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The best webcams for 2021: best work-from-home webcams
Whether you want a no-frills upgrade to your laptop's built-in camera or a high-end, ring-light-equipped 4K webcam, here's how to find the best webcams.
Nov. 26, 2020, 6:20 PM MSK / Updated Jan. 15, 2021, 7:39 PM MSK
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Working remotely has become the norm in 2020. And with an uptick of Covid-19 cases this winter, coupled with a phased distribution of coronavirus vaccines, those who can telecommute will likely continue to do so for the foreseeable future. A Gallup poll found that two-thirds of U.S. employees working remotely would like to continue doing so. And the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that 37 percent of U.S. jobs could be done remotely.
Given that many of us are working from home for the long haul — with some companies even switching to permanent remote work — a good webcam is crucial for those face-to-face meetings (as is a microphone if the one you use isn't cutting it). We’ve covered plenty of other work from home enhancements for you to consider, from ergonomic keyboards and mice to ergonomic chairs, laptop stands, monitors and more. So if the webcam in your laptop isn't up to snuff, we compiled some of the best USB webcams worth considering right now. The pandemic has made certain models harder to find over the course of 2020, but stock seems to be a bit more stable right now in 2021 — though you may have to shop around a bit more to find the best price on a certain model.
If you’re not entirely sure what you want of your new webcam, we'll explain the features you'll want to watch out for after these top options.
If you want a good quality image and decent audio at an affordable price, Logitech's C920 and C920S models are widely considered the best bang for your buck. Stock is limited, but if you can find it for under $100, grab it — the C920 is the standard model while the C920S has a privacy shutter that I definitely recommend using.
If you like the idea of built-in lighting but don't want to spend much, there are quite a few off-brand webcams on Amazon you can grab at relatively lower prices. Vitade is one such brand, offering its webcam with a built-in ring light that'll do well enough for most people.
Your camera is only part of the equation: Good lighting can go a long way to making you look better on Zoom — that’s why ring lights have become so popular this year. Razer's Kiyo webcam is designed for video game streamers, contains a high quality camera and a built-in ring light to make you look your best, if you're willing to pay a little extra for lumination.
Maybe you want something with no frills that'll get the job done in a pinch. Firsting may not have the best video quality around, but if you just need something to get you by, it'll do the trick for a very, very low price.
Stepping up in quality, the Brio is Logitech's high-end offering, boosting the video quality up to 4K and adding an infrared camera for facial recognition. This allows you to log into Windows without entering your password, which is so convenient you'll never want to go back.
You may not have a webcam right now but if you have a DSLR camera, you might be able to hook it up to your computer and use it for video calls. Camera purveyors Canon, Nikon, Sony, Fujifilm and Panasonic all have free software that can turn their recent cameras (like the Sony Alpha a5100 or Nikon D3500) into streaming webcams. GoPro also has similar software, as does budget tech brand Wyze, so check what you have lying around — you may already have the gear you need for those face-to-face video calls.
When shopping for a webcam, don't just look at the "1080p vs 4K" and call it a day — there's a lot that goes into a good-looking picture. Specifically, keep an eye on some of the features below to find the right fit for your needs.
Resolution isn't the end-all-be-all, but it is still part of the package. All other things kept equal, 1080p is going to look better than 720p, and 4K is best of all — though probably overkill for Zoom calls. You'll also want something that can at least record at 30 frames per second.
Some cameras use cheap plastic lenses with narrow fields of view, which will make the video look smudgy and cramped. Ideally, you want a camera with a wider aperture (i.e. f/2.0 instead of f/2.8) a glass lens, and a field of view above 65 degrees.
Some webcams just spit out whatever picture they take, while others audo-adjust the brightness, color, and focus for the best picture. These are all good to have if you want to look your best.
Remember, you aren't just showing people your face—you're also talking to them, and good quality audio is just as important (if not moreso) than good quality video. You may even want to invest in a separate USB microphone for best results (and if you do, your webcam's mic is of little consequence).
Finally, some webcams have extra features like built-in lighting, a privacy shutter to keep the lens covered when you aren't using it, or detachable cables. None of these are strictly required (after all, you can light your face with a desk lamp and cover your webcam with tape), but they are nice to have.
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Whitson Gordon is a freelance technology writer with bylines in the New York Times, Popular Science Magazine, PC Magazine and more. Previously, he was the editor-in-chief of Lifehacker and How-To Geek.

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Best Webcam 2021: Video Call or Stream Like a Pro
Whether you have a crammed schedule full of video calls or you're starting your first game streaming channel on Twitch or YouTube, a quality webcam is just about as important as having a quality microphone. Presenting a clear picture of yourself is vital to make a strong connection with people on video calls or with an audience while streaming games. The webcams on most gaming laptops generally are the bare minimum of what you can use to get the job done. And, while you can use your smartphone as a webcam over an IP connection, a proper webcam will be a simpler and more effective solution.
The dedicated hardware of a standalone webcam can offer a clear picture with minimal latency, and some even go above and beyond by delivering 60fps or 4K video. We've picked out the best webcams to step up your streaming and video calls, especially if you pair them with a quality microphone for streaming. (Note: Web cameras are in extreme demand so we’ve highlighted multiple retailers but they might temporarily be out of stock.). If you're browsing in the UK, click here to find out where you can go to find the best webcams in the UK. For deals on ever more PC accessories, be sure to check out the certified refurbished PC peripherals on eBay.
Right now, just about any quality webcam you can get your hands on may feel worth it. The Logitech C920S HD Pro Webcam is a top contender for its balanced offering. With any luck, you'll be able to get it for about $80, as that's how much it should cost. That said, the webcams that are available right now tend to have their prices inflated a bit by the serious demand.
Even if you do have to pay a bit above retail value, the Logitech C920S will give you strong performance. This webcam delivers Full HD video at 30fps, ensuring you have crisp video for your work calls or game streaming. It also supports stereo audio. The mounting stand included with the C920S will make it easy to set up on top of your monitor. And, its excellent autofocus will help keep you clear even if your setup isn't consistent. All that said, with prices all over the place, you may find the C920S priced close to some of its higher-end competitors, so don't forget to check out the other webcams below.
If you’re doing a bunch of video calls on a Microsoft Windows-powered PC, what better to rely on than a Microsoft-made webcam to interface with your PC. The Microsoft Modern Webcam is a simple solution that comes at a modest price with specs to match. This webcam doesn’t go overboard, but does offer up a Full HD picture at 30fps, ensuring your friends, family, or coworkers get a clear look at you.
With auto exposure, auto white balance, and auto anti-flicker, you won’t have to spend a bunch of time fussing around with getting your image looking just right before hopping onto a call. The 78-degree field of view should also make it easy to frame yourself for a call without showing off too much of the room behind you. And, adding to your privacy, this camera features a privacy shutter you can slide in place when you’re done with your calls.
Despite there being such a high demand for webcams this year, Lenovo is offering an affordable option that doesn't make a huge sacrifice in visual quality. The Lenovo Essential FHD Webcam is, as the name suggests, a Full HD webcam that can ensure your video quality gets the premium treatment.
It may not be 4K, and Lenovo doesn't mention anything about offering up 60fps, but you can forgive those omissions when you see the price tag. The Lenovo Essential FHD Webcam even includes a privacy cover and features dual microphones.
AVerMedia already has some of the best gear you can get for streaming thanks to its capture cards, and the AVerMedia PW315 is an excellent complement to those devices. Recording in 1080p at 60fps may be overkill for your average business meeting or weekly hangout with friends, but if you're trying to make game streams or how-to videos, having the 60fps footage can really bolster the quality of your content.
The AVerMedia PW315 delivers that 1080p/60fps capability at a fairly reasonable price of $120, especially considering how much competition there has been for webcams in the past year. With a 95-degree field of view, it shouldn't lose track of you if you move around a bit, and with AVerMedia's software, you can even set it up to zoom in and actually keep track of you for a slightly more dynamic video feed. When you're done recording, it also has a handy privacy shutter you can slide over the lens.
The Razer Kiyo is another webcam that gives you the best of two worlds. This webcam has a 1080p sensor, so you can get that high-fidelity picture for typical video calls. But, it also supports a lowered resolution and faster frame rate, so you can capture a 720p video at 60fps. If you're regularly streaming video games and want to have a small picture-in-picture feed of yourself, you can use the Kiyo to capture it at the lower resolution (which shouldn't matter so much for a small boxout) while using the higher framerate to better sync with your gameplay footage.
That's not the Razer Kiyo's only trick tough. This webcam has a handy ring light built in, so you can make sure you're well lit for your videos even if the room around you is dim. The bezel around the light itself actually allows you to make on-the-fly adjustments to the light's brightness levels as well. With a 5600K color temperature, you'll also get a tone that's not too warm or cold. When you're not using the cam or you're on the go, the whole unit folds flat.
AVerMedia Live Streamer 4K CAM PW513
A Full HD webcam might do the job when you're just trying to pop into the occasional Zoom call or put a tiny picture-in-picture video of yourself into a game stream (after all, it would take some seriously capable internet to stream 4K video on an uplink connection). But, if you're recording your videos and need pristine video, then the AVerMedia Live Streamer 4K Cam PW513 is what you'll want.
This webcam will capture 4K video at 30fps or can dial up to 60fps for 1080p recording. The camera will capture a 94-degree field of view, and it has a swiveling base to let you aim it where you need. Just note that this level of performance requires a bit more from your PC, so ensure you've got a USB 3.0 port available and a computer that meets the minimum specs.
When you're working, you want to be sure you come through clear, and your camera will play a part in that. A cheap, 720p option might do the job if you're just one member in a gallery of other people on video, but if you're front and center, blown up on people's screens presenting, you'll want something more. The Anker PowerConf C300 is the camera you should be looking for.
The Anker PowerConf C300 offers a bright, 1080p picture, and it can even provide smoother video with support for a 60fps mode while still supporting that 1080p resolution. The camera offers an adjustable field of view, so you can crop in on just your head and shoulders or go wide to fit more into your presentation. With AI framing and autofocus, you can keep yourself in the shot and in focus even if you have to move around a bit.
The Logitech StreamCam is just about the only webcam on the market that lets you record both at 1080p and 60fps. The StreamCam also features a fancy built-in omnidirectional microphone complete with a small noise filter.
The SteamCam has auto-exposure and auto-focus features, and it comes with a completely streaming software suite. You also get a tripod mount along with the regular monitor mount, and you can even rotate the camera if you prefer to shoot smartphone-style video in a portrait orientation.
AUKEY Webcam 1080P Full HD Stereo Microphone
Kevin Lee is IGN's Hardware and Roundups Editor. Follow him on Twitter @baggingspam
Mark Knapp is a regular contributor to IGN and an irregular Tweeter on Twitter @Techn0Mark
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