Wendy Cosplay

Wendy Cosplay


Wendy Cosplay

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Wendy is such a cute Fairy Tail character - and these incredible cosplayers really do her justice.
Wendy is first introduced as a member of Cait Shelter during the Oracion Seis arc, being the target of their gaze. She quickly ends up joining Fairy Tail after it's revealed that her guild was never real, all a fabrication. As disheartening as that is, she becomes a stalwart member of Fairy Tail .
As the youngest of the dragon slayers, she becomes one of the more liked characters, younger characters who aren't overly annoying often becoming such. Her varying wardrobe makes her an equally intriguing choice for cosplayers. As with nearly every female member of the guild, she has at least five different looks to choose from.
While a dragonslayer, Wendy is still the youngest member of the guild, being neck and neck with Romeo for that title. For as much as she's been through, it's important to know she's still a child, and children like to have fun. That's shown off here to a great degree by datasianchick . She has her arms spread wide, zooming around in a circle like she's an airplane. Her outfit choice is the most popular among Wendy cosplayers, and for good reason, it's the best one she has in the series. The fact she chose to go with a more magenta top rather than red actually improves on the original look.
As mentioned before, this is by far Wendy's most worn outfit by cosplayers, this being yet another one and one that also makes a small little change to the attire. Shiho didn't change the color of the top, but rather Wendy's hair, going with a purple look rather than blue. Given how dark Wendy's hair is, there are times it honestly looks purple, so the choice isn't a bad one. Add in the adorable looking pose she has, with her hands curled up like they are little caw paws and you have a perfectly cute take on the young dragonslayer.
Here we get a look at Wendy's outfit without any alterations, the coloring of the top and hair being exactly as they ought to be. It lets you appreciate just how cute it looks, particularly the big yellow bow up near her collarbone.
The best part is that thoughtful look Rikax has as she stares off into the horizon. It's the perfect expression for a character that has gone through so much at a young age. She's seen friends be revealed to be figments of reality and watched others be brutally beaten, yet she keeps trudging forward, doing everything she can to help her allies.
Selfies don't always give you as full a look of the cosplay as you'd like it to, only granting you a look at the cosplayer's upper body, focus being on the face. Spufflez managed to do a really good job, however, managing to get a majority of the outfit in view. It's the outfit we initially see her in when she meekly joins the Light Alliance. The most striking part of the cosplay may be the sheer length of the wig, looking as if it flows far past her hips. It's fairly appropriate as Wendy has some of the longest hair of any Fairy Tail member.
While Wendy's Edolas outfit is hands down her best, the second-best surprisingly comes from a filler arc, one with the reborn Oracion Seis. Fillers are usually looked down on, and for very good reason, the number of good filler arcs a shounen anime has had could likely be counted on one hand. That doesn't mean some good can't come out of it, such as the outfit seen above, beautifully cosplayed by Anitramnorkio . That pose, being used by Wendy during the series. Everything about the look is perfect, especially the dangling blue pigtails.
For as often as we've seen this outfit, it's the first time we get to see all of it in view. Dragonmaster767 has the right mix of colors, the black stockings working better than the blue used in the series, especially with her black shoes. It lets the two blend into each other beautifully. As with a few of these, the length of her hair is perfect, as is the bright smile on her face.
It shows the youthful enthusiasm she had when she first put it on. When she does something well, no matter how small, Wendy always looks like she just won a million dollars.
Shockingly, this is the first time we see someone holding a Carla. As with Happy and Natsu, the two are nearly inseparable throughout the series, Carla caring about Wendy as if she were her very own sister. She was always the only character that could get Carla to drop some of the smug attitude she always had. The attire compliments Carla very well, blend of white with the red trim, make them match in their own way. The smile Macross-N has is very similar to Wendy whenever she's with Carla, always feeling more at ease when around her cat companion.
The outfit chosen by Mimi Gallery appears to be the one Wendy wears when she first joins the guild following one of the more emotional moments in the show. That apprehension she has as she peers over the bush is very apt for a young girl who was incredibly nervous about joining a new guild, especially after finding out her last one wasn't even real. Her cosplay is also the first where we get to see Fairy Tail's tattoo, something that is always on full display for any member of the guild. Its bright blue coloring goes very well with her pale skin and vast blue hair of the wig.
As far as we can tell, xxetsuko is the only one on this list who wore boots with this cosplay, just as Wendy did in the series. It's one of those small things that work really well. A not so small thing is how she managed to get a proper dark blue wig, a struggle for many cosplayers. It's as close as any have gotten to the proper color, honestly being the perfect shade. It isn't just the hair either, the rest of the cosplay being as it should be, being as close to the original design from the series as she possibly could get.
Whether intentional or not, Kodney-kun has one of the most nervous smiles we've seen. Hopefully, it was just in character as Wendy, and not the cosplayer herself being uncomfortable. Smile aside, the cosplay is far more subdued than the one seen earlier in the list, which works in her favor. Making the bow smaller lets the rest of the dress shine, it's yellow and blue being strange, yet, a somewhat satisfying mix of colors. It's a shame the photo wasn't taken from the other angle, as you can see the edges of the Fairy Tail tattoo, but can't fully see it.
Anthony Mazzuca is an avid gamer, anime watcher, and all-around nerd for nearly his entire life. Escaping the life of retail, he's able to express his passion to others through CBR. When not writing for CBR, he's toiling away on a novel or streaming on Twitch. He's also a wrestling fanatic, who can't wait for shows to be filled with fans again. You can connect with him on Young Little Sex Model
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