuming cannabis. Mike Edison says that Steven Hager of High Times was responsible for taking the story about the Waldos to "mind-boggling, cult-like extremes" and "suppressing" all other stories about the origin of the term. Hager wrote "Stoner Smart or Stoner Stupid?", in which he attributed the early spread of the phrase to Grateful Dead followers – after Reddix became a roadie for the Dead's bassist, Phil Lesh – and called for 4:20 p.m. to be the socially accepted hour of the day to consume cannabis.
Mike : See you at 420! Steve : Word .
So far the majority of you are incorrect.
420's origin IS known.
the term 420 originated at San Rafael High School, in 1971, among a group of about a dozen pot-smoking wiseacres who called themselves the Waldos, who are now pushing 50. The term was shorthand for the time of day the group would meet, at the campus statue of Louis Pasteur , to smoke pot. Intent on developing their own discreet language, they made 420 code for a time to get high, and its use spread among members of an entire generation.
So there ya go, someone's parents out there invented the term 4/20.
And remember this:
There are NOT 420 chemicals in Weed. It's about 315, the num. goes up or down depending on what you're smoking.
4/20 is NOT police code or Maryjane.
And that whole shit about Holland and 4/20 over there being "tea time" for smokers isn't true either.

I know my shit .
In 1971, a group of stoners at San Rafael High School, California, coined this word. It was originally 420 Louis, meaning they planned to smoke weed by the Louis Pasteur statue by their school (btw Louis Pasteur was a hygene expert just fyi) and they said it as like a code word so that they could talk about weed around their parents / teachers and they would not know what the hell they were going on a bout!!! They may have been trying to track down a hidden crop aswell, although that is a bit debated and may be in fact an urban myth. But hey, this is Urban Dictionary, so yea! And then the phrase gained use thanks to the Greatful Dead who publicised it in the 70s and 80s. Today, 44 years down the track , the Waldos are given full credit for coining the term and it still means weed. It is mainly used for fun, secrecy, ritual and protest. A lot of people who smoke weed have a lot of fun with this word, and nobody else really knows wtf they are saying! ... (except their hippy parents!!!!!!! lol oops!)
Oh hey dude, there was this one time at Dennys, I was like super super stoned, I think it might have been after 420! 420 is both a time and a day - It's 4:20 (20 past 4)), or Happy 4/20 ( 20th of April ) Let's go out on 420 at 420 for some 420ing !!!!!!!!
by sagibitchascent420 November 24, 2015
A 9 year old : 420 funny haha ! * regrets it 5 years later when they learn that it’s weed*
Common misconceptions point to crazy theories about weed but the truth is it is actuly a number between 419 and 421 .
Guy 1: I counted to 420 today!
Guy 2: Sooo you want to get stoned ?
Guy 1: What? What the fuck does that have to do with anything?
420 is 42 the meaning of life some say but a 0 added to the end the 0 is post to show weed. 420 can be used to like smoke weed or something
by Know Your Memes November 24, 2018
420, indeed, was thought of years ago as the time of day some people got together to smoke pot. Now it is used as code for "Let's go get high." Also, some people consider it to be April 20th that is "National Pot Smoking Day."
I prefer all of the above .

This is a way to express the acceptance of smoking pot or accepting somone who does so, without overtly mentioning pot or marijuana.

You may find the phrase 420-friendly often in personal ads, especially on Craig's List .

It refers to the term 420 which has become lingo smoking pot.

See the definition of 420
"420 originated at San Rafael High School, in 1971, among a group of about a dozen pot-smoking wiseacres who called themselves the Waldos "

" Single white male , 420-friendly..."

" Hey , is this party 420 friendly?"
One who specifies and arranges a date with someone who is cool with pot smoking to the point of excluding those who do not condone the practice.
Seeking woman, tall and smart. Must be well read and 420 friendly .
You better be careful, those highway police are definitely not 420 friendly. They put their nose right up to you .

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