What Are Ben Wa Balls Used For

What Are Ben Wa Balls Used For


What Are Ben Wa Balls Used For

Mariah Olberman | October 21, 2021 September 15, 2021

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Home - Ben Wa Balls - How To Use Ben Wa Balls
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A step-by-step set of instructions for inserting Ben Wa Balls can be found below if you want to get right to it but I thought it would be best to start out with a quick introduction to their use at a higher level.
Ben Wa balls have been used in various forms by women throughout human history. It’s believed they were originally created by Japanese women before they spread to China (sometimes referred to there as Chinese Bells), India, Vietnam and then into Europe before becoming known worldwide.
They were traditionally made of two hollow brass balls, of which one was empty with the other containing either mercury or a smaller heavy metal ball. These days you can find them made from a variety of materials of course, you can check out our article on the types of ben wa balls here if you’re interested in learning more about that.
The empty ball is inserted first, all the way back to the cervix, followed by the 2nd “loaded” ball until they make contact. When the balls are in place even slight movements of the hips or thighs will cause the contents of the loaded ball to move or roll producing a pleasant vibration.
A common example of their use is to insert the balls as described above then gently rock in a rocking chair or a swing.
You can perform kegels to help hold them in and to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and improve the elasticity of the vagina. Ben Wa balls pre-date our more modern concept of kegel exercises but many believe they were used historically to provide many of the same benefits that kegel exercises aim to achieve.
These were the result of much thought and research. After having 2 children, I began to experience leaking problems when I coughed or sneezed. It was getting worse. This set was adorable and I did my research. The set comes with a small storage bag, two weights, a holder and some lubrication. It was easy to use. I started exercising for one hour each day with them, then increased my time to three hours per day. My husband compliments me and I don’t have to rush off to the bathroom after a surprise sneeze. Maybe best of all: no more pantiliners!
Inserting the balls, or “wearing” them as you might hear it referred to is a relatively straightforward process but it can vary a bit depending on what type of balls you’re using. The basic idea is always the same though, get them in there without hurting yourself. To that end, here are some tips along with step-by-step instructions.
If you have just read Fifty Shades of Grey or heard about Ben Wa balls from a friend and are eager to try them your experience will be much better if you go into the experience with the right expectations. If you don’t know what you’re getting into you might make a wrong choice and end up being disappointed.
This video does a great job of summing it up.
If you spend some time reading reviews of Ben Wa balls you’ll see loads of people who went into the experience with flat out unrealistic expectations. Look at reviews for the simplest designs out there, such as stainless steel (unattached) balls. How can there be so much discrepancy between reviewers for something so basic in construction as those products? The answer is clearly that some buyers were expecting something totally different than what they got.
I’m not trying to suggest that all bad reviews for these products are because of this ignorance, some products truly are just bad or cheaply made and packaged. In fact, the sad truth is that most of the stuff you’ll find out there is overpriced crap and repackaged knock-off’s.
That’s the main reason that we only feature a small selection of products on this site. We’re always looking for more great offerings but it’s really rare to find a combination of quality construction and materials at a reasonable price. Heck, it’s even hard to find high quality when you include the products being sold at unreasonable prices.
Of course, if you know of any we’ve missed, leave us a comment and let us know or get in touch with us here .
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Hi, my name’s Mariah Olberman ! When I was in high school I had an accident that left me with some nerve damage on the right side of my body. This caused me to be unable to do any kind of exercise without feeling pain. The doctors told me that this would never go away because there were no nerves left to heal. However, over time I’ve learned how to begin exercising again and I’ve recently discovered ben wa balls. I created this site to help you learn how to use them safely and effectively! Email me at: mariah@ben-wa-balls.org.
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Mariah Olberman | September 15, 2021 September 15, 2021

Ben-wa-balls.org is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.
Home - Ben Wa Balls - What Are Ben Wa Balls?
Ben-wa-balls.org is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.
Ben Wa balls are known by many names, including:
Ok, so they have a lot of names, but what are ben wa balls ?!?
They’re small balls that can range in size from small marble-sized balls to 2 or more inches in diameter. They’re often made of metal so they are naturally weighted and easy to clean, but can also be found commonly with a variety of silicone coatings.
Surgical grade stainless steel Ben Wa balls are made with the finest metal giving them a superior smooth silky finish.
Metal Ben Wa balls can be easily cleaned with soap and water or alcohol. Balls with a string have their benefits, but the ease with which these can be cleaned is a strong positive.
They’re great for kegel exercises which will cause vaginal tightening and improve sexual performance and bladder control.
Beyond pleasure, the use of Ben Wa balls as a kegel exerciser is commonly recommended as a way to tighten the vaginal muscles and strengthen the pelvic floor which can not only increase sexual pleasure and performance but also improve bladder control.
Many women know the frustration in dealing with bladder control as they age or after having a baby. It can be relatively minor, such as when coughing or sneezing, but even so it can be a headache. Bladder control can be improved by strengthening the vaginal and pelvic muscles.
Ben Wa balls come in many varieties and are made from many materials.
Surgical Steel and other metals are naturally weighted so they are well suited as kegel balls. They can also be very smooth and comfortable. It’s also worth mentioning that they’re the easiest to clean, you can easily wash them with warm or hot water and soap, you could even boil them if you were so inclined, though that might be a bit overboard for most.
In a lot of ways the glass Ben Wa balls are similar in nature to the metal balls, glass is also very smooth of course. Glass balls are often larger than the metal ones though to make up for the lower weight. Glass balls are also relatively easy to clean.
Ben Wa balls attached by a nylon or silicone string are often coated in silicone, these can offer a bit of a softer material that can be squeezed for a kegel exerciser. These can be the most painful to wash however, keep that in mind when making your choice.
That totally depends on what your goals are, of course; each person has their own personal style. Browse the site and read about some of the different options available in the marketplace, chances are you’ll know which one is right for you pretty quickly.
Duotone balls are a type of Ben Wa ball that’s hollow and typically made of plastic (sometimes coated) with a smaller ball inside of it. Motion causes the smaller ball to move around creating subtle vibrations that can be very arousing. They’re generally bigger than metal or glass Ben Wa balls.
There are advantages and disadvantages to getting Ben Wa balls with a string that may not be immediately obvious.
The most obvious benefit of getting them with a string, also referred to as a retrieval cord, is that it makes it easier to remove them. Another nice feature is that you can tug on the string to increase stimulation.
The main disadvantage to having the string is that it makes it much more difficult to clean the balls after use.
No, there’s nowhere the balls can go into other parts of your body from your vagina. If you’re using the traditional style balls without the string don’t panic if you have a little trouble getting a Ben Wa ball to come out. You can try coughing, bearing down, standing up and walking about, jumping up and down, or adding more lubrication. I always get a chuckle out of the sites that recommend sneezing as a way to get them out but if by some chance you find it easier to sneeze on demand rather than simply fake cough by all means, go for it.
If you’re still worried about it, for the sake of your peace and mind get a set that’s attached with a string. There’s nothing worse than finding yourself stressing about something you’re supposed to be enjoying, in this case, you don’t have to worry about it, there are plenty of options both with and without the string.
Remember, if you have any unusual conditions or have any questions you should ask your Doctor before using Ben Wa or Kegel balls.
Hi, my name’s Mariah Olberman ! When I was in high school I had an accident that left me with some nerve damage on the right side of my body. This caused me to be unable to do any kind of exercise without feeling pain. The doctors told me that this would never go away because there were no nerves left to heal. However, over time I’ve learned how to begin exercising again and I’ve recently discovered ben wa balls. I created this site to help you learn how to use them safely and effectively! Email me at: mariah@ben-wa-balls.org.
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Ultimate Guide to Ben Wa Balls & Kegel Balls



November 30, 2016

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Ben Wa balls, also widely popular as kegel balls are small balls of different sizes. These balls are used as an instrument to please your man. They are available as small marble sized balls and also as slightly bigger balls, ranging in about two or more inches in the diameter. The kegel balls are usually made of metal, and their weight is natural. No added item is used on them to increase the weight. The balls are also relatively simple and hassle free to clean. However, if you have purchased a fancy ball with a silicone coating, then it will take slightly longer to clean and take care of. In case you’re still wondering what are ben wa balls and kegel exercise balls , following is a complete insight on everything that you wanted to know about Ben wa balls and why they are related to Kegel Balls.
Kegel balls are usually used during sex, to please men. But beyond pleasure, these balls are also used for exercise. Yes. You can use the kegel exercise balls to tighten the muscles around your vagina. They also play a vital role in strengthening the pelvic floor . This not only boosts the sexual pleasure but also improves your performance. Additionally, your bladder too is under complete control of using these balls.
Many ladies have bore the brunt and experienced the frustrations in controlling their bladder, particularly after they age or have a baby. Although it can be minor like when you are coughing or blowing your nose. Things can also take a serious shape and lead to a headache. Your bladder can be better controlled when your vaginal and pelvic muscles are strong- and this is precisely how the kegel exercise balls help you out. By small exercises, these balls keep your vaginas tight and help you enjoy a better and lasting session of intercourse.
Well, these kegel balls or sex balls are of various kinds. You will find them invariants of metal, glass, and even silicone. In this section, we will talk in detail about the different types of ben wa balls.
Well, now that you have a basic idea about kegel balls you might be wondering how do kegel balls work? The idea is simple; these balls are inserted into the vagina and you exercise with them to strengthen your pelvic floor and tighten the elasticity of the vagina. Very often, women experience loose vagina issues and vaginal incontinence after pregnancy or at the time of menopause.
They also lose their control over the bladder after childbirth. The situation also takes a toll on their sex life, thereby keeping them unsatisfied. You are also likely to feel less aroused and fatigued during sex due to the same issue.
In such situations, a good ben wa ball works in your favor and plays a vital role in redeeming your pleasure and vaginal elasticity. It also helps you to control your bladder better, thereby making you more comfortable and confident from both within and outside.
Nowadays, you will find the basic ben wa balls and kegel balls that can be inserted into your vagina to stimulate the G-spot. At the same time, you will also find other beads like balls, where one ball is within the other. The smaller ball will move inside the larger, and the hollow ball is creating a tingling sensation of vibration when you move. This will cause your muscles inside to squeeze.
The contraction that takes place within your vagina plays a vital role in toning your pelvic floor muscles and vaginal muscles. Likewise, it is also equally pleasurable as it touches your G-spot and arouses you to the utmost. Most of these kegel balls are available in clever designs according to the needs and the expectations of women. The fact that the inner vibration is much more stimulating than the weight of the ball arouses you and keeps your vaginal muscles fit at the same time. It also plays a vital role in increasing your blood flow.
These features, work cumulatively in increasing your pleasure and boosting your sex life. At the same time, if you are a fitness enthusiast, who swears by a good fitness regime, then too, the ben wa balls can be a great option.
The balls play a vital role in working your vaginal muscles, and over a considerable period, they also revive your sexual experience. It has been observed that the more you squeeze or get these balls squeezed during the time of intimacy, the better it feels for both you and your partner. Using these ben wa balls are also one of the easiest albeit useful methods to work your muscles out as your vagina will be compelled to be flexible for keeping the balls inside while you are active.
If you are looking for ultimate comfort down there while also staying fit and active, nothing can work better than the Nurse Hatty Premium Kegel Exercise Weight System. The best part of this kit is simply the fact that it does not merely give you pleasure but also acts as an excellent exercise ball to strengthen your vaginal and pelvic muscles. This is a more advanced and compact alternative to the traditional geisha balls.
It comforts the circum and ensures that your bladder is in complete control. You can try many strength combinations (as many as five) with the Nurse Hatty Kegel Balls. It also graduates in size, thereby making it easier for you to get started with a size where you are truly comfortable.
You can use the lightest ball 28gms in size and eventually graduate to the heavier ones ranging around 56 gms, 65 gms and 74 gms. Unlike other popular viginal balls , you do not have to buy a different combination of them for different strength. It makes your exercising sessions simpler and easier. Additionally, the ben wa ball also arouses you and awakens your G-spot thereby boosting your sexual performance. The ball is also easy to wash and clean, and it is therefore a must have for all fitness enthusiasts.
If you are looking for a silicon ben wa ball that guarantees you utmost satisfaction while helping you exercise better, nothing can be a more viable option than this awesome kegel ball from Toti. The ball is completely hygienic because it is made of seamless silicone. Likewise, it is also waterproof and helps you in quick and effortless cleaning. The ball is made of medical grade silicone which is also hygienic and hypoallergenic. It is free from
This Kegel ball is made of medical grade silicone which is also hygienic and hypoallergenic. It is free from phthalate, latex or BPA. It will not only give you pleasure but also prevent any risk or scope of potential allergies. The ball is also biocompatible and has been tested by a large number of doctors and physicians. You can use this ball regularly to strengthen the muscles of your pelvic floor. It will prevent urinary incontinence and also keep your vaginas tight. This kegel ball is even more suitable for ladies who have been recently pregnant, as it acts as a recovery mechanism . It prevents the prolapsed of your vagina and also plays a vital role in treating inflammations of the prostate gland. The ben
This Viginal ball is also biocompatible and has been tested by a large number of doctors and physicians. You can use this ball regularly to strengthen the muscles of your pelvic floor. It will prevent urinary incontinence and also keep your vaginas tight. This kegel ball is even more suitable for ladies who have been recently pregnant, as it acts as a recovery mechanism. It prevents the prolapsed of your vagina and also plays a vital role in treating inflammations of the prostate gland. The ben
This kegel ba
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