What Are Blue Balls

What Are Blue Balls


What Are Blue Balls

Blue Balls is a painful outcome of being denied an orgasm despite constant arousal. Many believe Blue Balls can only happen if you are strictly cut off at point of ejaculation. This is untrue, Blue Balls can happen even if you have had no stimulus in the penis. This may be the cause of early onset Blue Balls but no study confirms that. Blue Balls can happen at any state of arousal as long as it is continuous.
Blue Balls can happen while you are out with a person who is sexually appealing. Though there is a lot of erotic stimulus (kissing, cuddling, groping, etc) there is no actual penile stimulus, Blue Balls will onset and stay until an ejaulation can occure. E.G. "We made out for hours but she didn't want sex, so I went home and on the drive my nuts HURT!! Like hurt to touch and every bounce on the road...." "Damn dude, Blue Balls suck man!"
Like being left on read . But with your dick .
Brenden had blue balls when he mom didn't let him cum.
A ridiculously painful condition that occurs when a man is close to orgasm , but is suddenly cut off .
Ladies, imagine if you will, that someone is going down on you intensely. You're building up to what will surely be the best orgasm you've ever had. All of a sudden, you're partner stops. You're about to ask what the fuck is going on , when all of a sudden you're partner slams a bowling ball up your vagoo . This is kind of like Blue Balls.
When you father is Going Ham on your mother and he can't finish because his little ass son busts in the room. So his cum is stuck in his nuts and are super sad
DAmn man, I was going ham on my wife last night and then my bitch ass son came in the room with a key trick he learned on youtube. He caught me right before I finished. My balls hurt so bad, so bad! I'm scared from that instance and now she won't even have sex with me now. I got the worst Blue balls ever. Wann see?
the excrutiating pain a man receives when his balls swell to the size of coconuts because of lack of sex, unfinished bjs , and just not cummin when he knows he should.

Cure: JUST WACK IT MAN!! or get your woman to help you out and do the job right. It's that simple to make the horrible pain go away.
note to all women,

NEVER NEVER NEVER give your man blue balls ...its the worse pain he will ever feel in his life and he never deserves it...well, almost never ...
When the male balls puff up, turn blue, and hurts .... Like Hell
hey dude did you get that hoe last night? Yeah but she gave me blue balls .
by SuckMyToesDaddi February 19, 2018
The state of pain and discomfort caused by an interrupted session of fellatio. Can happen for a number of reasons, including (a) calling the girl by a name that's not hers, especially the name of an ex she knows about (b) turning on the TV in the middle of getting head (c) interruption by a third party , especially parents or other authority figures (d) the girl having had too much to drink earlier and needing to throw up right there and then (with it ending up on your shoes, trousers, and possibly lap). Results in almost cramp-like pains in the groin and/or abdominal areas. Sometimes used as a way for a girl to inform a guy she's breaking up with him.
1) I have blue balls , because I forgot and called my girlfriend by my ex's name.
2) Jimmy got blue balled when the girl he was feeding drinks to had to throw up.

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Where does blue balls get its name?

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Rod Brouhard is an emergency medical technician paramedic (EMT-P), journalist, educator, and advocate for emergency medical service providers and patients.
Jamin Brahmbhatt, MD, is a board-certified urologist and Chief of Surgery at Orlando Health South Lake Hospital.

Blue balls is the colloquial term for pain or a heavy feeling in the testicles caused by prolonged sexual arousal without orgasm in males. Blood vessels swell during arousal, and that subsides after ejaculation . If ejaculation is withheld or delayed (impaired), fluids build up, resulting in blue balls.

The condition itself—also known as epididymal hypertension—is uncomfortable, but not dangerous. It is common in newly pubescent boys, but it can also affect adult males. 1

This article discusses what blue balls mean, what happens in the body to cause them, and how you can get relief.

Blue balls is not a diagnosis, per se, but rather a way to characterize pain in the scrotum associated with prolonged sexual arousal without ejaculation. 1

Of course, the term is one you're more likely to hear in casual settings, rather than a healthcare provider's office. While most males will never need to see a healthcare provider about blue balls, as they are acutely aware of their cause, scrotal pain that is chronic or occurs independently of sex should be evaluated. 2

Medical providers will more often use the term acute scrotal pain. Prolonged sexual arousal is a very likely cause, but there are many other possible reasons for pain in the scrotum, testicles , epididymis (the tubes behind the testes that transport sperm ), and spermatic cord. 2

Whatever blue balls are called, the term acts as a placeholder until the doctor investigates the cause and ensures that a more serious condition is not involved. 2

Symptoms of blue balls can include: 1

Despite its name, blue balls doesn't cause the scrotum or testicles to turn blue. If bluish or purplish discoloration occurs with acute pain and swelling, this may be a sign of a medical emergency known as testicular torsion . 3

Blue balls is thought to be caused by the excessive accumulation of fluid in the epididymis during prolonged arousal. Without ejaculation, the "back up" of fluid can cause the epididymis to expand, causing discomfort or pain. 1

Blue balls may be also the consequence of:

Because the symptoms are non-specific, doctors investigating blue balls will almost always investigate other possible causes of acute scrotal pain. These include: 2

Blue balls may be differentiated from other types of acute scrotal pain in that the discomfort doesn't prevent sex. 6 By contrast, scrotal pain caused by trauma will often interfere with the ability to have sex.

If you truly have blue balls, the symptoms will typically resolve on their own. If you can't tolerate the discomfort, there are a few remedies that may help:

People with blue balls should never pressure their partners to engage in any sexual activity without full consent or engage in any form of coercion.

Blue balls is a phenomenon that definitely affects some people. It can be temporarily painful or uncomfortable, but it is serious or a threat to your health. It typically resolves on its own with some time.

However, if your symptoms recur, are chronic, or impact sexual activity, contact your healthcare provider. This may be a sign of another, more potentially serious problem. 7

If the pain is severe and accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting, scrotal swelling, abdominal pain, and frequent urination, call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room. 3

Typically, blue balls resolve on their own within one or several hours. The condition generally doesn't require medical attention. 2
Blue balls is a term that was coined as far back as 1916. 8 Despite its name, it rarely causes blue testicles.
A cold compress applied to the testicles may alleviate pain due to blue balls. Over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may also help. 2 Masturbation has been described as a remedy for blue balls in some older medical journals, although few doctors today would recommend masturbation as a medical treatment.
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Velasquez J, Boniface MP, Mohseni M. Acute scrotum pain . In: StatPearls [Internet].
Schick MA, Sternard BT. Testicular torsion . In: StatPearls [Internet].
Parnham A, Serefoglu EC. Retrograde ejaculation, painful ejaculation and hematospermia . Transl Androl Urol . 2016;5(4):592-601. doi:10.21037/tau.2016.06.05
Ayad BM, Van der Horst G, S Du Plessis S. Revisiting the relationship between the ejaculatory abstinence period and semen characteristics . Int J Fertil Steril . 2018;11(4). doi:10.22074/ijfs.2018.5192
Rockney R, Alario AJ. Blue balls . Pediatrics. 2001;108(5):1233-4.
Leslie SW, Sajjad H, Siref LE. Chronic testicular pain . In: StatPearls [Internet].
Dalzell T, Victor T. Sex Slang . London: Routledge; 2008. doi:10.4000/lexis.1889
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“A guy told me to stop acting weird once and cut it out on a second date so I gave him blue balls”

“I feel like this whole episode is just an apology to Hammy fans for blueballing us all last week.”

Kai @daiiKaigan Twitter (May 22, 2017)

“We asked men to re-live their most traumatic, painful, and weirdly touching experiences with blue balls so we could determine whether it's real, imaginary, or going to send our boyfriends to the hospital.”

Mish Barber Way, “What Lies Beneath: Real Men Share True Tales of Blue Balls,” Broadly (October 21, 2015)

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Blue balls is a slang term to refer to a mildly painful feeling in the testicles of unrelieved sexual arousal. It can also refer to “sexual frustration” in general.
According to slang lexicographer Jonathon Green, the term blue balls for “intense sexual frustration” dates back to at least the 1910s. In the 1920s, Green notes, blue balls was also used as slang for a venereal bubo and gonorrhea.
Blue balls has since gone on to specifically describe a dull, aching sensation that occurs during sexual arousal before or without ejaculation. Medically, this is sometimes called epididymal hypertension, which causes an increase in blood pressure in men’s genital area during sexual arousal. The presence of deoxygenated blood, which is bluish in color, around the testicles during this state explains, for some, the blue in blue balls . However, the blue likely alludes to the use of the word’s meaning as “sad,” characterizing a male’s frustration when experiencing blue balls .
Blue balls has seen a number of colloquial extensions. Given its connection to unreleased sexual tension, blue balls can refer more generally to a state of horniness.
Metaphorically, blue balls is sometimes used to refer to non-sexual situations when one is frustrated by a long wait. For example, if someone has been waiting in the doctor’s office for an hour past the scheduled appointment time, they might say that the doctor is blue-balling them.
Similarly, blue balls can also playfully describe a situation when people get a taste of something they want, but not enough to satisfy them. For example, one might experience blue balls if craving a food in the middle of the night only to discover a small amount of it in the fridge.
Blue balls are sometimes seen as a way for one partner to guilt another into continuing sexual activity even though one party may not want to. Men and women can use the phrase blue balls in both sexual and nonsexual contexts. A female equivalent of blue balls has been dubbed blue clit , though the phrase blue balls has been so metaphorically productive that one need not have testicles to use blue balls in reference to their own sexual frustration.
Due to its sexual content, blue balls may be seen as inappropriate in many contexts.

This is not meant to be a formal definition of blue balls like most terms we define on Dictionary.com, but is
rather an informal word summary that hopefully touches upon the key aspects of the meaning and usage of blue balls
that will help our users expand their word mastery.

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