Westy Boobpedia

Westy Boobpedia


Westy Boobpedia

Перейти ↑ I will post no actual pictures from the filthy site, but examples of the categories from other sources are provided for you, just so you don't have to go there yourself to see them.

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Boobpedia is an internet Wiki where people women can go and look at pictures of hot boobs . It is a great collection of beautiful, mysogynistic photos of bare chested women with ample, voluptuous, supple, enticing, incredible breasts . Men who thoughtlessly and carelessly objectify women and see them only as body parts enjoy ogling these tits , without caring one bit for the person whose tits they are looking at - a person who is someone's beloved daughter , or sister, or aunt. They care little for her as a human being - such as her likes and dislikes, what are her turn-ons and turn-offs, and what she would do to bring about world peace. None of this is considered, as the photos, videos and interviews are there only to serve the man's basest, most lustful and carnal instincts .

The site is not even inclusive of all boob types. Only women with C-cups or better are allowed to be degraded and objectified on the site. One wonders what they think is wrong with small breasts, that this wiki is unwilling to hold them up to the same sick, anti-female abuse and dehumanization?
Of course, for small tit lovers, we have CupApediA.

Even with the lower limit of C-cup, there is still a large selection of types available for your unbridled soul-crushing lust , all neatly categorized for your quick browsing pleasure. But because I know you are a man of integrity and propriety who respects and honors women and their bodies so you won't go to the site to find out for yourself, these categories are presented here. I often do, and you don't need to. Let me keep all those tits to myself!

First, most obviously, the boobs are categorize by boob type, shape and cup size, to help facilitate every sick, lustful, lecherous, womanizing taste. Men who discriminate between naturally big, teardrop, perky, softly hanging, and artificially enhanced can get their fill of whatever type their sick, objectifying lust could possibly desire. This categorization is so detailed, carefully distinguishing for instance between H-cup, H-metric cup, HH cup and so on, that it can be educational for the boob enthusiast, though this little makes up for the wretched dehumanizing and exploitation that the site is truly about.
For the more wise part of the human species, the female, there is of course Cockpedia. Everything on that site, the belly, the wallet, the IQ, is measured in inches. And there are demerits for owning the wrong type of car.

There are also model categories - whether you prefer porn stars, amateurs, celebrities or so-called " tasteful " nudes, there is a female form for your lustful ways to exploit. Cockpedia, the so called sistersite, has also categories, depending on income. Women never discriminate men about the size of the willy.

But the most important categorization is by body type. Beautiful, shapely, or even massive tits can be less enticing to a man if they are stuck on a bodytype that doesn't appeal to him . So Boobpedia categorizes by body shape to please any taste, making it very easy for you to locate your preferred method of degrading the female body, from "athletic" to "BBW". [1]

The athletic body is for the man who prefers women to be in shape, who demands physical perfection from his specimens. For many men, a pair of triple-D's on a well-worked out body is just the thing to choke his woman-hating monkey to.
But then again, the more wise part of the species prefers hairy beerbellies, laying on the couch and delivering a fart every five minutes.

The slim body doesn't require as much work on the part of the woman, just genetic luck with good metabolism. Whereas this type can be too skinny for many men, slap a pair of double-D's on a pogo stick torso and it will be all good for many of these drooling bastards. Slip a large fat wallet on any of thes drooling bastards, and they won't be needing Boobpedia any longer.

The average body type is the one found on most females, and the one most men enjoy shamelessly objectifying. Since you, by contrast, are a good man, respectful of the female creature, it's probably this type of female body that you seek out to sit at coffee shops discussing Emily Bronte with, rather than constantly logging on to Boobpedia to drool over. By the way, discussing E-cup Bronte with any female is not very nice.

Chubby chasers love a little meat to grab a hold of. Plus, many Boobpedia women-hating ogle-rapists believe that the truly greatest tits, with respect to size, shape and bounciness, tend to be carried around by this type of vehicle.

At the heavy end of the scale, there are the BBWs. Boobpedia has no shortage of porkers for the truly sick men who fantasize about being crushed between the deep folds of mountains of bulging, dimpled flesh. These creatures tend to lug around gigantor tits, so these men get their jollies from that sight. There are truly no boundaries to the sick, gross exploitation of the female body when even these sweaty, wheezing monstrosities can be so objectified. One wonders why any female should have any overweight. They are so smart, they always know when to stop, and when to say 'No'.

Perhaps the sickest, most dehumanizing part of the whole site is the section where you are able to photograph yourself with your lovely tits on display, sweet, erect nipples and all, and upload them into the " Amateur " category, so that any nasty, drooling old man can get his eyefull of you in all your big-tittied glory. Being a girl, you may not know how to use a digital camera, or probably you don't have the skill to transfer photos and/or videos of yourself. But don't worry - there are helpful how-to sections you can follow that make it very easy. Or you can just get your latest boyfriend to help you. But of course you would never do that because you have more self-respect than to let a lecherous wretch like, say, , just anonymously get his jollies, stroking his rock-hard stiffy to the sight of your incredible big naturals. Am I right?

Join me and respectful gentlemen everywhere in never logging on to Boobpedia . Boobpedia is a large and growing collection that promises to fully satisfy the exploitative, objectifying lust of every sick bastard who can't see the beauty of a woman's soul behind the incredible delicious shape of her ample, curvy tits, but that kind of thing isn't for the likes of you, who honor and respect the female creature. You can probably also create your own account for an enhanced boobpedia experience.
And please try Cockpedia and Beerbellypedia for something completely different.

Wiki - Boobpedia : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Boobpedia - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia
Stacy Bloom — биография и интересные факты из жизни, увлечения модели
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The 31 Women With the Best Boobs in Hollywood | StyleCaster
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По ночам зеки делают это с Ефремовым : камеры засняли

© 2021 Личная жизнь, семья и биография звезд. Мнение редакции может не совпадать с мнением автора.

Героиня нашей статьи — русская модель с экзотической внешностью и разносторонняя личность.
Биография Stacy Bloom пополнена такими фактами, как: занятие блогерством и танцами, участие в показах и шоу, съемки в фильмах для взрослых и в стиле ню. Помимо этого, у нее прирожденный дар к рисованию, который Анастасия планирует развивать дальше.
Актриса фильмов для взрослых Stacy Bloom родилась 7 июня 1992 года в столице РФ – в городе Москва. Ее параметры: рост – 163 см, вес – 54 кг. С детства Анастасия очень комплексовала из-за необычной внешности, считала себя «дурнушкой», пока не увидела на обложке глянцевого журнала Наоми Кэмпбелл. У Stacy по отцовской линии африканские корни (ее дедушка из Кот-д’Ивуар), а по материнской – финские.
После окончания школы поступила в колледж на социолога, также получила диплом по профессии «гример». С 16 лет работала моделью, танцовщицей в ночных клубах, снималась для журналов в стиле ню. Была уволена из известного московского клуба из-за интимной связи с VIP-клиентом.
В бизнес 18+ попала в 2010 году из-за тяжелой жизненной ситуации, у девушки на тот момент были проблемы с деньгами. Начала свою карьеру с псевдонима Стася Шпиц. В 2015 вышла замуж и временно приостановила свою деятельность, но из-за появления в интернете новых приватных снимков через год развелась и решила переехать в Европу.

Работающим пенсионерам приготовили сюрприз

Сейчас она живет в Венгрии, в городе Будапеште. Работает в агентстве Jul Models, сотрудничает с самыми знаменитыми западными компаниями и работает моделью. Анастасия активно развивает свой аккаунт в твиттере (@StacyBloomX), где выкладывает ссылки на свои работы (erotic, pornhotvideo) и афиши мероприятий, в которых принимает участие. Не занимается эскортом, любит татуировки (есть на спине и шее).
Модель не стесняется своей работы, о чем свободно пишет в информации личного профиля в социальных сетях. В Instagram Stacy Bloom выкладывает посты, которые больше касаются ее деятельности: видеофрагменты и фото, которые остаются за кадром. Здесь Стася рассказывает о своих мыслях, рабочих проектах, анонсах и о жизни, например, почему решила уехать заграницу. В Twitter она публикует прямые ссылки на video 18+, где снялась в главной роли.
Анастасия рассказала подписчикам, что в январе 2019 года прошла кастинг французского режиссера Пьера Вудмана «Woodman Casting X».
Теперь она сотрудничает с ним на постоянной основе, параллельно снимаясь в «21sextury». Кроме того, Stacy Bloom – актриса иммерсивного шоу Shanyabartulli и работает с известными европейскими и российскими фотографами и режиссерами. Модель открыта для общения и готова отвечать на вопросы поклонников в Private Snapchat и Public Snapchat.
Героиня статьи — востребованная и опытная модель фильмов для взрослых. Биографии Стаси Блум и карьерным достижениям может позавидовать любая начинающая актриса. У Анастасии много планов на будущее, своими успехами она охотно делится с подписчиками в социальных сетях и приват-каналах.
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Дата и место рождения:7.06.1992, Москва

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