Website Suspended

Website Suspended

Website Suspended

Website Suspended

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This account has been suspended. Contact your hosting provider for more information. More and more stories from people have come out regarding how their websites have been suddenly suspended. I know it stinks; I used to host with Hostgator. Mostly, this is due to using too many resources , but other factors can get your web hosting account suspended. Many trustworthy hosts will resolve the matter quickly, but in a worse case scenario you can always use Snapshot ; backup your WordPress site and move to a different web host. Here are several tips that you can take into account so when this happens to you, you can just remain calm and focus on getting this issue resolved. When a web hosting company decides to take down a website, they immediately inform their client why this has happened and the reasons behind it. Once you receive that email, you have two choices: It does just vary from host to host. Several issues can cause a website to be suspended. Commonly, there are some things you should take to heart before signing any contract with a hosting company. Please leave your comments down below. Well, there are reasons hosting provider gives you. I think the best option in the event of failing to resolve the issues with your current hosting provider is to change the hosting provider. This is helpful to me — for the past month my website has been up and down, fast and slow, and sometimes just disappears altogether. He told me that someone on my shared server had a script on their site that was consuming the majority of the resources. Yeah, one bad apple can screw it up for everyone. If the problem does persist, you might ask that they transfer your website to another shared server. A lot of the times this will solve the problem almost instantly. If it keeps happening over and over again, you might want to think about migrating to a new hosting provider. Hi there, one of my websites is very small, about 20 pages and gets low traffic — according to Google Analytics about visitors a day over the past few years and I was on the lowest level package from my hosting provider. In March they moved a number of websites to a new platform and suddenly my usage has escalated and they are saying I have to upgrade to two levels higher as I am getting far more visitors. I have shown them the Google Analytics shows no change in traffic. They replied by saying GA only records a visitor if some code gets downloaded which indicates it is a real visitor whereas their software records any touch with the website as a visitor. Their stats is recording visitors extra a day at approx 1Mb each. If these are not true visitors then surely 1Mb is too high for a non-visitor whatever it is? This is excluding robots etc which they do report on separately and hardly take up any data. After 2 months of arguing and my site being suspended a few times as my data limit has been reached, I have relented and upgraded. Was just wondering if you have any insight on this? You lost me there with the hosting plans. I am a little confused. Cloud acts as a server that is built on a cloud. Here is an article about cloud hosting:. Here is a video that explains VPS hosting:. Honestly, your website should be fine with unique visitors per day. Perhaps a DDOS attack was on your site, or there is a plugin or some kind of script that was causing high resource usage. Some companies actually do oversell their servers, though. It is not a WordPress site, it was built using Sitezen which is no longer being supported so I have to redo my website on new software, grrr… and apparently no ways of transferring the site from the old to new software. But the upgraded package is not very costly so I am living with it for now. Hostgator is very quick to suspend accounts. I do agree and have read countless articles that show Hostgator is very quick to suspend accounts. On their shared servers they limit processes to If you have more than 1 site on a shared server, this can cause 25 processes to open in close, and you will get a notice from them shortly after that. I have seen MochaHost do this to lots of people to: Hi, friends I do have a site name called facebookcoverphotos. I got regular infringement mail from Facebook and GoDaddy. Once they made the temporary suspension. So I renamed all contents. As after next month, they suspended permanently. This makes any sense. As I got a domain name from GoDaddy, so they have to suspend domain name, but why are they suspending my hosting. Any ideas to solve? I would need more information to look into this further. Therefore, you can not own a site with those words in it. As far as suspended you hosting account that does not make sense. Your email address will not be published. Comments Very important info, especially for the less techie of us. I have heard a few stories recently so thanks for sharing this information. Thanks for sharing your knowledge! Hi there, You lost me there with the hosting plans. Hey Cathy, Cloud acts as a server that is built on a cloud. Here is an article about cloud hosting: Here is a video that explains VPS hosting: Hey Mandy, Honestly, your website should be fine with unique visitors per day. Which web hosting provider were you using? This thread drives home what I already suspected about Hostgator: Hey Wendy, I do agree and have read countless articles that show Hostgator is very quick to suspend accounts. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Pin It on Pinterest.

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