WebTalk in Beta Testing

WebTalk in Beta Testing

One of the hardest lessons to learn is "MONEY FOLLOWS SUCCESS" and that is the model we live by here. We are Beta testing to build a product that will be wildly successful, with or without an affiliate program, and using your feedback to do that!

That's so we can ALL be successful once we do launch the affiliate program, which is there to reward you all for spreading the word instead of Webtalk paying to advertise.

The product is not ready for global mass adoption yet, but we are working as quickly as possible to get it there.

We have bugs to resolve yet, and an email verification issue where email providers are blocking some of our emails or sending them to spam. (hotmail, live, outlook have the most reports). Please only upload email lists of people you know to invite them to CONNECT with you on Webtalk and NOT purchased lists, otherwise we will have to deactivate that service until we get a scrubber in place.

Right now we are building out an SMS verification platform as well as Signup with FB, LI and Google that will circumvent the email issues.

Webtalk is also not fully compatible on Internet Explorer, Edge and mobile browsers yet. That means you will experience a lot more bugs on those browsers than using Chrome, Firefox and Safari on full screens.

Video also was running slow, so we pulled it and now we are working on a 2nd generation video platform.

After we get Webtalk to 99% (now as at time of writing in September 2018 about 95%), we can begin deploying Pages for Businesses, Pro Premium Features and Mobile Apps into a public Beta test.

Once those are at 99%, we will launch the affiliate program.

Please keep in mind there is a big difference between testing with simulated users and real users. Real users test and break things a bot can't, that's why Beta testing is critical to long term success.

Once the Beta is completed, the floodgate will open because onboarding new users and getting them started will be 100% streamlined on any device.

Everyone reading this right now has a ground floor opportunity because it does take a little extra effort to onboard users and educate them on the value of Webtalk's technology.

Thank you all for your patience and understanding, and for being a part of our Beta. We are all looking forward to changing the world with you!

Webtalk frequently asked questions: http://www.vkcw.net/wt
Alerts, tips and important updates on Telegram: https://t.me/WebTalkPro
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