Wedgie Sister Story

Wedgie Sister Story


Wedgie Sister Story
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It was a warm summer day and Adam was happy, for one summer meant no school, which meant less wedgies (unfortunately his siblings still did it a lot, but since he wasn't around his bullies, it was less common), also his uncle and older cousin were visiting since they lived in another state that didn't happen too often. Adam, his 2 older sisters Becky & Rochelle, and his younger brother Kevin all went outside with their cousin Thomas, Thomas was older than the rest of them, he was 16, Becky was 14, Rochelle 13, Adam 12, and Kevin 10. They were talking about a variety of things while tossing/kicking a ball around, school. crushes, life in general. The reason this delighted Adam was because it meant they were too distracted with talking to embarrass him,..that is until Thomas decided to change the topic of conversation to embarrassing Adam. "So, Adam are you still getting pantsed everyday at school?" Thomas asked with a grin, Rochelle, Becky & Kevin all laughed "It's not never was" responded Adam, both embarrassed and angry "No, its just most days" said Kevin with a laugh "Still wearing Tighty whiteys?" asked Thomas "YES!" said all of his siblings in unison before he could even respond, as they all laughed again "Can we talk about something besides my underwear?" asked Adam angrily "Why, its funny" said Rochelle "You know Adam if you switched to boxers people not take your pants off so much" said Thomas faking sincerity "They don't always take his pants--" "Sometimes they take everything off--" "And he has to walk home naked!" Said Adam's siblings "Ok, ok thats enough" said Thomas seeing the embarrassed look on his face: "If he wants us to stop talking about it we should, I'm sorry Adam, give me hug" Reluctantly Adam gave his older cousin a hug since he was nice enough to end this embarrassing conversation...unfortunately he didn't notice his cousin give his siblings a wink before reaching down his pants grabbing his white waistband and yanking them up halfway up his back, Thomas bounced Adam a couple of times "You were right Adam this is better than talking about it" laughed Thomas as Adam's siblings laughed at him Thomas let Adam fall to the ground, but as Adam is trying to get back up, Kevin grabs onto his older brothers underwear and yanks them back up, Becky grabs onto them just before Kevin lets go, and pulls them up almost to his shoulders "Hahaha dork, lets go atomic, no lets hang him," his siblings suggested to each other in between laughter Rochelle grabbed onto the waistband just before Becky let go, not letting him get loose, and she yanked them up to the back of his neck "Ooooowwwwwooowwwowowowow please stop!" shouted Adam "ALL AROUND WEDGIE!!" shouted Kevin at all of his siblings along with Thomas grabbed onto a portion of Adam's waistband and yanked up, lifting him off the ground and holding him a couple of inches off the ground Meanwhile all the laughing had caught the attention of their neighbor a 12 year old girl Adam had a crush on, named Nicki, she laughed when she looked through her window and saw what was happening next door, she quickly ran outside and over to their yard, at first she just watched and laughed, but then they put Adam down, but didn't let go of his underwear "Can I give him one?" asked Nicki "NOO!" said Adam "YEEESSS!" said everyone else with delight Becky and Rochelle held Adam's arms at his side, Nicki walked up behind him, grabbed his waist band, and yanked up as hard she could, shoe pulled his briefs up to the bottom of his neck, bounced a couple of times, and let go, then Kevin gave him another wedgie, Nicki went for seconds, but this time gave the nerd a melvin "OMG OWwwwwwww!!! you said one!" shouted Adam After what seemed like an eternity they let Adam fall to the ground and get up, just as he was walking away Nicki asked "Are we going to take his pants too?"

So in my sophomore year of high school I learned a valuable lesson about getting changed in a bathroom stall…. I was in ROTC all through high school, usually I would put my uniform on at home and go to school, but for whatever reason this time I chose to take my uniform to school and then get dressed in the bathroom, I knew some people who would do that regularly so I figured it was worth a shot, especially since at the time I walked to school and didn’t get my uniform dirty. Now you might ask why wouldn’t you just get changed in the locker room, well….thats a good question, anyways I went into the bathroom and got into the stall, got my uniform out and draped it over the stall door…mistake number one. I stripped down to my underwear…which may have still been tighty whities…mistake number two, and for some reason, I put my clothes over the door right next to my uniform, at this point a quarter or something fell out of my pocket and I bent it over to pick it up, I heard a noise behind
So this past Saturday I was hanging out with some friends, we didn’t have any specific plans, we were just meeting up and playing it by ear basically. Anyways one of my friends brought along another guy that wanted to be a part of our group, but he is a pretty weird guy, first he still wears briefs, second he never shuts up and besides that he pretty much thinks he knows everything.
I tried to give the guy a chance, but he was just too annoying, so eventually I decided to teach him a little lesson about being a know it all, I walked up behind him and grabbed the waistband of his briefs and yanked up, I saw a fence nearby and decided to
Tony Rodriguez was walking down the hall heading to biology, Tony was strolling down in his usual outfit. He wore big red Star Wars Shirt, large pair of cargo shorts which compliments his chubby complexion. He looks down at his phone, his black hair on his tan skin reflects off the screen. However on the other side of the hall was one of the most cunning tricksters, Justin Choi, Korean American sophomore. Justin had silver colored shirt over black jeans, his black hair was spiked up with gel. He had white Jordan’s, Justin is a pretty smart guy, but he enjoys most of all pulling practical jokes. He was known pantsings, wedgie, swirlies a
The story is me a teacher former highschool nerd becomes a teacher only to be bullied by my students, i receive
A True story about the time my cousin, siblings and next door neighbor (who also happened to be my crush) gave me wedgies in the backyard
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I was watching TV with my kid sister today when she bent over to reach something. I took the opportunity to grab the back of her underwear and pull it to her shoulders. She screamed, but it was hilarious. Later in the evening, I was changing a light bulb in the hallway when suddenly I felt something nail me hard in the balls. I looked down, and saw that my sister took this as an opportunity to sneak up and knee me right in the nuts. I dropped to the ground holding my berries, as my sister said "Now we're even." I rolled around on the floor for a few minutes, telling her how crappy it was of her to attack me there, but she insisted that it was a good lesson in not giving wedgies. Okay, maybe she was right to attack me, but going for the sack was too far. I don't think I deserved it. Do you agree?
I warned her that if she attacks me again, she'll be pinned and given wedgies until she apologizes. Lol.
Girls, I gave my sister a wedgie. Was she right to attack me?
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Neither of my brothers would have done that to me. So I'm going to have to take her side! Although her point of contact was equally as "off limits" in my family, maybe a good elbow to the ribs or slug in the gut. General rule growing up in my family was, "No touching anything which would be covered by a swim suit". So that would include undies!! (Figure a one piece suit for a girl, and shorts for a guy). Either way, kinda funny!.
Lol yeah. I was laughing about it after they stopped hurting.
I would of done the same thing she did.
Damn, that's harsh. No way is a wedgie equal to a knee in the cherries. That's cruel lol.
She could of given you a wedgie back but that would still hurt your balls.
A little bit, but nat as much as a direct knee to both of them! That was overkill.
ALSO: She recovered from the wedgie in like a minute. The nutshot ached for HOURS after the event. She went too far?
She went a little too far, If I had kicked you there it wouldn't off been that hard. I may of just given you a wedgie instead lol
Yeah, a wedgie back would be fair. A double nutcracker was not. >__< Lol, yeah?
LMAO you guys are crazy. My brother would never do that to me and vis versa.
Lmao, that's good you wouldn't. It really sucked! Dx
Hey turn about is fair play. My brother and I fight all the time too lol
Hopefully you aren't as rough with him lol
Nah if he wedgies me I just give him one back. Ball and boob shots are off limits
Yeah, nut boob and vag attacks should be off-limits. Good job.
U did deserve it though if my sibling had done that I'd do same thing or something worse cuz I like to get even when sibling start stuff like that lol
I think you did lol but its just sibling payback, its no big deal
Hah "no big deal"... Easy to say when they're not YOUR nuts getting kicked. Lol
Me and my brother used to get into it all the time and you bet I went for the cherries all the time! Lol sorry boys but it's just how it is, a shot to the balls will shut a guy down! So all is fair!
I'm gonna drop it but thanks for your support lol. Everyone else thinks I deserved to get my testicles crushed for a little prank. -__-
Well, I still say try punching her in the tits
Come on, no way does any wedgie hurt as much as kneed balls.
Why would you do that to a kid in the first place?
Because I wasn't expect a brutal attack on my nads in return.
Also, I thought it would be funny. And it was! Unless my sis took it too far. -__-
Honestly you deserved it... Next time DON'T GIVE WEDGIES. xD
An eye for an eye is one thing. Two testicles for a buttcrack is just wrong.
Lmao true. I guess what goes around comes around.
Lol. I mean REALLY, which is worse, a little fabric in your butt or getting your most delicate parts full-force kicked by a mean little kid?
My mistake. Kill any whales in your vicinity. They should be hipped to Japan in like, a week

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so I’m grateful that you’ve come here.

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