Weight Gain 18 Comics Lesbian

Weight Gain 18 Comics Lesbian

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This story contains a lesbian couple as well as fetishistic female weight gain and food stuffing. Don't like? DON'T READ!

Lesbian Lovers Weight Gain – Chapter 1

Megumi was drop-dead beautiful. She was a small, petite Asian girl with black, shoulder length hair and a gorgeous figure that women would die for, all while only weighing 107 pounds. Curvy, but in all the right places, she could seduce anyone she wanted... if she weren't a lesbian.

Christina, on the other hand, wasn't modern media's typical fashion model. She was pudgy – not overly so, but enough to be noticeable, her 159 pounds was visible as pudge on her 5'4" tall body. Her long, blonde hair reached all the way to her plump rear, though most of her extra weight seemed to be in the small paunch of pudge in her front.

Christina was quite a voracious eater when she was hungry, and for some reason it was one of the reasons Megumi was attracted to her. Megumi could have chosen any lesbian to be with, and they likely would have died to be her date... but she chose pudgy Christina as hers.

However, no matter how much Christina ate, it never seemed to fatten her up any more than she already was... while pudgy, Megumi was extremely jealous of her ability to eat and eat and not gain a pound.

After a year of dating, Christina finally popped a question that is very important to any serious relation ship... "Will you move in with me?"

Much to Christina's surprise, Megumi accepted. And over the course of two days, they managed to move all of Megumi's things into her small, one bedroom apartment.

However, it didn't take long for Christina's eating habits to rub off on Megumi, now that they were together full time. While Christina's metabolism was able to keep up with all the food, Megumi's on the other hand...

"Ugh! Come on, these pants fit last week!" Megumi crunched over herself, hands fiercely trying to pinch her pants together around her waist. Her solid, flat stomach seemed to have put on a bit of weight in the past few days. It wasn't anything massive, but she had developed a bit of a paunch that wasn't there last week, just a layer of soft pudge that was visible and definitely touchable.

"Nngh!" She grunts, trying to button the waist, but it's no good. Between her slightly thicker hips, thighs and ass, she simply can't button it around her plumped middle. She sighs and gives up, standing in front of the mirror, looking at herself. She slowly pokes at her middle, feeling the layer of pudge give in.

"I really need to watch what I eat..." she says, then sighs before peeling the jeans off of her legs and slipping into more comfortable pajama pants.

"Oooh, Megumi!" Christina called from the other room. "Dinner is ready, my love!"

Megumi winced at the word "dinner". Now that she was having issues fitting into clothing, she was going to skip eating... but she couldn't turn down a home cooked meal by her girlfriend.

Megumi walked out of the bedroom, closing the door behind her. She turned and looked over the dining room... and her eyes went wide.

The dining table was covered in food. A huge ham lay on the table, one that was easily big enough to feed a whole family during Christmas. Beside it lay a massive bowl of mashed potatoes, a huge bowl of corn, a full jug of gravy and several sticks of butter.

Megumi blinked and looked at Christina. "That's... that's a lot of food, love."

"Well, it's a celebration!" Christina said, smiling. "A week ago today, you moved in! So... here you go!"

"But, hon, I really need to watch what I eat... I'm having trouble fitting into clothing, now, my diet..."

"Nonsense!" Christina blurts out, interrupting Megumi's complaints. "Come and eat. I don't want to hear anything about a diet – this is an anniversary! I'm sure your waist can handle one big meal without plumping up."

Megumi bit her tongue at that last part – the fact was that no, her waist couldn't handle one big meal before plumping up. She'd only been living there for 7 days and had already gained a whole 12 pounds. However, she couldn't stand to see her girlfriend waste so much effort, and quietly took a seat.

"Good! Now, here, eat up!" Christina took the liberty of dishing out the food to the couple. By the time she was done, there wasn't a spot on either plate left open. Christina had piled both plates high as possible with huge ham chunks, giant mounds of mashed potatoes, heaps of corn ontop, and smothered the entire thing in gravy. Megumi could have almost sworn that Christina used an entire stick of butter on her plate.

Megumi reluctantly took a bite... and the sensation was overwhelming. "Wow, Christina... you really out did yourself!"

"Hehe, thanks!" Christina replied, her face already stuffed full of mashed potatoes.

30 minutes later, both women were left with stomachs stuffed to the max, both having eaten way past their limits, and feeling the effects of overstuffing themselves with food.

Megumi seemed to take the brunt of the bloating, her smaller frame being packed with food was extremely obvious. After her third helping, Megumi was forced to lower her pants down around her hips to allow for more room. Her shirt had long since ridden up on her gut and was bunched up around her breasts.

Her stomach was about the size of a basketball, completely stuffed. She groaned and squirmed in her seat, both of her hands stroking over her extremely taut, full stomach.

Christina on the other hand, was much larger. In the same time frame, the pudgy blonde had managed to pack away five helpings of each item, and it showed. Her stomach was bloated to the point where it pressed against the table. Similar to Megumi, she had been forced earlier in the binge to loosen her pants – they were unbuttoned and unzipped, allowing her stomach all the room it could take up, which was all of it!

"Christina... I'm so... full," Megumi manages to groan out, her stomach giving a gurgle.

"I'm stuffed, too, hon," Christina edges out in between moans as she rubs over her stomach.

"I really can't keep eating like this, love," Megumi whines. "This is really going to start to fatten me up..."

"Oh, no it won't," Christina says, flopping a hand in the air. "Look at me! I don't gain any weight! However, I really think we need to just sleep this off..."

"Ugh, I agree..."

The pair pushed themselves out of their chairs and, using each other for support, waddled into their bedroom, flopping onto their bed and passing out on their backs, their bellies outstretched.

A scream erupted through the bedroom, waking Christina up from her sleep. She shot up to a sitting position, eyes wide. "Megumi?! What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"No!" Megumi called out. She was standing in front of the bed, looking at herself in the mirror. Christina could see from there what the problem was.

Megumi stood in front of the mirror, gripping her stomach. Last night's stuffing really took a toll on her figure. She had grown out of a paunch and was beginning to approach a belly, her middle appearing to thicker. In pants, she had a defined muffin top that pressed against shirts and sagged slightly over the sides.

Her hips, as well, took a hit, and were thicker on the outsides, putting an even heavier strain on any pants she had. Not to be beat, however, were her ass and thighs, both of which seemed a bit thicker than they were the night before.

"Ugh! Look at me! Christina, I'm turning into a blimp!"

"Hon, no you aren't..." Christina argued, frowning. "You still look beautiful to me... look at me. I'm still bigger than you are, and you like my body, right?"

"That's DIFFERENT! Ugh! I like YOU being a little thick, but not ME!"

Christina still felt very, very hurt by the whole ordeal. She knew she weighed in at 167 the night before, but if Megumi thought a few pounds was disgusting, Christina could only imagine what Megumi thought about her size...

"Well, I guess that settles it, then," Christina thought. "I have to plump Megumi up. If she thinks a few pounds is disgusting, I'll show her what it really feels like to be overweight."
Chapter one of a short story I'm writing about two lovers, Megumi and Christina. When Megumi begins to put on a little weight, Christina, who is already pudgy, is offended when Megumi calls herself "disgusting" for putting on only a few pounds.

Christina, of course, thinks that she needs to show Megumi what it really means to be overweight!

Based loosely on a roleplay between myself and someone from animexpansion.com.
Join the community to add your comment. Already a deviant? Log In
when is lesbian lovers weight gain 2 or posibly even 3 going to come out can you tell me
Megumi sounded beautiful before but then she gained weight.

Basically my dream girl.
(as you can probably tell, I am a bisexual female who needs to lET EVERYONE KNOW SHE IS BISEXUAL
So cute. What medium do you use for RP? I've done it within online MMORPGs and over Google docs.Β 
nice work mate, keep it up, Id really love a 2nd part!
Beautifully written, I hope you continue this eventually.
Great story! Waiting to see how chubby Megumi gets! I hope not huge, but make her bigger!!! ;D
i really like your story, keep up the great work
In a manga I read, Meguni seems to be a BOY name. I don't want to offend anyone.

Great Story!

Kyaah! ~BastLover~
What a great start? Is there more to come?
Great story, mate.
DonΒ΄t pay attention to the muggles.
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This story contains a lesbian couple as well as fetishistic female weight gain and food stuffing. Don't like? DON'T READ!

Lesbian Lovers Weight Gain – Chapter 1

Megumi was drop-dead beautiful. She was a small, petite Asian girl with black, shoulder length hair and a gorgeous figure that women would die for, all while only weighing 107 pounds. Curvy, but in all the right places, she could seduce anyone she wanted... if she weren't a lesbian.

Christina, on the other hand, wasn't modern media's typical fashion model. She was pudgy – not overly so, but enough to be noticeable, her 159 pounds was visible as pudge on her 5'4" tall body. Her long, blonde hair reached all the way to her plump rear, though most of her extra weight seemed to be in the small paunch of pudge in her front.

Christina was quite a voracious eater when she was hungry, and for some reason it was one of the reasons Megumi was attracted to her. Megumi could have chosen any lesbian to be with, and they likely would have died to be her date... but she chose pudgy Christina as hers.

However, no matter how much Christina ate, it never seemed to fatten her up any more than she already was... while pudgy, Megumi was extremely jealous of her ability to eat and eat and not gain a pound.

After a year of dating, Christina finally popped a question that is very important to any serious relation ship... "Will you move in with me?"

Much to Christina's surprise, Megumi accepted. And over the course of two days, they managed to move all of Megumi's things into her small, one bedroom apartment.

However, it didn't take long for Christina's eating habits to rub off on Megumi, now that they were together full time. While Christina's metabolism was able to keep up with all the food, Megumi's on the other hand...

"Ugh! Come on, these pants fit last week!" Megumi crunched over herself, hands fiercely trying to pinch her pants together around her waist. Her solid, flat stomach seemed to have put on a bit of weight in the past few days. It wasn't anything massive, but she had developed a bit of a paunch that wasn't there last week, just a layer of soft pudge that was visible and definitely touchable.

"Nngh!" She grunts, trying to button the waist, but it's no good. Between her slightly thicker hips, thighs and ass, she simply can't button it around her plumped middle. She sighs and gives up, standing in front of the mirror, looking at herself. She slowly pokes at her middle, feeling the layer of pudge give in.

"I really need to watch what I eat..." she says, then sighs before peeling the jeans off of her legs and slipping into more comfortable pajama pants.

"Oooh, Megumi!" Christina called from the other room. "Dinner is ready, my love!"

Megumi winced at the word "dinner". Now that she was having issues fitting into clothing, she was going to skip eating... but she couldn't turn down a home cooked meal by her girlfriend.

Megumi walked out of the bedroom, closing the door behind her. She turned and looked over the dining room... and her eyes went wide.

The dining table was covered in food. A huge ham lay on the table, one that was easily big enough to feed a whole family during Christmas. Beside it lay a massive bowl of mashed potatoes, a huge bowl of corn, a full jug of gravy and several sticks of butter.

Megumi blinked and looked at Christina. "That's... that's a lot of food, love."

"Well, it's a celebration!" Christina said, smiling. "A week ago today, you moved in! So... here you go!"

"But, hon, I really need to watch what I eat... I'm having trouble fitting into clothing, now, my diet..."

"Nonsense!" Christina blurts out, interrupting Megumi's complaints. "Come and eat. I don't want to hear anything about a diet – this is an anniversary! I'm sure your waist can handle one big meal without plumping up."

Megumi bit her tongue at that last part – the fact was that no, her waist couldn't handle one big meal before plumping up. She'd only been living there for 7 days and had already gained a whole 12 pounds. However, she couldn't stand to see her girlfriend waste so much effort, and quietly took a seat.

"Good! Now, here, eat up!" Christina took the liberty of dishing out the food to the couple. By the time she was done, there wasn't a spot on either plate left open. Christina had piled both plates high as possible with huge ham chunks, giant mounds of mashed potatoes, heaps of corn ontop, and smothered the entire thing in gravy. Megumi could have almost sworn that Christina used an entire stick of butter on her plate.

Megumi reluctantly took a bite... and the sensation was overwhelming. "Wow, Christina... you really out did yourself!"

"Hehe, thanks!" Christina replied, her face already stuffed full of mashed potatoes.

30 minutes later, both women were left with stomachs stuffed to the max, both having eaten way past their limits, and feeling the effects of overstuffing themselves with food.

Megumi seemed to take the brunt of the bloating, her smaller frame being packed with food was extremely obvious. After her third helping, Megumi was forced to lower her pants down around her hips to allow for more room. Her shirt had long since ridden up on her gut and was bunched up around her breasts.

Her stomach was about the size of a basketball, completely stuffed. She groaned and squirmed in her seat, both of her hands stroking over her extremely taut, full stomach.

Christina on the other hand, was much larger. In the same time frame, the pudgy blonde had managed to pack away five helpings of each item, and it showed. Her stomach was bloated to the point where it pressed against the table. Similar to Megumi, she had been forced earlier in the binge to loosen her pants – they were unbuttoned and unzipped, allowing her stomach all the room it could take up, which was all of it!

"Christina... I'm so... full," Megumi manages to groan out, her stomach giving a gurgle.

"I'm stuffed, too, hon," Christina edges out in between moans as she rubs over her stomach.

"I really can't keep eating like this, love," Megumi whines. "This is really going to start to fatten me up..."

"Oh, no it won't," Christina says, flopping a hand in the air. "Look at me! I don't gain any weight! However, I really think we need to just sleep this off..."

"Ugh, I agree..."

The pair pushed themselves out of their chairs and, using each other for support, waddled into their bedroom, flopping onto their bed and passing out on their backs, their bellies outstretched.

A scream erupted through the bedroom, waking Christina up from her sleep. She shot up to a sitting position, eyes wide. "Megumi?! What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"No!" Megumi called out. She was standing in front of the bed, looking at herself in the mirror. Christina could see from there what the problem was.

Megumi stood in front of the mirror, gripping her stomach. Last night's stuffing really took a toll on her figure. She had grown out of a paunch and was beginning to approach a belly, her middle appearing to thicker. In pants, she had a defined muffin top that pressed against shirts and sagged slightly over the sides.

Her hips, as well, took a hit, and were thicker on the outsides, putting an even heavier strain on any pants she had. Not to be beat, however, were her ass and thighs, both of which seemed a bit thicker than they were the night before.

"Ugh! Look at me! Christina, I'm turning into a blimp!"

"Hon, no you aren't..." Christina argued, frowning. "You still look beautiful to me... look at me. I'm still bigger than you are, and you like my body, right?"

"That's DIFFERENT! Ugh! I like YOU being a little thick, but not ME!"

Christina still felt very, very hurt by the whole ordeal. She knew she weighed in at 167 the night before, but if Megumi thought a few pounds was disgusting, Christina could only imagine what Megumi thought about her size...

"Well, I guess that settles it, then," Christina thought. "I have to plump Megumi up. If she thinks a few pounds is disgusting, I'll show her what it really feels like to be overweight."
Chapter one of a short story I'm writing about two lovers, Megumi and Christina. When Megumi begins to put on a little weight, Christina, who is already pudgy, is offended when Megumi calls herself "disgusting" for putting on only a few pounds.

Christina, of course, thinks that she needs to show Megumi what it really means to be overweight!

Based loosely on a roleplay between myself and someone from animexpansion.com.
Join the community to add your comment. Already a deviant? Log In
when is lesbian lovers weight gain 2 or posibly even 3 going to come out can you tell me
Megumi sounded beautiful before but then she gained weight.

Basically my dream girl.
(as you can probably tell, I am a bisexual female who needs to lET EVERYONE KNOW SHE IS BISEXUAL
So cute. What medium do you use for RP? I've done it within online MMORPGs and over Google docs.Β 
nice work mate, keep it up, Id really love a 2nd part!
Beautifully written, I hope you continue this eventually.
Great story! Waiting to see how chubby Megumi gets! I hope not huge, but make her bigger!!! ;D
i really like your story, keep up the great work
In a manga I read, Meguni seems to be a BOY name. I don't want to offend anyone.

Great Story!

Kyaah! ~BastLover~
What a great start? Is there more to come?
Great story,
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