What Are The Methods To Clear Hair Clogged Drains? 

What Are The Methods To Clear Hair Clogged Drains? 

Service champions

If water is not draining properly in your sink or shower then there may be high chances that you are dealing with a drain clogged with hair. Some chemical drain cleaners are harsh on your pipes and can cause more damage so these are not recommended. There are some other remedies for clearing hair-clogged drains that help your drain flow freely.

·        Use Baking Soda & Vinegar

The most effective way of dispatching clog is Baking Soda and Vinegar. Firstly squirt a little dish soap into your drain and add a cup of vinegar and baking soda. After 5 minutes add a cup of boiling water for the chemical reaction of vinegar and baking soda. This method is very effective to clear hair clog and if any hair is left behind then use a cup plunger on your drain. Repeat the process if necessary.

·        Pull It out with Tweezers

Sometime due to the stingy nature of hair clog it becomes difficult to plunge out. Use a pair of tweezers to pull out the hairy obstruction. Take off your drain stopper with a screwdriver to clean any accumulated hair. To flush any nascent hairs run hot water down your drain.

·        Snaking Device

You can use a snaking device to break that clog apart and with a wire hanger, you can make your snaking device. Just straighten out the hanger and stick it down to your drain to break clogging. After snaking, try to flush your drain with hot water to ensure that the clog is completely gone.

·        Vacuum

In case the clog isn't too far the drain and soap isn't too bad then use a vacuum to suck the hair clog but the drain should be uncovered and dry. This method is effective to remove the leftover remnants.

·        Call a Plumber

If you try all the above methods for clearing hair clogged drain but are unable to remove the clog then it's time to call a trusted plumber. The plumber directly diagnoses the clog and provides a better solution for your problem as they have effective tools. Service champions have a team of experts who have a year of experience in dealing with drain maintenance, drain cleaning, and mainline sewer blockage repair.

Air Conditioner Replacement

Investing in a home can increase its value but it's a tough decision to make and when it comes to air conditioner replacement the decision-making process even gets harder. It's hard to decide whether to repair the unit or replace it entirely.

Top signs that you need to replace your AC:

·        More than 10 years old

If your AC is older than 10 years then you must replace your AC. Air conditioners are often exposed to an extreme temperature which shortens their life. So replace your older air conditioner with a modern air conditioner as they last between 15-20 years. If you live in a hot and humid area then it also affects the lifespan of your AC.

·        AC frequently Break Down

If you want your air conditioner to work properly without breakdown then get an A/C tune-up from qualified technicians. HVAC technicians help to correct AC issues because multiple breakdowns can cause concern and require frequent repairs. So rather than sinking your money into expensive repairs, it's better to purchase a new unit.

·        Increase in Energy Bills

If you notice that every month your energy bills start rising then either your air conditioner malfunctioning or losing efficiency. As the air conditioner gets older your energy bills start rising. You need to start looking for a new AC if your energy bills go up and don't come down. 

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