What Day Is Steak And Blow Day 2022

What Day Is Steak And Blow Day 2022


What Day Is Steak And Blow Day 2022
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Steak and BJ Day is a non-official conditional holiday that is celebrated on March 14th and was established as the male version of Valentine’s Day – which is why it’s celebrated exactly one month after this holiday. If you need to know how this holiday is celebrated, then all you have to do is read it in its title. That’s because the two main components of this holiday is for women to provide steaks and blow jobs to their men. Pretty simple, huh?
However, Since it falls on the same day a PI Day – the day dedicated to the mathematical value of π and is celebrated with the pun of eating pie – guys should be careful not to fill up on too much pie, if they plan on celebrating this day as well.
No one really knows who started this holiday. However, the generally accepted consensus is that it was invented in 2002 by Tom Birdsey, a radio DJ who invented the day while on air. If that is the case, then this holiday really spread far and wide thanks to word of mouth. First, it spread across the North American Continent and then it spread all over Europe. Now it is celebrated by people all over the world.
Steak and BJ Day is a holiday that is based on the assumption that the traditional Valentine’s Day celebration is a day for women. Advocates of this holiday will say that men have no use for candy, romantic dinners or flowers. That the only thing men really want is some fellatio fulfillment and a nice big hunk of meat. Something I think most guys would agree with – unless of course they are vegetarians or vegans.
However, since Steak and BJ Day is a conditional holiday, guy’s aren’t automatically get steaks and oral sex on this day. No, it all depends on how well they have taken care of their wives or girlfriends on Valentine’s Day. If guys failed to fulfill their duties on that day – or their women were dissatisfied with their execution of the obligations on that day – then women are not obliged to give guys what they want on this holiday. Therefore, some people see this holiday as a form of motivation to get guys to do the things they are supposed to do on February 14th. If guy’s cant cut the proverbial mustard on their ladies’ holiday, then they get absolutely zip on their holiday. This kind of makes Steak and BJ Day a Quid pro quo arrangement.

The person credited as the creator of Steak & BJ Day is radio DJ Tom Birdsey. He is said to have coined the term in 2002, during a snow on WFNX radio station in Boston, Massachusetts. On this day, women are allegedly supposed to cook (or order) a steak for, and give a blowjob to, a man in response to flowers, chocolate and postcards they received on Valentine’s Day.
However, there’s little evidence that Steak & BJ Day is observed in reality. It is rather an Internet meme than an actual holiday, and a quite offensive one at that. The observance has been described as anti-feminist and patriarchal. A lot of people are convinced that it is the embodiment of male privilege, whereas others think that it’s just a celebration of food and sex.
The British tabloid newspaper Metro suggested that women who think that Steak & BJ Day is sexist celebrate Chicken and Licking Day, a similar holiday especially for women, on March 15 or March 21. (If you ask us, both holidays actually sound awful.)
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Best trending Steak and BJ Day Meme . This meme trend came few days ago and is now flooded over social media.
Whenever mid-March rolls around, a bunch of dudes on the internet make noise about the prime rib and oral sex to which they’re entitled (because they didn’t complain that much on Valentine’s Day). March 14 is “Steak and a BJ Day,” and it exists because, apparently, telling your girlfriend to make you a sandwich gets old after a while. Basically, it’s a lame joke gone viral.
It’s unclear what percentage of these guys are serious about the occasion, whether anyone has ever actually observed it, and how fellatio-deprived anyone insisting on obligatory blowjobs must be. But by and large, the holiday exists to prompt workplace arguments or cringe-y remarks about relationships, gender inequality, and—why not!—cancer.
The Ultimate BJ bag is a pack with different goodies and ideas to make sure you give your BJ WELL DONE on STEAK&BJ DAY – 14 March. No more excuses ladies. https://t.co/xdi9TDe6v0 pic.twitter.com/1CbTHMpbaa
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by Alanna Nuñez Published: Feb 27, 2017
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Whether it's genius or moronic is up to interpretation
Do you know what I thought to myself when I woke up this morning? "You know what the world needs right now? It needs a full day dedicated to steak and blow jobs. Forget Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day is dumb! Who needs chocolate, anyway? That’s for suckers. No, what we need is Steak and Blowjob Day."
I’m just kidding. I didn’t think that at all but someone did, because Steak and Blowjob Day is a real thing that exists (it has an official website and everything). Billed as the “Valentine’s Day for men,” Steak and Blowjob Day takes place on March 14th and is “simple, effective, and self-explanatory. No cards, no flowers; the name explains it all: just a steak and a BJ. That’s it.”
Sounds romantic. In truth, I’m not fundamentally opposed to a “Valentine’s Day for men,” (and it's unclear how much of a joke this day actually is or how many people really celebrate it) but what I want to know is, who are all these people clamoring for a blowjob after eating a steak? I love a good steak as much as the next girl, but let’s be real: Steak isn’t exactly easy on the digestive system. (Steak is not a sexy food, is what I'm saying.)
Anyway, if you’d like to participate in this auspicious occasion but feel a little weird/guilty about it, maybe it'll make you feel better to know that it's all for a good cause. For any “Steak and BJ” merch you buy, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to Coppafeel , a nonprofit that encourages breast self-exams. Enjoy!
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